How do you recognize, and how do you deal with, a very drunk person?
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Sarcasm (
October 20th, 2009
Long story short, today while at my typical Monday night meetings at a Mexican fast food place, we came in contact with a very drunk man.
Two of my friends recognized it very early on, and mimed to the rest of us that he was drunk. But it took me 2 hours to recognize—the point at which he came over to us and started saying that we were “flapping our mouths” about Mexicans and how he was gonna have a fight with us if we kept it up.
From my point of view, up until that confrontation, he seemed like he was just a normal guy minding his own business, eating his meal, texting someone.
When the guy came up to us quite angry, the only thing that calmed him down was one of my friends threatening to call the cops on him.
When you’re in a public place, a restaurant, wherever, what are some signs you look for to see if a person nearby is drunk (or otherwise, far gone)?
If that person starts to confront you for whatever imaginary reasons, how do you react?
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15 Answers
If that person starts to confront you for whatever imaginary reasons, how do you react?)
It depends entirely on how big he is, and whether you are alone or with people who rely on you for protection. Walk away is usually the best approach. (No pun intended,)
As for determining whether someone is drunk, it comes back to body language – confronting stares, exaggerated movements, unsteady gait etc. It comes with practice. I have at various times in my life (usually when I have returned to University) worked as Barman and a Taxi Driver. With both occupations being able to assess a person’s state of inebriation is crucial.
Normally person’s behavior being exaggerated in some way, either too much laughing, shouting, threatening, saying nonsense, is indication of being drunk. Alcohol lifts the conscious barriers people have through their social upbringing, and emphasizes the “true”, “natural” traits of a person. It’s typically easy to realize both that the person lost his/her social restraints, and what trait is being unleashed.
As for what to do if the person confronts you, it does depend on the situation. Walking away is indeed most often the best option.
You may also try to play along, or threaten the person. Drunk people usually would be more direct, kinda like children, so more direct actions might have effect.
If nothing else works, remember that drunk people have their reaction speed, coordination and motion impaired, so normally they’d be a lesser opponent in a fight. (not that I advise you to start a fight).
I was in Germany after a long night of being told by a woman from Ireland that I was the worst dancer ever. I went to McDonald’s. It was between the bar and the hostel… Sue me.
A random mute guy came up and grabbed my beer in a McDonald’s and started drinking it. I said nothing.
And it rocks that you can get booze at 4 am in a McDonald’s in Germany.
Usual signs: Talking to himself, trying to make eye contact with people, random babbling, making people feel uncomfortable
What I do: Leave. Or call a person of authority. Confrontation is usually futile
2 hours at a Mexican fast food restaurant, what kind of meeting were you holding? Was the drunk guy there the whole 2 hours? Does the staff just not care what goes on at this joint? Is it possible the staff was stoned off pot and just doesn’t care or is lazy?
@peedub No special meeting. We’re there every Monday night, some of our group stays until the place closes down. The staff doesn’t care. We buy their food, we respect other customers. If they asked us to leave, we would. What does that have to do with the drunk guy?
@DarkScribe @gagara Until the point that the guy came up to us, I hadn’t heard the man say a thing. He was just sitting at his table quietly, apparently waiting for his wife. Not like he was stumbling around the place for half an hour talking to himself and glaring us down.
Common indications that someone is drunk:
– repeating phrases/points
– eyes and head move independently of each other
– slow, constant swaying of the body
– being overly flirtatious with someone much less good-looking
Okay, the last one was a joke… but anyway:
@gagara (Belligerent) drunk people also have less inhibitions and more resistance to pain, so I’d be careful about writing a drunk guy off as an easy opponent…
@peedub If the staff were “stoned off pot”, I’m sure they wouldn’t want a loud, drunk guy around making a scene. Ridiculous claim, by the way.
I look for allies and don’t let him drive his car.
How do you recognize a very drunk person?
I usually trip over ‘em….
How do you recognize a very drunk person?
Well, if I am drunk too, I have to squint a bit.
Did you ask the friends who were there with you how they knew right off the bat that he was drunk? From the way you describe the situation it’s difficult to know what it was that they picked up on since he seemed pretty quiet and innocuous prior to confronting you.
Another way to tell, especially after several hours is the smell. If someone qualifies as being very drunk, their odor precedes them.
One of the best ways to deal with an angry drunk is to not get ‘into it’ with them. Agree with what they say, apologize, and get out of the way (literally move yourself). If they follow you then don’t talk to them any longer and call someone else to deal with the situation.
As far as recognizing a drunk person this is just a “skill” can I call it a skill? that comes with practice, unfortunately.
i am drunjk and i recognize myself.
I worked at subway in a area where there was lots of bars so seeing drunks was normal. First the smell alone tips you off. Their speech, and the body language. They can’t stand up, all wobbly, I made a sandwich one time for a guy who almost fell asleep after I ask him what bread he wanted, I woke him up, we preceded. He was very hard to understand. Well finally I got to end . He paid for his sandwich. He opened it up right there and took a bit , weavingly, dropping half the veggies on the floor. Looked at me and threw the sandwich at me. Literally! I was like whoa. Time for you to leave. He did as he was calling me a bitch all the way to the door. Yes, the fun times I had working at Subway on Broadway.
A drunk person exaggerates everything. Separate yourself from them.
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