Why could you never be a Fluther moderator?
Many wonderful Jellies have been awarded moderator status. This is a thankless job, and they do it for free, and the only perk is the moderator label on their home page. I like almost all the moderators, and I am thankful they are here to keep the peace and to keep Fluther running smoothly. I could never be a moderator because I am a stubborn old Belgian and it’s pretty well known that I don’t always play well with others. What about you? What personality quirk or type do you have that keeps Bendrew from smacking you in the head with the ‘Mod Wand’?
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51 Answers
Im too punk for that shit,
the stick they’d have to install into my ass.
it’s exit only, folks.
Because I couldn’t delete answers, I am for freedom of speech
Well, I think I could do it. Mainly because I have experience. I was a moderator on another site for almost 2 years and I did pretty well there. I removed posts, sorted questions, and even banned users. And that site was a lot more unruly than this site. I don’t think of it as being difficult and I think could do it. Who knows? Maybe I would be totally wrong for it if I were a moderator here, but I think it would probably be fine.
Because I’m almost exclusively accessing fluther via iPhone.
I could, but it would take away much of the fun. You have to be very circumspect, mind both your manners and your attitude, and in many cases not enter into debates that you feel strongly about for fear of influencing some of the participants. I have been a moderator on various forums in the past, and it definitely reduced the “fun” factor.
The other issue is availability. A lot of the time I can access fluther at all hours, but when deadlines are approaching I might not look at it for days. If they have moderators keeping “shifts” I would not be able to offer reliability.
I couldn’t be one because of the humor factor: I would consider some posts to be too funny to mod, which sort of defeats the purpose of the position.
What @DominicX said. I’ve done (and am still doing, actually) a lot of modding for various online communities. I could do it here, too, especially given how many mods there are. Support makes things run much more smoothly.
I only Fluther mobile. And I have school. Sometimes I find things that are modded extremely funny and I couldn’t bare to take them off. I would be a bad mod. Very bad.
I can’t comprehend why the fuck I haven’t been invited to be a moderator.
@ratboy probably for the same reason no one’s asked me. =)
@DarkScribe said: “not enter into debates that you feel strongly about for fear of influencing some of the participants.”
~Wait! We have influence? Really? I am not seeing it but it sounds cool! :)
I could not Mod. I type on a pod. I have no rod. Shoved through the bottom of my bod. My name is not Tod. My yard is full of sod. I don’t like fish, especially Cod. I could not mod. Sometimes I make not enough sense and it would interfere with my job.
Not to mention I type on a phone mostly thus creating hard to edit spellig errors that drive myself and I’m sure others crazy.
I could never be a mod. I’m very lazy. Plus, I hear they force you to take part in crazy hazing shit. And that Andrew.. man, who does he think he is? Talk about a dictator. The living conditions are horrible. I’ve seen the shacks they make the mods live in. Definitely not sanitary conditions. We can all thank Ben for that… probably asleep on the job. And the regular users – don’t even get me started. They whip and beat the mods, and yell at them, and throw things at them (mostly tomatoes and lettuce heads). And then I heard about this one time…
... oh, uh, hmm, nevermind.
Edit: This response is (mostly) BS. The hazing part is true. Please save us.
I’m generally an asshole.
I am a cranky old broad, and they don’t make good mods!
I don’ t preview my answers enough so end up with lots of spelling mistakes and I don’t think I would be able to remain objective enough!
credit to those who can!!
I am a mod here so i know i could do it.
I’m more or less like Psychedelic Zebra, but the main reason is I’ve been a mod before, on several sites, and I know what it’s like. I was a mod on a very busy site for 3 years, and there were minors, lawsuits, trolls and scammers and all sorts of complications on that one and we had to make sure nobody even wrote the word “shit“on the site, and kept cleaning the boards and censoring everything. Not only was it thankless, but there was a certain clique that broke the rules and got away with it and things got ugly overall. I had very little backing from the company (which was basically hiring us to do a job) and in the end quit. The whole company went bankrupt a couple of months later, including the site itself of course.
Because I have a low tolerance for idiots, and no tolerance for discrimination in any form.
I moderate on other sites, so I know I could, but it takes away a lot of the fun.
because I have a potty-mouth.
I have a lot of respect for the mods on this site. The amount of bitching and bullshit that they deal with would just be too much for me I think. I’m all for free speech, but when it turns into insults and name calling I just want to throw my computer out the door.
I come here to waste time. I wouldn’t want to feel forced into coming here.
I’m not a mod but I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express.
I don’t believe in censorship.
I’d lean too heavily on the snark-factor.
MIlo here: Because of the truly unfair prejudice evinced by Benrewim towards super-intelligent, svelte creatures with four legs.
I am too passionate about free speech to do that kind of job. what good is a moderator that never banns or deletes.
all great answers so far, it’s obvious I’m not the only foul-mouth sumbitch that never got the nod from Bendrewtim. Whew! that’s a relief. I thought everybody EXCEPT me was a mod on this damn site. ~
Too grumpy, too lazy, too impatient and too laissez faire.
@PnL lol I had my guitar in a hardshell the other day and I was walking back to my car from a friends house, this little old lady passed by me and went “ohh is that a guitar? do you play?” and without hesitation I went “nope, it’s a rocket launcher, I’m a terrorist”
seems like a prick move in retrospect, I’m just way too sarcastic.
I have been a moderator for many sites… It is a testament to your patience and wisdom to be chosen for such a task. I have had no issues with the moderators here. They have done a fine job.
Probably because I don’t spend enough time on-line. And I often access Fluther from my iPhone.
I curse way to fucking much.
I have pissed off way too many people.
Plus, I rarely flag, which I think would make a difference. If I don’t care enough to flag why would I care enough to moderate?
@tinyfaery you? pissed off too many people? Who in their right mind could ever be angry with a tiny faery?
I’m not up to behaving myself all the time.
~What??? Mod’s have to behave?
@Jeruba if you were a moderator, misspelled words would be grounds for capital punishment. j/k
Nah. They’d be lower cases.
@Jeruba You, my dear, are my favorite punster!
I am far too intolerant of objectionable language and “nonsense”.
Because I would allow everyone to write anything
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