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KatawaGrey's avatar

What is the worst part of your job?

Asked by KatawaGrey (21493points) October 19th, 2009

I work at Hot Topic and we sell jewelry for all sorts of piercings. Normally, I love helping people with the jewelry they’re picking out and having discussion with them about what they’re buying but the other day, one guy went a little too far. We have this one set of odd rings that is meant to be put in the ears but are small enough to be used for multiple piercings.

The other day, this guy comes in and is looking at these odd rings and asks me what they are and I tell him. He then proceeds to tell me that they would make great nipple rings. After I laugh kinda nervously with a fake smile plastered on, he tells me that wants to get corset piercings and use these rings. I’d have to say that the worst part of my job is hearing about the kinds of piercings from people that I don’t want to hear about.

I’m terrified that someone is going to ask me about our Prince Albert piercings.

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26 Answers

DarkScribe's avatar

Having to fire people. It is the only thing that I really have difficulty with – every other aspect is either interesting or at least not too boring.

hug_of_war's avatar

that it doesn’t exist

deni's avatar

I hate working at night, I hate being really dirty every day when I leave work, I hate that when it’s hot outside I sweat fifty pounds off and when it’s cold outside I’m shivering all night…..I hate heavy boxes, especially the ones with fireplaces in them. I hate dropping things on my feet, and I really strongly dislike some of the hicks that I work with that always seem to want to talk to me. I enjoy talking, but I don’t wanna hear about these people’s anger problems or how they hit one of their old coworkers with a piece of steel pipe.

Allie's avatar

A woman named Stella.

laureth's avatar

The sheer boredom at entering repetitive data, and having almost no excuse to walk around or stretch. (I’m timed, so if I take a few minutes to walk around or stretch when I should be working, I appear to be working slower.) But seriously, 8 hr/day of entering credits and titles? It’s sleepy-making.

Beats looking for work, though, by a long shot!

Psychedelic_Zebra's avatar

when a pissed off truck driver decides it is my fault he can’t find the trailer he is looking for in the plant, or when some dumbass decides they know my job better than I do, and decides to tell me how to run my security shack.

These are rare occasions, though, and my job is one of the high points of my day.

summerlover's avatar

having to care for a young person during and after organ donation…cleaning them up and putting the toe tag on…placing them on the morgue stretcher…it is devastating…I know many people will benefit from the organs provided but it is still really truely devastating maybe I shouldn’t write this, but it is really difficult. I think so much about their families, hoping they will have some peace but it is just hard…..

jca's avatar

i would answer different things depending on when you asked me. some days, it’s dealing with the bitchy public. some days, it’s going out in the field and dealing with traffic, driving, rushing around. some days it’s not having much to do and trying to look busy. at least right now i have a good supervisor. in the past, when i could not stand my supervisor, i would have said “my supervisor is an asshole” and that would have been the worst part.

Haleth's avatar

I’m a waitress. When I was new at this type of work, dealing with angry customers used to leave me frazzled, but it becomes easy to anticipate people’s needs and reactions. I usually average around 18–20%. Once a week or so I am the only server on duty, which means a maximum of maybe 20 tables. This is a really unusual arrangement, I think- most places err on the side of caution and give a waiter only a few tables at a time. Every once in a while there are difficult or demanding customers; every waiter sees a few. I actually like the challenge of trying to figure these people out and make them leave happy, but it is a greater investment of time. When the restaurant is full and I’m the only one there, my time is precious and I have to make sure everyone gets served in a timely manner. If one table is asking for four rounds of complimentary bread, water with sugar and extra, extra lemon (to make lemonade at the table), taking years to make up their mind, or making tons of fiddly substitutions that I have to explain to the line cook in Spanish, it’s taking time away from my other tables. I don’t really mind these things, but if a person is rude on top of this they will become a low priority for me, because I have an entire restaurant full of other people to help. I feel bad about having this callous attitude, and I wouldn’t be surprised if people are offended to hear that, but I have to prioritize to make as much money as possible. I don’t think there is really a “worst part” of my job, though, because the cook and the busperson work really hard and for longer hours than I do. Anything I could say- maybe my feet hurt sometimes or I spill food all over myself or something- they deal with that stuff ten times worse than I do. They’re really nice guys, too.

