Do you ever have nightmares based on something you read or viewed on television or in a movie?
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DominicX (
October 19th, 2009
You’d think that with the amount of fascination I have for the unexplained and the fact that I deal in writing horror and I love things like ghost stories that I’d have more nightmares, but surprisingly I don’t. (Just jinxed it, I know). For me, the scariest dreams are more night terrors where there isn’t really anything specific that’s scary in the dream, it’s just a general feeling of fear. Additionally, I have been known to have a dream where I was convinced there was a ghost in the house and it’s very creepy.
My boyfriend told me that he had a nightmare about a demonic pig named Jodie last night. I told him he could blame me for that one….lol…I feel bad…me and my Amityville Horror ruining people’s sleep experiences… :(
Surprisingly enough, I don’t think I’ve ever had a dream based on “The Amityville Horror”.
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31 Answers
Yes sometimes. More so when I was younger though.
It happens to me all the time! Usually parts of a movie or book invade my dreams, and totally freaks me out because then I can differentiate between reality and a dream.
I had awful awful apocalyptic nightmares after seeing The Ya-Ya Sisterhood for the first time. I have no idea why though, I love the movie.
The Shining gave me awful nightmares. The book, not the movie. It’s the only book in all of my life to give me nightmares. Movies, not so much anymore, but when I was a kid, hell yeah.
I have some creepy dreams all the time. I just hate the yearly Halloween one. I’m not even scared of clowns, but “IT” is chasing me.
@SheWasAll_ Really? I didn’t find the book scary at all. Once the actual ghosts started showing up, I lost interest. But I guess everyone is different.
I used to get a lot of movie-related nightmares. And when I watched multiple movies in one day, they movies would often mix and create pretty weird results (one example being a dream in which Darth Vader was on the Titanic and died in the freezing water).
Now though, not so much. Maybe I’ve just been exposed to so many creepy things that it doesn’t affect me as much anymore. Or that I just don’t watch horror movies these days…
Not usually. There have been books or movies that freaked me out so that I had a hard time falling asleep, though. I don’t like horror movies. They stress me out so I avoid watching them.
However, when I was in high school Silence of the Lambs (the movie) came out. I didn’t really want to see it, but when it was finally on video my two best friends and I rented it. We watched it, and I actually thought it was a really good movie. I don’t remember being terrified of it.
Several weeks later, I had the most horrible dream about Hannibal Lecter. I was in a building that seemed to consist only of narrow hallways (dark, of course), with lots of twists and turns. Lecter was stalking me through these hallways, and I could always hear him just around the corner, mocking me. I woke up in a panic, and for days had a hard time sleeping because I worried I would have that dream again.
Yeah, TV shows, movies, and books invade my dreams for sure. I did have a really f-ing scary nightmare after watching the new Texas Chainsaw Massacre, which was weird to me because that doesn’t usually happen.
I’ve never seen the exorcist, only read the book, and a few years after reading I had a nightmare about meeting a possed little girl similar to Regan in the book. She told me she was possed by Azazarel (sp? an actuall biblical im not religious or even entirley sure how/why I know I that). Her eyes and mouth were complete black voids with electricity shooting around the insides.
@ParaParaYukiko Yeah, it was mainly the scene in the Topiary Garden with the animal shrubbery slowly coming to life and moving towards him. It freaked me out. Also, I was in 6th grade when I read it….haha.
I once was at an Argento binge, and I suddenly had nightmares that were gory and bloody. I had to stop for a while.
Things I read/watch/listen to (I’m a big fan of audio fiction) pop up in my dreams quite often. Most of the time, though, the things that cause nightmares are news reports, not fiction. I also can’t watch L&O: SVU. That gives me nightmares, too.
My grandmother (who was not easily scared and loved horror) said that the only part of The Shining that truly scared her was the topiary garden moving (she read it when she was around 60). My mom agreed with that part being the scariest. My grandmother also said that the one of the few scenes in a movie that scared her was the scene with the red eyes of Jodie the pig in the window at night in The Amityville Horror. I have to say I jumped when I saw that.
I have never had that happen, and I’ve seen a lot of horror movies. Wow.
The thing that I’ll say scared me the most in any movie ever was when the alien baby burst out of John Hurt’s stomach in Alien.
