What would the mirror image of your life look like?
Asked by
jonsblond (
October 17th, 2009
Can you describe what your life would be like if every aspect of your life was the exact opposite of what you are living now.
What daily activity would you miss the most if your life suddenly became the opposite of what you are living now.
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34 Answers
I’d be poor, miserable, homeless and without children. Smarter, and much better looking.
I would be a guy in a small town, not going to college, interested mainly in math and science, who pays no attention to pop culture or media, who cares nothing for his appearance, who has a shitty personality and awful friends, who is vehemently straight-edge, who has a girlfriend but has not lost his virginity.
I would be homeless, sickly thin, I would probably have a child, and be in jail
I would be rich, have a home, get free sushi, own a private beach and be some how female.
I would live in a big city, I’d be short and fat, I’d have a perfect relationship, I’d have a relatively average home life and no pets.
Oh, and a car that doesn’t suck.
I’d be a male, overeducated minister, living in the suburbs, into exercise, cheating on my spouse. Who could sing.
I would not be on Fluther.
I’d be outgoing, impulsive and not very smart. I would also be a jock.
Depends on how far we’re going with this “opposite” idea.
My opposite may be female. My opposite may live underwater, Southeast of Madagascar. My opposite may actually have a girlfriend and a job. My opposite may have nice teeth.
I would be on the streets, I wouldn’t have my family, I would be alone, all alone. I would be sick, hurt, and I wouldn’t be me. OMG! I can’t even totally think what my reverse hypothetical life would be like. The thought just scares me.
I’d be a pale, blue-eyed, blonde-haired, tall, thin, stupid, religious, financially-rich, man, who is not married, still somehow (surprising given other circumstances) an extremely social lush, has no cats, abhors candy corn, does not Fluther or use the internet at all, hates science and art, is antagonistic, has countless friends. My parents would be dead, I would have an older sister. I’d be depressed and deadly serious all the time. Focused on being a cog in the system. Insensitive and blind to others. illiterate. diseased.
I would miss everything, but I would miss my husband most. :( Then again, without my current understanding and context, would I?
This is such a great exercise. It makes me feel really fortunate for what I do have. It’s also scary how closely the mirror me matches some of the people I simply cannot stand.
No thanks – aside from all other aspects, I don’t want to be gay. I like women too much.
I’d be a horny, promiscuous guy who took all kinds of crazy risks. I’d like things kinky, and like to be public about affection. I’d be white, and live in some small rural town. I wouldn’t have much of an education but probably be good at something that uses my hands. My parents would let me do whatever. I’d go to bed early. I’d like to cook. I would hate baseball. I’d be an only child. I’d be touchy-feely. I would do drugs and drink. I’d be a health nut and athletic.
I wouldn’t like boobs. I’d want anal sex. I’d never wear socks. I’d smoke. I’d be pale. I’d have perfect vision. I would have lots of friends. I wouldn’t believe in a higher being, and I would basically suck.
I’d miss helping people, that’s my passion in life. And being a language geek.
I would have hair, I would be short and fat, I would be female and a lesbian, have no quirky sense of humor, no talent or creativity, and I would lie through my teeth every time I opened my mouth.
Goddamn, I’d be Rosie O’Donnell.
Thank you everyone. This is fun. Looking forward to more!
id fit in somewhere, have friends that didnt use me, have a family that cared about me, would have a normal love life with girls who arnt crazy, and would be able to enjoy life.
it is a great question! I would be tall and willowy, extremely outgoing and girly and not at interested in athletic endeavors (so I wouldn’t have this damned sore knee!) I wouldn’t have any dogs or a cat or a chicken (how boring) and I would have kids instead (that is scary!) I would still be living on the east coast of USA. Would still be working in corporate environment, wow, I like it better how I am now!!!
I’d be a short, thin woman with straight blond hair and blue eyes. While I’d be very attractive, I’d be dumb as a post and not very street smart.
I would be single but have dated a lot of men and be quite promiscuous. Unfortunately, I wouldn’t really enjoy sex.
I would be extremely religious and believe almost everything I’m told. I would love sports, exercise and drink heavily. I’d also smoke and hate chocolate chip cookies.
I would have been the first born son of a loving close-knit family. I would have been outgoing, athletic and well liked, despite not being as bright as most.
I would have known my career goals early on and met the love of my life in my teens. In my 40s, I’d have a house for my own large family, and would have a short commute and a lucrative career. But I’d have little patience or compassion for others.
Instead of ordering tuna on whole wheat with coffee, I’d have chicken salad on rye with iced tea for lunch.
I would be married or engaged, not in college, may or may not have a boring unimportant job. For all intents and purposes I would be horribly miserable.
I sometimes think that I am miserable in my current life because I believe so many things are missing that could “make me happy”. But when I really think about how my life could be, even if I had the things I thought would make me happy, I realize that what I have is good. It can be better, but that takes time and patience on my part, and for right now I am happy and grateful for what I DO have.
I’d be fat but super healthy, tall, gorgeous, a genius but disgustingly lazy and somehow I’d be very wealthy and lucky, married with children but corrupt of spirit and values so that means I’d probably have other children all over the place and many vices for my wealth to contend with. My husband would despise me but insist on being married, the children would despise me but also strive for my approval. I’d be a major monstrosity instead of a minor one.
I’d listen to talentless and primitive music, like rap or death metal.
And I would be a Beatles fanboy
My mirror image didn’t cast a reflection so that in itself is dreadfully bad. I fear for my sanity. Whatever that other life may offer, I think I’m going to want it.
Some great answers…
I’d be my mother.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir: HaHaHa! Well, I guess the celebrity closest to my opposite would be Michael Vick!
Ray Ramano
(everybody loves Raymond was the best i could think of)
Great question! There are some things that would be great in my bizzaro world. I’d be completely healthy, pain-free, and gainfully employed, for instance. On the downside, I’d also be super Type A, and drive everyone around me crazy because of it. I wouldn’t be all that smart, and have no interest in the wider world around me. Worst of all, I wouldn’t have any children or pets, and I wouldn’t be married to the love of my life. On the whole, I think I’ll keep the life I have.
i would have no friends, not care for my family, hate dogs, retarded, dumb, hate school, hate light, love darkness, never get a dudefriend, never have a family, commit suicide
life would suck
i could probably have the ability to fly and breath fire, maybe feel no pain :)
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