What is the most disgusting human function?
Asked by
J0E (
October 21st, 2009
Inspired by this.
Whether it be littering, wasting electricity, sneezing, body odor, ignorance, double jointedness or a certain disease. Anything someone or someones body does qualifies. What really disgusts you?
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64 Answers
Puss!! – LB
Oh gosh I’m gaggin (barf)
If there were a God, and if I could ask Him a question, I might want to know, “why smegma?”
Farting. Oddly, I think farting is grosser than mucous or pus. I mean, you realize that when you smell a fart, the molecules that are now in your nose were previously in someone’s ass?
@pdworkin I had to look that up…thanks… ::barfs::
@MissAnthrope I was going to say farting, too. It can’t be helped, but I’d just as soon not know when someone around me does it. Also ear wax. I find that very gross.
@J0E Hahaha..that’s one of the many things I learned here on fluther a few weeks ago.
The most disgusting human bodily function, to me, I guess would have to be vomiting/defecating/urinating. Which is a huge reason why I can’t understand people who eat kidneys.
there’s so many, how could I possibly pick one?
dying. worst thing a human could do.
@MissAnthrope never thought of it like that…I’ll be laughing over that answer for hours!!
Being double jointed turns my stomach…or the sounds made just as someone is ready to vomit…..
@jbfletcherfan – I agree. I really wish more people would keep their bodily functions and bodily fluids to themselves.
and Boogers.. other people’s boogers freak me right out! When someone does the good’ol “farmer-blow” I could just throw up right there O_O – LB
::waiting for someone to say “poop”::
@J0E: I did. I said defecating.
Greed in all its nasty forms
Does sharting count as its own function? If so thats my new vote.
*Dumping cigarette butts from auto ashtrays in parking lots
*Mucus spit out on the street
Flushing with the lid up _____*EWWW!_____
*Booger streams on kids faces
*Parents that don’t believe their kids should blow their noses (gross!)
*Used tampons in a public restroom
*People that itch themselves in restaurants before they serve someone
(I have a million or more hygiene pet peeves and could go on forever)
Child Abuse. Animal Abuse. Murder. – LB
Defecating is bad, but tolerable in some cases, like when changing a babies diaper or smelling your own while on the toilet. Vomiting, however, is never okay. Getting a tiny whiff of it makes you ill, hearing someone doing it makes you ill and sometimes even talking about it makes one queasy. I think I hate vomiting more than anything else in the world. I haven’t done it in nearly a decade and if I had my way, I’d never do it again.
@SpatzieLover – Virtual fist bump. Like you, I have a lot of hygiene-related peeves.
The ability to make awful music
I guess nasal drainage would be the answer. I get completely grossed out by “loogies,” seeing people spit out “loogies’, knowing people swallowed a “loogie,” loud snorting of snot (small sniffling is ok), that horking up of nastiness out of your throat and mostly by people blowing and digging in their noses in public – especially at the dinner table. Yes, I’m talking to you, dear mother-in-law.
@Supacase AHHHHHHHHHHH! How could I forget incessant sniffling?!
<passes sniffler their very own box of tissues & bottle of hand sanitizer> Here, please utilize these items frequently :)
Did I mention I buy tissues and hand sanitizers by the case from amazon?
Speaking of gross, can I just tell you guys what almost made me throw up last night? I was at work and complaining because everything was a mess, people leaving stuff around for others to pick up. I started straightening and, really, I should have been suspicious of the brown liquid in the Mountain Dew bottle.
I poured it out before throwing it away and it was thick and brown and had specks of tobacco in it. Someone’s spit cup, you know, just left for someone else to dispose of. I’m not kidding you when I say I nearly vomited.. it was a real fight not to.
When people snort back their snot instead of wiping or blowing their noses
Spitting in public
Consumerism and all the ensuing shit both literal and metaphorical that inevitably follows this particularly unwholesome activity.
This was a really, really, bad question to look at while eating lunch.
Meth addiction, chest coughs in public, snot rocketing (it’s not a sport people!), “pushing” farts out, food vomit, rotten teeth, flu mouth and the one that takes the cake for me….........
