Would you sacrifice one person to save ten?
Asked by
Samurai (
October 18th, 2009
It could even be 1 person to save 100, what would you do?
This debate mostly focuses on the question of “ends vs means”. Should we be justified in disregarding the rights of an tiny (innocent) minority in favor of the “greater good” of the society? Or should we forsake the lives of more innocent people just because of that one life?
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33 Answers
anyone but my family and a small hand full of other people and i could pull that trigger.
even if the gun was at my own head.
Lock stock and ready to rock.
No, the only person that I would have the right to do that to would be me. I would do it if it were me, but not if it were someone else, unless they were the one to make the choice.
I’d say it depends on the people and certainly depends on the reason. You could apply a morality algorithm that promotes the most happiness and relieves the most suffering. However, subjective values come into play when adjusting the values of suffering and happiness.
Every life is important. I do not believe in sacrificing one to save a million. If that one desires to sacrifice themselves I won’t put up a fight however. I also do not believe we have the power to judge that this one life is worthy of sacrifice.
I may change my mind depending on the circumstances so I won’t say I am all-or-nothing on this. But in general you can put my vote as “no”.
Yes absolutely. The needs of the many do outweigh the needs of the few.
It depends on who that one person is. If it was someone I didn’t have any attachment to, I probably would.. But it also depends on the mode of killing said person.
If you’re asking me to kill somebody I truly care about, it’s not going to happen.
I’d take myself first.
For all of you saying you would, think very carefully.
Would you kill everyone with AIDS to save people from getting it in the future? Same with any infectious deadly disease. You would save so many people simply by killing these people now.
Everyone thinks its the noble thing to do, but when it comes down to it, only the person who would die has the final say in the matter.
i could kill everyone with aids and HIV to get rid of the disease permanently
youre forgetting, i dont have a conscience or feel quilt. AKA im not a pansy.
give me a gun and tell me who to shoot.
It depends on the situation, I think. If I had to pull the trigger, then no. If it was a question of flipping a switch to save ten people without having time to save the one, then yes. If it was someone harming my loved ones, I would resort to violence but would strive not to kill.
That’s A LOT of people to kill if someone was to kill everyone with HIV/AIDS…
If they were asked if they would sacrifice themselves to prevent others from harm, and agreed, then go ahead. But especially children and people who are making a good impact on society, find a way to contain them and let them live their lives as happily as they can.
It may not be logical, but either is @kibaxcheza not being able to “feel quilt”.
If the one person was myself, yes.
Killing is the root of more killing. One to save thousands or even millions does not exist. The option you are given is to either keep killing or put down your weapon. Never is one life just for the lives of others. It is still a death.
I guess it depends on the situation, and who is willing to die for a cause.
When I wrote “yes”, it was after thinking it through and imagining different scenarios, which I won’t go into right now. I agree with most of what has been posted. I didn’t mean I’d just go and toss one extra man off the plane if it were suddenly overweight and in danger of crashing as a result – in order to save 10 others.
Maybe I would, but that’s not what I meant.
Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.
I have for 1–1 (kill one to save one)
@jackm Thanks. Makes everyday life kinda hard and a little strange. But in the end i think its worth it.
p.s. Are yall saying that given the chance you wouldn’t have killed Hitler on sight? Cuz i would have stared him in the eyes while i did it.
That depends on who the person I’d have to sacrifice is and who the 10 people I’m going to be saving are.
I could never sacrifice my family or friends, ever, for anyone.
There are no simple answers for this kind of ethical dilemma.
Removing the, why or what abouts.
Purely, killing one will save 10 or 100.
Yep. Not something I would yell, Miller Time,” after done.
But would do it.
No, I definitely would. You are confusing what I say is right, and what I would do.
I know for sure i could do it if its the hitler situation, or the like. But if its like, kill that god fearing patriot to save 10 other god fearing run of the mill Americans. I would look for any and all options to walk out followed by 11 of my country men.
But if it was an only a or b situation, my god have mercy on my soul for what i would have to do.
@ChazMaz On the other, you might really need a good homebrew right about then.
I think this is a better way to state this question – Would you save one person, or ten people. For those that say you wouldn’t sacrifice the one, then you are still sacrificing the ten, so I must say I disagree with you. KILL THAT MOFO!!!
@rangerr I just caught the spelling error. Im sorry, im partially dyslexic so sometimes stuff like that doesnt register what so ever. and in re-reading your post, yes, its a lot of people, something like ⅓ of Africa alone right? It would be a chore, but think of the long run. If someone would have done it while the infection was manageable, all those people would have one less worry, ya know? Im not saying i would feel righteous. Just that in the long run, it would be worth it. And as previously stated, i wouldnt want to be the one to do it, and i would look for another option, but if it boiled down to it, i would not hesitate in pullin that trigger.
@pikipupiba i hear ya brotha
@kibaxcheza I can understand killing someone like Hitler [or talking about Africa, Joesph Kony.] But not half a continent.. and what about the people that aren’t in Africa, but are still affected? That’s entirely too many people to just kill off.. I feel like that would have a negative effect on the world in some way..
And I’m sure you have a conscience, and I’m sure you feel guilt.. maybe not often though.
ive been guilt tripped and chew up and spit out over so many small things. I can literly do anything and not feel guilty. I dont play the nice guy anymore. I “cheated” on a girl friend by giving another friend a kiss good night. Her and Her friends made me feel so bad that i was sick for a weak, hardly talked for a month, and had my friends family and teachers concerned about my mental and physical health.
I dont have that emotion anymore, ive become so numb to it.
and yes, it very likely that killing that many people would have negative outcomes, but its all to variable to know. Im not saying thats my goal in life; just that i have the capacity.
@pikipupiba I said, earlier on, that I would in a second. I don’t think I can explain this, and I don’t really know if I would. I just think I would.
Absolutely-fucking-positively!!! As long as he’s jumped bail for the 10th time and he’s a real loser. Ya, I’ll track him down one more time and give him what he deserves.
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