Where do you see Fluther in 10 years?
Do you see it in the same place as it is now, with a close knit group of people answering questions, or as a Yahoo Answers type with people from all over the world answering questions?
Do you see Fluther selling out and becoming a huge conglomerate, or do you see it as it is today?
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30 Answers
Celebrating the 10th year anniversary of you asking this question!
I will still see Fluther on Internet Explorer or Firefox. Fluther will continue to be great and the browsers will still need work.
Part of me sees it as not existing. Few Q&A sites seem to last that long. Let’s see…I’ll be 28…I sure hope I’m not still on here then. :P
I don’t have enough wis.dm to answer this.
I think, even though I hate to say it, Fluther won’t be around in ten years. Hardly anything like this lasts that long. And ya I’ll be 23…I hope I’m not on here then either.
@DominicX and @sarah826 I tend to agree with both of you. I don’t think it will last that long either, as great as the site is.
Ten years from now, people will be suggesting that someone go to the Fluther Mansion Halloween party, which will be attended by hundreds of hot young models, all of whom want to hook up with professional writers.
it depends how good they become at handling large numbers of people.
yahoo answers fails on many levels, but the main reason is they are trying to be cheap and not putting enough effort in when it comes to hiering appropiate amounts of staff to deal with their high amounts of trafic.
so basically, they trust automated functions to do a lot of the work for them. thanks to this, if i report or flag your question or answer, it is practically guaranteed to get removed, regardless of how well within the TOS lines it was.
their thumbs up and thumbs down system does nothing but provide censureship, where any answer below 6 thumbs down will be hidden and never seen again. all because some trolls or just one troll with a few accounts decided to go down rating things. here you can only give them luvre or not, you cant take any away and that is very good at preventing trolls.
if they can handle the numbers and dont get greedy, i dont see any reason why they cant overtake yahoo answers within a year or two.
so, in 10 years time, i suspect it will either be thee main or one of the main question and answer sites out there. or it will be gone all together, as has happened with so many other great sites in the past.
10 years from now? I don’t think I can imagine being 32, just have fun with it now. I can’t say if it’s going to be here then. I can’t see the future.
I will probably forget about this site in ten years, but yeah, I don’t see this site existing that long. They may end up inventing and AI which can answer any question with the probability of correctness of every possible known answer (like if shampoo is actually bad for you).
I also see the world coming to an end, but that’s just silly right?
Ha! Oh the youth here
Fluther’ll be accessible on my full color pocket book reader. I’m sure to be enjoying it and celebrating the big One Oh on a discussion started up by Bendrew.
After the catastrophic apocalypse of 2017, Fluther will be history.
The Internet will be a chip installed in our neck, and we won’t need computers, iPhones, or any of that bulky technological machinery. And Fluther will still be here, but YouTube will be a goner.
I don’t want to sound like a pessimist, and I hope I’m wrong, but not many sites last that long.
I think that Bendrewim are pretty creative, and that Fluther will either exist, or something else serving a similar function that they have cooked up will. And even if it is still called Fluther, I think it’ll look and act very differently. More… futuristic, if you will. :)
Fluther will just be entering it’s awkward teen years. It’s voice will begin changing, it will develop a bad case of acne, and it will start to get it’s “big boy jelly” hairs.
It will be a simmering, adolescent, mess full of tantrums, angst, and tears until it emerges from it’s hormonal cocoon a beautiful Flutherfly, ready to take wing and reach heights it never thought imaginable.
It will hit middle age, bitter and disillusioned after spending it’s 20’s and 30’s wallowing in drug and alcohol fueled excess that can only be described as “epic”.
At 50, it will pass on with a sigh and a thud as a massive coronary takes it while it is sitting on the shitter.
I love you Fluther. Rock on.
I doubt I’ll be able to still read the screen in 10 years so it’s moot to me.
I wish I knew the business plan.
Anyway, if I were running the place, I’d want to have it become a place that was know for very high quality answers and wisdom. I’d want it’s content to be quoted widely outside of fluther. I’d want to be known for attracting the kind of people that you can trust and rely on for advice.
I think it might become a kind of Salon.com for advice. I hope that by that time, several of its members will have published books. Maybe even have been recruited for some kind of television show. I hope that people will see it as a platform where they can make a name for themselves and build a reputation.
How this could play out in reality, I’m not really sure. It depends on the vision of it’s owners. I assume they have thought that far ahead, or they wouldn’t have been able to get venture capital. I do hope they share their business plan with us. I think they could get a lot of support if people knew what they were trying to do.
Now please don’t ask what I’ve been smoking! ;-)
45% chance: still on a flat screen lcd monitor.
10% chance: on a holographic display
45% chance: fluther is dead
I figure Dr. J will have found his “soul jelly” by then and will have settled down with the sound of tiny tentacles shuffling around.
Ahh! Come one guys! Only we can make fluther last long. I think it will still be around! We have great mods here and the organization of fluther is great! Why are we pessimistic then? while at this moment we say it’s awesome. Why can’t it be still alive 10 years from now!?
A number of people have weighed in on whether they think Fluther will still be around in 10 years. The only thing that I can say for certain is that there is a need for a site like this and if Fluther is not here 10 years from now then there will be some other site that is similar. I don’t think the site will fall apart from lack of interest and the mods do a good job of keeping it from falling apart due to trolling. As @daloon points out, the big question mark relates to the intentions of those who run the site. How do they intend to make money and what impact will this have?
Maybe it is a lack of imagination on my part, but I do not feel the need for any major site enhancements. I see Flutther as a modern day equivalent of the old European coffee houses. So I raise my cup and offer a toast wishing that Fluther will be around for many years to come. Here’s to us!
Olympus Mons, Mars, October 23, 2019 – Fluther Inc. (NASDAQ: FLTH) announced today that it has agreed to acquire Facebook – the global social drama website that allows users to add friends and send them irrelevant applications – for $3.75 billion in a stock-for-stock transaction. Following the acquisition, Facebook will operate independently to preserve its successful brand and unpassionate community.
The acquisition combines two of the largest and fastest lurving networking sites and makes Fluther the largest online community which also helps Facebook with Fluther’s expertise in lurve and organizing questions, creating new models for enlightenment on the Internet. The combined companies will focus on providing a better, more incomprehensive experience for intelligent users interested in creative nonanswers and it will offer new opportunities for professional lurvers to distribute their questions to reach a vast new audience.
Remember Idiocracy? Fluther’ll be like Starbucks in that movie.
Dr J will the 1st President of the World Federation of Nations.
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