Do you think an enema can be erotic?
Asked by
moparman (
October 19th, 2009
I think some people like getting or giving an enema.. How do you feel about this…
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61 Answers
Do an unfiltered Google image search for “erotic enema”. . .
. . .and then you tell me.
All I can relate an enema to is a colonoscopy. Not erotic.
That is most unerotic thought I have ever had. Ewww.
Gross, I see nothing erotic in it at all. Relieving? Yes.
Oh nasty! I don’t see anything erotic about that.
So if you think it is gross do you have personal experiance with it.. the anal stimulation can be erotic to some…
The book does mention warm water enemas for hypothermia. Speedy core warming.
That is a fetish for some people. Tristan Taormino wrote about seeing a dominatrix and getting an enema during the session. When I worked at the sex shop, we used to sell them, but I think most of the people who bought it just wanted to be really really clean before anal sex.
Yes, it is a big fetish for some.. I like to give some soap suds myself….
What??!! Erotic??!! Good God!
I’m guessing the reason most people react so negatively to the idea is the association with feces and the anus being “dirty”, which I can definitely see. However, I could also see how the anal stimulation could be very pleasurable, especially for males (since we have that very sensitive prostate). Plus, the medical detachment the whole process is surrounded in could be a turn-on for some.
@jbfletcherfan – It was a reference to a bad vampire movie called “30 Days of Night”.
@Blondesjon – Is that line in the comic? Or did they just turn the vampires into nihilists for the film?
Sure – it is right up there with a bucket of dog vomit.
@Hobbes Oh, okay. I’ve never heard of that movie. :-/
@jbfletcherfan – Don’t worry, you’re not missing much. Read the comic, though – it’s fantastic
OMG, the only one I’ve ever had was when I was in labor. Erotic? No effing way!!!
anal sex is fun, an enema might be fun, but sounds messy. Want to have some real fun, take some of those industrial strength suppositories, you know, the kind they give you right before a colonoscopy exam. There’s some erotic fun for you, if you like cramps and shitting yourself inside out.
Do I think it can be erotic? Honey, everything is erotic to someone, somewhere.
Do I think it can be erotic for me? Oh, hells no.
i think what might be erotic is if someone else gave it, and it would be a domination thing. if someone wanted to be dominated, that might be a way. i think enemas were very popular in the 40s and 50s, and i think a lot of people that were from that generation have fond memories of them, like it made a real impression on them. i have never been given an enema by another person, but i say don’t knock it till you’ve tried it.
by the way, welcome to Fluther, Moparman. Nobody seems to have welcomed you yet.
@laureth Like rule 34— if it exists, there IS porn of it.
The Mayans used to give themselves enemas of beer.! They really took their partying seriously.
It’s interesting to me that so many of the people here who react in the negative do so in the strongest possible terms. What about it is so repellant? Poop is coming out, sure, but that happens in the bathroom too.
Not for me, not at all. Shit is not something that I think is sexy in any shape, way or form.
Look, the whole concept of explosive diarrhea is really nasty. Now if that’s what floats your boat, go for it ( I guess)
if having to urgently evacuate your bowels and loudly spray out all contents- both what was already there and imported via hose (hopefully not before you reach the toilet) makes you feel sexy…...then um, sure. :/
I personally don’t find anything about the anus or rectum ‘sexy’ at all, but as I’ve learned, there’s about a thousand different fetishes. Giving/receiving enemas is only one of many.
giving/receiving enemas HAS to be better than rimming.
@figbash If it exists, someone has a fetish for it, and there is a porn about it.
@lefteh, I did try rimming, and it was not an experience I’ll ever try again.
@Hobbes Finding an enema, erotic.
It’s just so, well… no. Not erotic. Not even a little.
Well, I think for some people it’s pleasurable because it’s a way to stimulate the prostate, which can be quite erotic. The eroticism isn’t necessary connected to an attraction to feces – it also has to do with the domination/submission implied by the doctor/patient relationship and by the invasiveness of the act. Also, while you might not find it so, I think saying it’s twisted for someone else to think an enema is erotic is rather overstepping your bounds.
