General Question

Cartman's avatar

Netbook/laptop + OS: Shortest time to action?

Asked by Cartman (3054points) October 22nd, 2009

When I wake up during the middle of the night I want to be able to, as quickly as possible, start writing things down least I forget them. Which netbook or laptop combo would go from a state of complete silence (no buzzing fans etc.) to a working state in the shortest amount of time? It can be from power off, hibernation, suspension or whatever you call it as long as it’s completely quiet.

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7 Answers

patg7590's avatar

The new Acer Aspire one’s have instant on Android partition in addiotion to windows. Might be just what you need.

20 second boot up time almost instant :D

Vincentt's avatar

Reportedly Ubuntu can, if your netbook has an SSD drive, come up in five seconds. You can also put your laptop in Suspend (I believe it’s called Stand-By in Windows-land) mode to be able to quickly get it back up without using too much electricity (though still, of course, more than when turning it off).

tramnineteen's avatar

I don’t know about the linux machines but my mac goes from safe sleep (memory saved in case of power loss and no sound) to fully on in a few seconds.

I vote Mac

patg7590's avatar

@tramnineteen yeah mine too. Mac it is

BBQsomeCows's avatar

instead buy a dictation device

then if you need faster startup times

keep your OS on a Solid State Drive AND keep your system in hibernation (or similar) until needed

tehrani625's avatar

I have a Toshiba Satelight T135 with Windows 7. When it’s on it is whisper quiet, most of the time its just the hard drive spinning. When its sleeping, it takes about 3 seconds to get to the log in screen, but you can disable that and get to word or whatever you use as a text editor even faster. Also, it costs $550 at Best Buy no rebates needed. It weighs 3Lbs and is very thin. Not macbook air thin but its slimmer then a mac book, and the battery lasts for ever, cnet says around 6 hours but I can spend the day browsing the web and word processing and the battery is still good to watch an episode of top gear when I get home. Sorry about the run on…

jerv's avatar

Hey, the T135 is decent. Mine also wakes up to Win7 in seconds, or I can cold-boot to a USB drive loaded with Linux about as fast. Three pounds and six-plus hours… best $500 I spent in a while.
Please tell me you got the SU4100 CPU. The SU2700 and the AMD chips kind of suck by comparison.

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