General Question

lrk's avatar

Has anyone here had a frozen cocktail called a "Pink Squirrel"?

Asked by lrk (769points) October 17th, 2009

1 oz Creme de Noyaux
1 oz Creme de Cacao
1 oz Half and half
2 scoops of Vanilla Ice Cream.

Blend with ice.

It sounds delicious, but is it? I’m wondering whether it’s worth it to go out of my way to find Creme de Noyaux and Creme de Cacao to have this.

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10 Answers

proXXi's avatar

No, but I do like the occasional Pink Russian:



Strawberry Quik

If you aren’t sure you want to invest in making one yourself go out to a place that can make it for you.

avvooooooo's avatar

Sounds really good! Any halfway decent liquor store should have Creme de Cacao. The good ones would probably have Creme de Noyaux. You can probably call around and ask instead of running around looking. :)

Bluefreedom's avatar

No I haven’t but I have heard of a mixed drink called a Screaming Orgasm.

I like both the drink and the event itself.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

Yes, I’ve had Pink Squirrels. They’re very good. (so’s a screaming orgasm, Blue) :D

dalepetrie's avatar

Personally, I’d just go ahead and get the two things. First of, Creme de Cacao is a staple in my drink library because Grasshoppers are one of my favorite drinks (2 parts Creme de Cacao, 2 parts Creme de Menthe and 2 parts cream, or I sometimes will blend equal parts of the 2 creme liqueurs with vanilla ice cream, even better). And I would imagine you have an almond flavored liqueur and a chocolate flavored liqueur…hello, add some Malibu and mix it in something, you’ve got yourself something that would taste like an Almond Joy bar I’d imagine (wouldn’t be surprised if such a drink already existed).

TitsMcGhee's avatar

I haven’t had that combo personally, but the two cremes really aren’t that hard to find, if you know of a pretty well stocked liquor store near you. They aren’t ingredients in a lot of typical drinks you’d order in your normal bar, but they’re great in some more fancy and sweeter drinks. Look up some bartending websites, and I’m sure you can find plenty of drinks that you’ll love that have those as components.

brinibear's avatar

I sounds really good. I’ve had a Pink Elephant cocktail.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@avvooooooo Heeeeeeeeeere we go.

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