@KatawaGrey It sounds like this dude was getting a little turned on by oversharing about his piercings. It’s tough to deal with pervy customers, but if you’re assertive they can’t get away with that crap.

derekpaperscissors's avatar

What’s a Prince Albert?
Anyway, the 9–6 bears heavy on my other interests and hobbies and I also hate dealing with incompetent people and arrogant bosses.
Sometimes, I feel like the main guy in “Office Space.” Now if I could only figure out a way to cue and play hip-hop tracks at the background.

KatawaGrey's avatar

@Haleth: Actually he was high as a kite. My managers could smell the pot on him from across the store.

@derekpaperscissors: It’s a piercing of the skin on the underside of the penis. I really don’t want to have that talk with anyone.

XOIIO's avatar

Well, soon it will be having to get a huge whiff of propane when I fill up a tank.

rangerr's avatar

Stupid customers.
and fish.

KatawaGrey's avatar

@rangerr: The same day as piercing guy came in, a girl came in looking for shoes. When I asked her what size she was she said, “What do you mean by size?” I thought she was making a joke but she just stared blankly back at me waiting for my answer…

tinyfaery's avatar

Well, someone called today and told me to fuck-off and die; that was fun. No really, it was.

Eh. I don’t care enough about my job to hate anything.

NewZen's avatar

I am very fortunate in that I love what I do. I wake up every morning (or start my day after fluthering all night, and thank the stars for my career. What is the worst part? Maybe because I deal with people, there are bound to be some I do not like as much. There are always going to be unsatisfied “customers” (I teach, thus the quotation points) and negative feedback; being slightly thin-skinned, I take things too personally sometimes. The upside is that I enjoy what I do, and most of the time, I’m told, I do it well.

Haleth's avatar

@KatawaGrey Woah, that sucks! And it sucks for him, too. Getting high and hanging out at the mall… there’s a dude who knows how to have a good time.

At one of my previous jobs, there was an older man with piercing blue eyes and white, white hair who had a thing for one of our managers. She told me that he’d try things on and leave the door of the fitting room open, or he’d ask for help with something and surprise! He’d be naked when she went to answer his question. I didn’t understand why she didn’t call the cops- she was normally very assertive, and we could have been rid of him. If anything like that happened when I was there, I would call the police in a heartbeat, but I couldn’t do anything on just hearsay. He wasn’t scared of me or anything he just liked this particular woman. It made me nervous because I was a manager and if anything went wrong it was my responsibility. Another time this lady tried on a see-through outfit and some shoes, and went walking around the store in it for almost a damn hour. She exchanged business cards with another customer. I called the GM and asked if I could kick her out, and her response was, “Well, she might buy something!” Okaaaay…

gottamakeart's avatar

The usual crap I’ve suffered from every job, lousy hours (esp night.) at least one if not more annoying co-workers, menial-tedious repetitive tasks, (and being spoken to like I’m simple)and one or more phony A-hole managers. the worst part? “I’m not the boss”

fireinthepriory's avatar

I don’t like that I don’t have weekends. I guess a lot of people don’t, but it sucks to not have any days off. Otherwise I adore my job (which is sort of school and sort of a job, by the way. I’m in graduate school for biology so I’m not doing classes – just research).

augustlan's avatar

Dealing with my boss. Andrew requires constant ass-kissing. ;-)

jonsblond's avatar

I never get a raise. I never get thanked. I’m on call 24/7. I can never make a meal that everyone will like. I get a phone call if I’m 1 minute late picking up the precious cargo from scholastic bowl practice but they can’t answer the phone while playing Guitar Hero at a friends house.

If this is the worst, I’ll take it. There is no better job than being a stay at home parent. At least for me. =)

judochop's avatar

I’d have to say the constant marketing reports, video and
photo recaps and ad building. Other than that my
job rules.

jca's avatar

@tinyfaery : you have probably mentioned it before, but what kind of place do you work in where that kind of thing happens? just curious.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Unreliable co workers most of the time.

tinyfaery's avatar

@jca I’m a legal assistant. ‘Nuff said.

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