I'm itchy. Why (womanly issues)
Everytime during my period when I’m getting near the end of it my pads start making me extremely itchy. It’s very uncomfortable, and I’m sure it’s the pads since it only happens after a few days of using them and goes away when I stop using them.
I’ve tried kotex and generic (meijer brand). Kotex doesn’t make me as itchy but they make me dry which is worse, as they are too absorbant for my body I guess.
I know this is kind of gross but am I forever doomed to this problem? I don’t really want to go to the doctor about this as I really don’t want to tell my mom I have an itchy vagina.
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28 Answers
pads have a lot of icky chemicals in them. Tampons are a little better, i think. Have you tried using tampons? You could also try switching to cloth pads, which you can either make on your own or buy from places like this one
You can also try using a menstrual cup like the Diva cup or the Keeper. They are a silicone or latex rubber cup that naturally catch the flow and dont dry you up like tampons or pads do. I have a Diva cup and i LOVE it.
This used to happen to me when I was young. My mother wouldn’t let me purchase tampons because she was afraid that I would lose my virginity to them. However, once I switched to tampons, I was so much more comfortable. I believe that tampons are more hygienic, and would not cause itching.
Vaginitis. You really should tell the doc, but you can treat it w/over the counter methods (unless it’s bad…then you will need antibiotics).
Like @hannahsugs I use a Diva.
Maybe its time to move to washable pads , or the cup and see if that helps any . But it wouldn’t hurt going to the docs , case something worse is afoot
I use a divacup, too! (Wooo, @hannahsugs and @SpatzieLover)! Google them, @hug_of_war – the idea might freak you out at first, but they’re amazing once you get used to it – and it definitely won’t dry you out or make you itch. I’m pretty sure that both pads AND tampons have lots of nasty chemicals on them that can lead to the irritation you’re describing. If you get itchies at the end of your cycle while using cloth pads or a diva, then it’s time to visit the doc – or at least mention it at your yearly checkup.
Also, using cloth pads or a re-usable cup is MUCH better for the environment and will save you lots of money in the long run :-)
Lurve all around for using Divacups! I get so excited when other people use them, too.
Are you using the pads that have scents to them? If so I assume that could maybe cause itching…it’s just more chemicals that you don’t need rubbing against you down there. If not then I’m drawing a blank :(
it’s a low-level or subclinical yeast infection- you only notice it around your period- it’s easy to buy medication for it at the drugstore. stay hydrated too, that’ll help alot
I was going to say yeast infection, too. Talk to you dr. about it. You may be having something going on there that you’re not aware of. Check it out.
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only cotton.But I usually have instant relief the moment I remove the pad.
@SpatzieLover just a clarification about toxic shock syndrome – some strains of a bateria called staph aureus release toxins as they invade mucus membranes like the vagina. Microabrasions little scrapes of the surface inside the vagina can set the process off – most likely to happen when tampons are relatively large or relatively dry when they’re removed. It’s why we recommend that women not use tampons on light flow days. There’s a theoretical risk of TSS if a diaphragm is left in for a long time although I’ve never actually seen a case report. Anyway, I’ve also never seen a case report of TSS from pads.
@hug_of_war Then either try a Diva with a thin pantyliner…or if you insist on using pads, switch to a thinner more breathable brand Always are very good and allow more brathing room
As @SpatzieLover if you wanna keep using pads try Always, they are the best in my opinion.
I’ve also just done a quick google search, and Seventh Generation pads say they’re whitened without chlorine and better for sensitive skin than typical pads. You could give those a try if you’re squeamish about trying a Divacup.
@fireinthepriory Yep…it’s prolly the chlorine (just like baby diapers causing rashes) that’s causing her itch!
I’ve never used pads in my life. Only tampons. But if you want to use them, it looks like there’s a lot more to choose from than there used to be. Tampons would keep the blood away from your skin better, & that may be a better solution.
You might want to try a moisturizer towards the end. There are several on the market for this kind of dryness, or you could just use vaseline.
ooops. wrong thread. i’ll be going now. . .
Another vote for the flannel pads. I’ve had the same set for years. (Imagine not buying pads for more than a decade!) They work great, are totally comfortable, and I don’t itch.
yep use cloth pads or the divacup
i’m sold on them!
oh and in the meantime, baby powder
I agree with @SpatzieLover that you should consult your doctor just t be sure. I use tampons preferably but used pads for a long time as a teenager. The problem I found with them was, because I had a heavy flow, I had to use really thick ones to feel secure that I wasn’t going to have leakage problems (I am aware that this is probably far to much info and I apologise for that!). I found pads made me feel quite sweaty down below and so this often caused a small amount of itching. It was a relief when I moved over to tampons but if I do wear pads now I find Always to be the best option.
Thank you everyone for your replies, they were a great help to me
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