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DarkScribe's avatar

Do you consider the "Koran" boy to be a case of child abuse or a genuine message from Allah?

Asked by DarkScribe (15510points) October 21st, 2009

See this article for details. The parents of the child are claiming that very legible passages from the Koran are appearing on their child’s body. They also claim that it is causing him distress, apparently painful for him. No one other than the parents have actually seen the messages appear.

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18 Answers

sakura's avatar

It seems highly unlikely these marks are not a sign of abuse. I find it hard to believe and can’t believe that once again a child is being used to push the parents want and need for the limelight. The so called doctors claiming they can’t explain it should be replaced by others. I often find The Sun over sensationalizes a lot of things and this is another. Has this child been monitored, for extended periods of time, where only medical professionals have access (parents supervised?) it screams some sort of involvement of another individual. It saddens me to think in this day and age things like this can still happen and we are made out to believe this sort of thing!

sakura's avatar

note the guy who wanted to be Britains fattest man, I felt sorry for him the other day, now I am not so sure, it sounds like he wanted to do this, which isn’t really fair, but as I stated before, not sure what to believe from certain newspapers

OpryLeigh's avatar

Unless someone actually sees this happening I am unlikely to believe it is any message from Allah. The parents say that when it is happening they just put him in his crib and leave him to it. Has anyone other than the parents actually witnessed this happening? If someone has actually seen these marks appear (other than the parents) without anyone touching him then I may be less sceptical but so far it just says that the doctors have denied that someone is physically doing this to the baby although they haven’t said what has brought them to that conclusion.

MissAnthrope's avatar

Yeah, I agree. I’m highly skeptical of this, especially considering that no one but the parents have witnessed it, and pretty much agree with @Leanne1986.

SuperMouse's avatar

Put me in the highly skeptical camp. Call me a cynic, but I wouldn’t be surprised to find out the entire story is made up.

mattbrowne's avatar

Define genuine.

janbb's avatar

Is “Koran boy” this week’s “balloon boy?” Can people get any dumber?

mammal's avatar

That’s strange because, Satanic messages spontaneously appear daily all over Rupert Murdoch’s The Sun.

whitenoise's avatar

If it were genuine messages from Allah, then it is a little weird that Allah makes a nine month old child suffer pain and the like, during his writing. I would expect an omnipotent being to be able to do that w/o the paper suffering.

Or Allah, like his other alter-egos, might have some sadistic traits, explaining a lot of other phenomena happening in His name as well.

dpworkin's avatar

Could be worse. The Virgin Mary could be appearing on his spleen. How would Muslim parents explain that?

DominicX's avatar

I don’t know. When you watch “Unsolved Mysteries” as much as I do, you start to think anything is possible, like the woman who sweat gold and cried diamonds.

Supacase's avatar

I am more than skeptical – I think it is a load of crap.

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

you cant really say either way until he is monitored 24/7 by unbiased professionals.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

It’s abuse. No question in my mind.

HumourMe's avatar

“Genuine message from Allah” Ahaha what a laugh that was xD

OpryLeigh's avatar

Was anything else ever said on this? Does the boy still get these “messages from Allah” and did the doctors do any tests?

aish's avatar

whats the update on this story now?? Any news, any tests done?? It amazes me how such a news is not followed upon and not updated on the news channel?? If its not update I’m going to assume its true because if “nauzbillah” it were a scam then media would definitely have made a big news out of it to defame muslims!

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