My dreams are based on people I know discovering my worst fears and then playing them out in front of everybody.
Ghosts, monsters, demons, zombies, eh, not scary, as I never dream about that crap. My nightmares are more psychologically horrifying.
I have watched so many zombie movies in the past 3 months that when I do have dreams about zombies coming to get me, they’re actually kind of humorous.
@aprilsimnel me too!! That was a great movie.
When I was really little, I guerss I must have seen at least part of the movie Them, about giant ants. I used to have recurring nightmares about seeing ants looming above the trees around my house.
The only time this happened to me was when I read this book series in the first grade. The first one was called The Castle in the Attic, and it was a sweet story about a boy and his toy castle, which becomes real, and the adventures he has there. In the second book, he goes back to the castle, but it becomes infested by these horrid foot-long rats. They can swim, they can climb, they can gnaw through wood, and they will stop at nothing to eat some yummy human flesh. They are basically always-chaotic evil, like the Reavers from Firefly (other really bad nightmare.) And there are tons of them. I don’t know how the hell this was a children’s book, but I had nightmares for weeks of giant rats jumping out from behind things to eat me.
The movie Signs really got to me. I was already frightened of the dark and tall weeds around my house. At the time the view from my bed was the high-contrast next-door neighbor’s roof, where I was convinced a similar alien silhouette would appear at any moment. I too (prior to seeing the movie) was paranoid about the contents of my water, and left glasses full around the house.
I’m still pretty unnerved by the darnkess
Nope. Anytime I have a nightmare/vivid dream it based on some form of anxiety about the coming day.
Maybe, the flying monkey’s. If I have a nightmare, I must admit I like the adrenalin rush, waking up all sweaty and glad the witch is gone.
Like others have said, being overtired, extreme anxiety and often what foods you eat can induce weird dreams. I prefer the happy, exciting dreams like I had when I was a kid-flying high, but they are rare. Any dreams are a good thing for me although I have heard having no dreams is the most restful sleep.
Never. I rarely have nightmares to begin with. I did for the first time in a while today while I was taking a nap. Two separate ones, and both of them involved missing a class. I was freaking out and crying in the dreams because I either lost track of time or couldn’t print out my assignment in time, haha. Apparently I am a huge nerd.
I’ve had dreams like that before. Before senior year started last year, I had a series of dreams about being late for class or forgetting assignments…they sucked. :(
@SheWasAll_ Yeah, things do tend to be scarier when you’re younger. xD If I had read The Shining when I was in 6th grade rather than when I was 21, I probably would have had a different opinion on it.
It’s interesting how some people stop being scared of horror movies when they grow up, but others don’t. When I was young I watched the remake of “House on Haunted Hill” and it scared the living daylights out of me. I watched it again last year and just laughed at how bad it was. Yet I still don’t like to watch horror movies alone, and none of my friends like them at all, so I don’t watch them very often these days.
My nightmares are usually about ghosts or they are stress dreams about work (forgetting about a table, not being able to find a computer to enter an order, etc.). Saying it like that sounds so mild compared to how it feels in the dream… STRESS!
as a kid I had a recurring nighmare about Dick Dastardly’s car from the Wacky Races. nothing specific just panic and the car. I still loved the cartoon.
YES! nightmare on elm street…I’m still scared of that now. I went to the movies to see Zombie land 2 weeks ago and there was a preview for the new movie…I can say since Robert Englund wont be playing him maybe i wont be as scared but I still had a nightmare about him that night. Freaks me out cause i feel like he could get me in my dreams :-( i’m such a baby.
I have loads of zombie nightmares based on the fact that I have watched countless zombie movies and played countless zombie games. I don’t really think of them as nightmares though as I quite enjoy them even when they have a small element of fear. My actual nightmares don’t reflect horror movies and scary creatures, but more shocking real life revelations. I can’t really explain any or would want to as they are personal and even if I did the effect would be lost as they are only significant to myself.
I usually only have nightmares related to movies/TV when my subconscious jumbles random facts into a conglomeration of randomness that at the time terrifies me…even though they’re pretty ridiculous like:
Mr. Krabs was hiding in my house and waiting for me to walk down the hall so he could smother me to death with a shamwow.
And no.. I really don’t watch THAT much TV (lol)
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