If you could give yourself a 'cool factor' out of 1-10 what would it be?
I mean how (insert euphemism here) do you believe yourself to be? 1 being Xander from Buffy and 10 being Juno
What in your opinion adds to your cool factor?
And what do you shamefully hide away in order to maintain that trendy extrerior…?
I want honesty folks, none of this ‘I’m the greatest’ malarky!
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64 Answers
-10 on a good day. I never was cool, so I don’t even try, these days.
Well. Considering I’d pick Xander over Juno.. I have NO idea how to answer that.
id say a 6 on a good day usually a 4 or a 5
What are you talking about?
I AM the greatest
11.29012213819091111123 out of 10
That’s tough… I can’t put a number on it. I’m geeky enough to attend things like WorldCon on a regular basis, but I’m always on the normal/cool end of the spectrum when I’m there.
10. I’m just cool as hell.
Everything about me adds to my cool factor.
I don’t hide anything
And I will not disclose whether or no I’m kidding haha
@rangerr Sorry it took me ten minutes to come up with those, they are just examples and are meant to be stereotypes. Substitute it with what you will…
I’m giving myself a 1. I don’t feel very cool today.
I am too cool for the cool factor meter.
Gee, I don’t know; I can’t give myself an accurate reading…I’d have to have someone else do it for me. :)
@DominicX I give you a 3/10. I added 3 for you liking classical music
I’d be happy to do more readings…
I’d have to say 10. I think I’m pretty cool. People like me and I’m kind of a big deal round here lol not really just thought that was pretty funny
Whatever cool I have I owe to my utter insouciance about my cool.
I honestly couldn’t say. I’m considered cool in a certain group I suppose. Yet if you hold me up to the stereotypical ‘cool’ then I’m dead last.
1, maybe 2 at most…Hmm, let’s see, I do web development and nerd out on trees, how cool is that?
10 to the 10th power.
“And what do you shamefully hide away in order to maintain that trendy extrerior…?”
My love for Pop-Tarts.
Lol pop tarts lol that should be your account name lol
@ChazMaz – no need to hide that, IMO it’ll only add to the cool factor!
Since I do not care if I’m cool, doesn’t that make me extra cool? Ice cold, baby.
@tinyfaery alright, stop. Collaborate and listen..
Homer: So I realized that being with my family is more important
than being cool.
Bart: Dad, what you just said was powerfully uncool.
Homer: You know what the song says: “It’s hip to be square.”
Lisa: That song is so lame.
Homer: So lame that it’s… cool?
Bart and Lisa: No.
Marge: Am I cool, kids?
Bart and Lisa: No.
Marge: Good. I’m glad. And that’s what makes me cool—not caring, right?
Bart and Lisa: No.
Marge: Well, how the hell do you be cool? I feel like we’ve tried
everything here.
Homer: Wait, Marge. Maybe if you’re truly cool, you don’t need to
be told you’re cool.
Bart: Well, sure you do.
Lisa: How else would you know?
uhm a 6 maybe a 6.5 on a good day.
So cool I just made my engine freeze while driving to work. :(
holden is not even kidding. All of you need a lesson of “coolness” from this man.
I have quoted Marge Sompsn’s question to my kids many a time and the verdict is – “You’re still not cool, Mom.”
did i catch a “niner” in there?
I don’t think I’m cool at all, but some people seem to think I am. I’d say my friends would give me about a seven. I give myself about a 4, mostly because I’m way too dorky to be cool.
I’ve always been called a “cool chic” I’m not really sure what that means but I just try to at least show the surface and leave the deeper stuff for my friends…i keep the really crazy stuff to myself though lol…
I would probably give myself anywhere from 6–8..?...
Doesn’t answering this question automatically lower one’s cool-factor?
“Doesn’t answering this question automatically lower one’s cool-factor?”
After I get a cold drink.
I have no idea who Xander or Juno are, so obviously they aren’t even in my league. I am right at 8.9999 on the cool meter. If it goes higher, my hair will all come back and I’ll find my missing foreskin. Boy, I miss those two things.
On the OP’s scale, I’m a Xander. On a true 1–10 scale, with 1 being uncool and 10 being totally cool, I’m probably a 1. So I guess there’s no difference. :(
On the other hand, if we’re to believe this whole “geek is the new cool” trend, I’d probably score pretty high, a 7 or 8 at least.
@drdoombot well, I think you’re pretty cool, I’d let you drive my truck—as long as you leave your cell phone at home. because besides my mechanic and myself, no one else EVER drives my truck.
On a scale of 1 – 10…. Absolute zer0 baby…i’m so cool i burn to the touch ;-)
__I couldn’t even spell Marge Simpson right so I guess I’m really not cool.__
I’m a 2 unless I’m around friends. Then, I’m a…4?
(If I lived in England, my coolness factor would increase; I like Doctor Who, Torchwood, Sherlock Holmes and tea.)
Old people think I’m cool. I think it’s awesome. :D
Hmmm. I can’t base base it off your scale @saraaaaaa I haven’t seen Buffy, and I don’t know who or what Juno is.
But anyways, on my scale I would be a 10, because I am me, and to me, I’m cool :)
~6, but I’m not the best at self-judging.
I have to assume that I’d score 10, because people often remark that I’m cold.
I’m to sure who Xander is and I’ve never seen Juno, but normally I’d say I’m a 6 or 7 when people don’t know me. 8 or 9 when people get to know me and then when I pick up a guitar I destroy the charts existence! and blush at the complements, lol.
How do you people not know Juno?~
I’m over 9000.
Yeah… I went there.
bahh just realized it’s supposed to be “not” to sure who Xander is. lol, If that makes you feel better @Facade ;P
I’m picturing the scale to range from 1(Encyclopedia Brown) to 10 (the Fonz). In that case, I’m a 3.
It’s uncool to say you’re cool, and cool to say you’re uncool.
I can only judge by what my kids say about this, and I think my cool rating with them has risen steadily since they were in school, even though I am basically unchanged.
I am a solid 7. My husband said I’m at least at a seven simply by being married to him. My coolness has increased since I hit my 30s. I was terribly uncool for a 20-something.
What do I hide to maintain my 7? My insecurity and my cluttery car.
@filmfann I may not be cool to claim coolness, and it may be cool to claim a lack of coolness, but making a cool claim is not the same as actually being cool.
@Axemusica Fair enough :) I don’t know who that guy is either
I’m not a complete nerd, but my coolness won’t be vaporizing anyone anytime soon. I would rate myself a solid 3.
10, of course.
You don’t get cool by trying to be cool. You get cool by being yourself, really, awesomely yourself, and then other people think your unique way of operating is “cool” and worth following.
I’m in the 9.5 range. No one’s perfect.
Since I’m just an average J0E I’ll give myself a 5.
i’ll say 9. shocking as it is, i do have my flaws.
I’d give myself a one.
That frees me to focus attention on other things that have no real value.
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