Anyone interested in what the fetish is actually called, instead of just being all “Ewwwwww!” over it—Klismaphilia
Agreed with @Hobbes…I’m finding it rather disheartening that so many jellies who are usually very open-minded are not only very quick to dismiss the idea of eroticism connected to enemas, but also so willing to place a negative value judgment on it. And not even a well-thought out, supported judgment — so many of you have responded with “ew,” “ick,” “ugh,” or misleading or unnecessarily strong diction such as “vomit” and “twisted.”
I’m not particularly turned on by enemas, but I wouldn’t ever say that someone who is is wrong or gross or “icky.” Who has the authority to deem a fetish disgusting?
Fluther has disappointed me tonight :’(
@lefteh different strokes for different folks. just be glad no one asked about giving enemas to farm animals.~
I just want to be really clean before anal sex. I don’t find it really a turn on at all.
@lefteh – I mean, to be fair, poop is pretty gross. Also, I think it’s safe to say that most people do not find enemas erotic, and that’s fine, as long as no one’s passing judgement.
@Hobbes Yes…poop is gross…but that’s not the part that is arousing to those who enjoy it.
I agree; it’s fine to say that most people don’t find them erotic, but no one should pass judgment on those who do.
@lefteh – I know, but enemas do result in poop, and thus are associated with it. Yup, I think we’re agreed there. =]
Was it the Mayans…? Didn’t they give each other alcohol enema’s during their orgies? It’s supposed to get you way drunk way faster.
I think an enema can be erotic, but not form me!
@lefteh I don’t think that you can take the strong negative reaction of “ick” as in indictment of anyone who does enjoy enemas as a sexual fetish. I think it’s more of an indicator of the strength of the cultural bias against exposure to bodily waste. We’ve been taught (pretty much accurately) that fecal waste is a source of potential health hazards. Those who are not into it not only don’t find it arousing, they find the thought repulsive. Therefore you get a pretty strong “no”, which does not in itself count as “passing judgment”. In my own case, at least, I’m perfectly happy to have others do whatever consensual activity that they want in their own homes (minus children and animals, of course).
@syz I dunno, I can sure take it that way. Enemas aren’t my thing but I’d never dream of reacting the way a lot of Jellies are reacting to it because if they were my thing, reading these reactions would make me feel horribly judged.
Also, just a little nitpick: since animals and children can’t consent, your last little bit in parentheses is redundant. <3
i think the eroticism lies not necessarily in the actual shitting, but in the control that the recipient would give of one of the most basic bodily functions. if you look at websites that deal with this fetish, the sexual part does not usually deal with the shit, it deals with the control and domination, the invasiveness of the procedure, and the pain that can be caused by the enema solution. Enemas are part of the BDSM lifestyle, and, although i have not received one given by another person (except once when i was little) i would say as i said before, don’t knock it till you’ve tried it.
Yes, you are correct that it is very intimate and there is a great deal of trust that the person has to have to allow it to be done.. Klismo’s do not enjoy the poop necessarily, it is the act of giving or receiving.. With someone anally inclined it can be a big turn on and being new to the site I am surprised at the lack of understanding in general… There are all kinds of dirty little fetishes and as jca said it was a very common thing in the 50’s and 60’s and there are many more people into it than you think.. google enemas4fun and see….
i, also, am surprised at Fluther’s close mindedness on this topic.
jellyfish have very tender rectums?
Do Jellyfish in the wild even poop at all?
“I don’t think that you can take the strong negative reaction of “ick” as in indictment of anyone who does enjoy enemas as a sexual fetish”
We have a strong disagreement here. If I tell you that I have a foot fetish, for example, and you reply with “ick,” I would feel awfully judged, like @MacBean said.
I didn’t mean any harsh judgment by it.. you asked our opinion on it, and that was the first thing that came to my mind. Which would be my opinion.
I disagree, I still think the strong negative indicates a strong cultural bias rather than judgment. I have plenty of, um, tendencies that my partner literally says “oh, ick” to, and I just shrug it off as ‘not her thing’.
You can only feel judged if you allow yourself to feel judged.
A person who is truly comfortable with who he/she is shouldn’t even give a fuck.
Other peoples opinions. . .ICK.
good point…you have to be comfortable with who you are and what you like and the hell with everyone else.. I agree
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