Social Question

CMaz's avatar

Is it normal to occasionally entertain dark thoughts?

Asked by CMaz (26323points) October 23rd, 2009

Ok, I love my family. I hope they live for ever. And, life has its ups and downs. I am cool with that and do like myself.

Sometimes I go through the scenario (visually in my mind) of putting a gun in my mouth, and pulling the trigger. Processing all the pros and cons associated with that action.
Or I think of how advantageous my inheritance would be if my parents passed away.

Am I the only one that does that from time to time?

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22 Answers

jaketheripper's avatar

no I think everyone does that every once in a while. or at least i do

OpryLeigh's avatar

I don’t think that is uncommon. I have often done it, imagined dying and peoples reaction or imagine loved ones dying and my own reaction.

marinelife's avatar

“Sometimes I go through the scenario (visually in my mind) of putting a gun in my mouth, and pulling the trigger. Processing all the pros and cons associated with that action.Or I think of how advantageous my inheritance would be if my parents passed away.”

I am sure there are others. I am thankful I am not one of them.

Are you positive that the suicide thinking is only idle speculation? If not, it might be nice to get some help with this.

I think everyone has dark thoughts. The issue is more one of quantity and quality, and whether or not they interfere in your life.

Christian95's avatar

my darkest thought is a meteorite will fall on our heads.

deni's avatar

No, I sometimes think about my parents dying. I don’t know why but it always makes me sad and worried and I wish I didn’t.

kevbo's avatar

The former is called suicidal ideation.

ParaParaYukiko's avatar

I think many people are guilty of the same thing. Certainly I am. For example, my uncle has severe Down’s Syndrome and perhaps Alzheimer’s as well, and sometimes I find myself hoping he passes away before my parents do, so I don’t have to take care of him. I always feel guilty about thinking these things, though.

In some cases, thoughts like these are pretty normal. It’s when you really start thinking about the pros of suicidal or homicidal acts rather than the cons when it becomes dangerous. I think everyone is curious about death and how it affects life. Just try not to let it get too far.

dpworkin's avatar

Everything human is “normal”, The question should be, is it causing you distress. If you are having suicidal and/or homicidal ideation and it is disturbing you, or concerning you, or you think there is a chance you may present a danger to yourself or others, then seek help. If you want to know how to find help, PM me.

zephyr826's avatar

I never imagine myself committing suicide, but I have imagined my death, usually in some romantic or selfless manner (ie. taking a bullet for someone). I always thought it was just my morbid streak.

dpworkin's avatar

@zephyr826 Sounds familiar to me. I do it when I mope.

Haleth's avatar

Sometimes thoughts like this just pop up uninvited, and you can’t help it.

SpatzieLover's avatar

@Haleth Actually you can help it by thinking positively or meditating daily.

CMaz's avatar

“The question should be, is it causing you distress.”

As stated with the question. “I love my family. I hope they live for ever. And, life has its ups and downs. I am cool with that and do like myself.”

Just so you all know it is not an issue. :-)

All good stuff!

kitty_kitten_kat's avatar

YES!! it is normal, if you dont then you arnt normal, most people get mad, and have bad thoughts. its part of life

RedPowerLady's avatar

The issue comes when you start imagining the details of the scenario. Also when you start thinking of it more frequently. If the scenario develops in any way then you may have an issue whether you realize it or not. The fact is that everyone ponders suicide. But those who ponder it in detail, are distressed by it, or ponder it in frequency are more likely to commit the act. Thus when those things occur it is time to talk with someone whether you think it is a big deal or not.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Sure, I have. Mostly involving murder. Just brief flashes of whacking someone who was hurting me and where I felt as though I had no power in my real life to stop them, for whatever reason. The older I’ve gotten and the more I’ve worked on taking responsibility for how I allow others to treat me has lessened the occurrence of such thoughts.

Although if someone does something stupid in public that could end up getting them hurt I can see the scenario in my mind’s eye.

RedPowerLady's avatar

@aprilsimnel Actually scenarios where you take back the power from someone who was hurting you are quite psychologically beneficial (so long as you refrain from acting them out of course). :)

saraaaaaa's avatar

I think its normal to have a ‘flight’ reaction when you get stressed out. I have them from time to time but when the stress is relieved things get better it goes away. So long as your able to picture happy scenarios aswell, and its not all doom and gloom then I wouoldn’t worry too much.

MerMaidBlu's avatar

The way I look at it is such:

There are two strong, basic emotions of the human psychosis-love and hate. Because society does not condone the hate aspect , I feel that it is very important to exercise the dark side in order to “get it out of your system.” Everyday you’re expected to be pleasant and cordial in every encounter-most human beings don’t feel pleasantly at ease with any given situation of everyday life. The unpleasant has to come out somehow at some time. I can think of nothing less harmful than imagination…granted some thoughts or ideas do need attention, but, as long as the individual is perfectly aware of the fact that an awry thought is where it should stay (or other non-violent forms of expression) I think it’s not only healthy but required. Relish the insanity for the sake of sanity itself. You can’t have the good without the bad.

There is a good essay written by Stephen King on this type of question titled “Why We Crave Horror Movies” it’s excellent and brings up some interesting points.

MerMaidBlu's avatar

By the way, I’ve thought about what it would be like if I killed myself…How would I do it? What would happen to my family and friends? My dog? lol…but I also take it into other realms of my imagination as well. Killing someone? Thought about it plenty of times, would never actually do it but it doesn’t mean I can’t think about it. Anyone that says they don’t have thoughts similar to what you’re talking about are either lying, on a high horse or are full of it…or THEY’RE the ones we need to watch out for because they’re hiding something lol

Psychedelic_Zebra's avatar

@aprilsimnel that is why I am glad I can express the dark side in my writing. I can write a story and put a person who has hurt me in a situation where they die, usually a long and protracted death. It is very beneficial to my well-being. (insert evil laughter here)

My suicidal thoughts were something different, and although I never acted on them, I did seek help and am now on some wonderful drugs that keep me away from such thoughts. I actually love life again.

when we are young, we take drugs to feel weird; when we are older, we take drugs to feel normal.

filmfann's avatar

I do it.
That doesn’t mean it’s normal. I’m certifiable.

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