Would you kill a bald eagle to save a person?
Asked by
jackm (
October 18th, 2009
What about 10, 100 or 1000 bald eagles? Would you wipe out every bald eagle to save one person? If yes to one, but no to every one, where is you limit and why?
What is the value of human life to you?
I know this is similar to the question about killing one to save 10, but it just got me curious.
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46 Answers
Never. What do those two things have to do with eachother anyways?
You would never kill a bald eagle to save a person?
You hold the value of 1 eagle over 1 human?
NO, I would never kill an animal for any reason at all
No, you wouldn’t do it, or no I’m wrong?
EDIT: after seeing your edit i understand.
Thats a pretty big statement. I hope you are joking.
If a bald eagle was eating someone’s face off- then yeah. I’d kill it. Beyond that? Dunno as I can’t see how killing a bald eagle would have anything to do with saving a human’s life.
Its hypothetical. But a real world example would be mosquito spay. There is a very good spray that saves many lives in africa, but it kills some baby bald eagles as a side effect.
What? I cant kill a bald eagle. but if it was attacking me, I would try to stun it with my looks if that doesn’t work, a stick or a rock. Then I will have major guilt.
@jackm Then I would say figure out a slight chemical modification to the spray that works on mosquitos but not on bebeh eagles.
If all other, and I mean ALL, options were failures… then yeah. But we should work on keeping a balance and ‘grow’ more bald eagles.
Yes, I agree. Thats why I put it hypothetically though. If it really came down to it I want to know what people would do.
…if the eagle was attacking a person to save it’s nest/eggs….... never
…if the eagle was attacking a child who accidentally wandered into the nest site… yes, if necessary [improbable since the eagles’ nesting sites are QUITE inaccessible ]
Yes, in a heartbeat. It’s an eagle, really.This is a human being we’re talking about. Bald Eagles haven’t been endangered since 1995.
Of course, if it’s an evil person, then the eagle lives.
@jackm Actually, no, I wasn’t joking. But I would seriously never kill it. That’s just me.
I wouldn’t wipe out an entire species to save a single person. But I definitely value human life over animals even though we are, on the whole, a bunch of shitheads.
Where is your limit then? When do bald eagles become more important that humans?
I value most human life over animals, but I wouldn’t kill an eagle to save a person b/c it doesn’t make logical sense that doing so would save anyone. But let’s assume that there is some bizarre Saw type situation where I had to choose. I wouldn’t want anybody’s blood on my hands so I probably wouldn’t kill the eagle. I don’t consider it murder for me to refuse to kill something else just so that someone else doesn’t murder someone. Now if it were my husband, parents, siblings, etc.? I would kill any animal probably. But other than that no.
@jackm Hm… I’m not sure. I don’t have an equation like 1 human = 10 eagles in my head or anything like that. It would depend on the exact circumstances. (Which, of course, I’m highly unlikely ever to experience, but it’s a damn hypothetical question. Why do so many people have such a hard time with that?)
Okay, the example of birds dying/people living with DDT use is easy to answer, in my opinion. I don’t want people to die, but I think it’s an unacceptable solution to wipe out another species in the process. Being that we are capable of high intellect, it’s our responsibility to find a way that doesn’t have such an adverse affect on other species.
Maybe that’s the wildlife biologist in me. Secondly, I’m having a hard time putting the two together, they seem so random.. bald eagles vs. a human life. I mean, if the eagle were attacking someone, then yeah, I would help them. But if I had to go find one and kill it in cold blood, then no.
And again, I think humans should curb their practices to have as minimal an impact on the planet as possible, human lives or not. I think human life has only slightly more value than other species, but that’s because I’m human and socialize with a lot of humans. I don’t think we have any more of a right to exist than does the bald eagle.
I can’t believe you guys are talking about killing my avatar!
Sneaking off to hide somewhere safe…....
No, I wouldn’t. I’m not going to kill an innocent creature just to save the life of another person. Just like I wouldn’t kill an innocent human to save the life of another one. I don’t value human life above all else – I value all life, equally.
Well if it was your eagle, I’d kill 1000 humans to save it.
If there was a real instance in which it was either the eagle or the human, I would gladly kill the eagle and feast on its roasted carcass ( mmm…eagle… :P ).
…....are you vegan?
…...... would you kill[..it is ‘kill’, even if you do so accidentally] to save yourself from an attack by the eagle ?
… do you kill bugs , live-trap mice ?
… do you drive after drinking ?
No, I’m not vegan.
I would only kill the eagle during an attack if it actually had a chance to kill me.
I do not kill bugs, spiders, mice, etc.
And no, I have never and will never drink and drive.
Lol, why the drinking and driving question?
@jackm….... think it about it a bit
I would kill over 9,000 bald eagles to save some one’s life.
not really. how gory would that be?.
I wouldn’t kill an eagle to save one persons life, I would kill a person to save an eagles life, or at least try to beat the crap out of them.
It is a bird…no comparison to human life. If my neighbor shot one and ate it because his family was hungry, I wouldn’t turn him in…I would ask him if it tasted like chicken.
It would depend on the eagle and the person in question.
yes, if the person was worth it.
Two perspectives:
1) An eagle can only kill so much humans. A human can kill a whole lot of eagles.
2) An eagle can probably save a few eagles, and at the rarest instances, a human. A human can save a lot of eagles and humans.
So really, it depends on the human’s ability to be more useful or more harmful to eagles and humans alike.
It depends which person. Some people I wouldn’t squash a fly for, others I would kill dozens of other humans for.
I favor humans over other animals. I also think it important to protect wildlife, not because other species have rights, but because of how much having natural habitats improves our lives, both physically and psychologically. If taking the life of a bald eagle or several of them saved the life of a human and did not threaten the species with extinction then I would kill the eagles.
At first, I was thinking well why couldn’t I just injure it…because I was thinking I’d be having to defend someone from the eagle…but, aren’t eagles really strong and mean? I know they have those long talons. Hell, I might run the fuck away if one started attacking. But, hypothetically..I guess if I accidentally killed it while trying to get it off of someone, such as hitting it with a stick, I’d feel really bad. But, the person deserves a chance.
“I definitely value human life over animals”
I would kill any amount of bald eagles to save one person, if doing so would cause no or insignificant pain to each eagle. But if the only option for killing a bald eagle requires it to feel a lot of pain, then I wouldn’t kill any at all to save a person.
If the eagle wouldn’t suffer other than well..death, then probably.
Yes, of course, if the alternative really means that a person has to die. Human life is more valuable according to my ethical standards. I know that some animal activists don’t share this view.
Have you seen an eagle? It’s gonna be pretty hard to put down a bird that can rip your flesh off unless you’re really good with a sword or super sharp knife. You can’t shoot the thing or throw a rock at it if it is attacking someone, you’ll endanger them. Don’t screw with an eagle man. Those birds can force democracy on your country.
If the eagles were pecking him/her to death. Because he was trying to hurt them.
No. Let them pick his bones clean.
If it was a person walking down the road and all the bald eagles in the world decided to attack that person. Like in the movie the birds.
Dam skippy, I would do what ever it took to save that person.
Save the human, first.
I take back that first statement. Human always comes first.
Depends on the situation, though I cannot conceive of such a situation, which makes this question irrelevant.
In general, I care more for animals than humans.
@tinyfaery ..... humans are animals, I believe…... thus your statement is nonsense!
You know what I mean. Get over yourself.
I would kill 1 or 2 for an adult. And i would kill up to ten for a kid. That’s about it, why is a persons life more valuable?
What about someone over 65?
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