Skidmarks! WTF? WTF? Wipe better moron!
@judochop they’re not called skid marks, consider them, NASCAR underwear!
Seems a bit nicer!
@judochop: excellent choices!!! I needed so badly to laugh today and your answers just did it, thank you. I might have to copy and paste your comment as a facebook entry :D
BTW people: skidmarks can be avoided by using babywipes and trimming jungles of a—hair.
Do not fear coughs and sneezes.
As for the most disgusting – Cruelty.
Chewing Tobacco and using/leaving spit cup sitting about. Accompanied by the brown teeth and the ‘loose lip’
Coprophagy. Not an endearing trait in humans—our cats and dogs, however, spend half their lives licking their assholes (and then our faces).
Where’s @gailcalled when you need her? ;P
@SpatzieLover: I haven’t eaten since the dentist flossed me this morning durnit!! lol
aHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ewwww made me sick but the fart one and the racing stripe one oh I’m laughing….
Murder and torture, and on top of that the love of these things :<
No, those answers are fine. Anything a human can do qualifies.
Yeah I re-read the question. That’s why I quickly edited what I said to disappear. lol
dishonesty. Lying, fooling around on your loved one, stealing.
Snot grosses me out worse than poop. It’s a bad situation around my house right now as my husband and I have sinus infections and our son has diarrhea…
As @erikaVT says, lying is pretty disgusting. However, the worst is deliberately doing something to harm another living creature just for the joy of hurting someone or something.
Another thought I had was smoking, but not just the act of smoking. When I see people flick their cigarette butts out the window of their car or onto the sidewalk I get soo grossed out and pretty mad.
Cigarette butts are said to be one of the biggest contributors to litter. Do they even know they are littering? I’m not innocent on this one, I smoked for a couple years when I was younger and flicked just like most anyone else. To be completely honest (and maybe it was my lack of brain use at the time) I never thought of it as littering. Now, however, I see it for what it really is.
Just thought I’d add some of my mental ramblings! Much Lurve – LB
Dumping radioactive waste in the oceans.
It wasn’t until I was stationed on a Naval vessel, living in such close proximity to so many people for an extended period of time, that I discovered that there are certain people who don’t urinate or deficate in the receptacles intended for such purposes. There was at least one individual in my small shop who had an affinity for urinating in bottles, including, on at least one occasion, an empty general purpose cleaner bottle. Said bottle was placed back on the shelf with the rest of the bottles of cleaner, where it was picked up and-you guessed it-used to clean the division officer’s deck.
There were also numerous occasions where I found poop in the shower. Who does that? I mean, my God, that’s like an animal.
Oh, and theft is a pretty disgusting human trait. Another unfortunately common occurrance amongst dirty sailors.
@Poser – I see you have met my son.
@Darwin—The theft, or the pooping on floors?
It was a small shop. I __knew__ the person who was peeing in those bottles! Someone I saw every day!
If that wasn’t bad enough, once they even managed to pee in one guy’s soda when he got up to go to the bathroom (you know, to pee in the __toilet__). Poor guy had no idea and got a mouthful of urine when he returned. Who does that?!?
@Poser – Yes to both. However, he has a mental illness.
@Darwin—Well that’s different. No one, at least to my knowledge, in my shop was mentally ill. Crazy, yes, but not clinically so. Well, one guy did get booted on a “section 8,” (or the Navy’s equivalent), but the phantom peeing continued long after he was gone.
On a side note, when the guy left on his psych discharge, he left one of those giant four pound cans of mixed nuts in the shop as a going away present, with a note that said, “To the best group of nuts I ever worked with.” At least he had a sense of humor.
@Poser – Since the Navy formulary only includes one of his drugs, I suspect he would never get into the Navy to begin with.
Of the guys in your shop, just because they hadn’t been diagnosed yet doesn’t mean they weren’t mentally ill. The Navy just hasn’t figured it out yet.
@Darwin—This could be true. However, I think they were probably just lazy. The pooing happened all over the ship, so I don’t think it was just one person.
Greed, Jealousy, Lust, Indifference.
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