What would be some great music to play for Halloween?
Popular artists, movie themes, joke songs, what would your Halloween Soundtrack be?
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60 Answers
Danny Elfman works well for Halloween.
Apparently, @Dog and I have very similar Halloween aesthetics
The Monster Mash is a must.
I’d put the soundtrack to The Nightmare before Christmas on. (Woo, more Danny Elfman!)
Rob Zombie works for adult halloween themes.
Monster Mash, Thriller, Boris the Spider, soundtracks to movies like the Exorcist, Psycho, etc., Werewolves of London, I Put a Spell on You, Black Magic Woman
Purple People Eater (for fun)
Oh, and “Little Red Riding Hood” by Sam “The Sham”
Night on Bald Mountain by Mossoursky is good and scary if you want some classical music.
I have a CD that has moans & groans, chains clanking, thumps & bumps, errie music…I hide the CD player outside & play it for the kids that come to the door. Our granddaughter HATES it. Scares the hell out of her, LOL. It’s not really Halloween music, but it’s great back ground.
@Les . . .with or without the pharaohs?
Techno Because it’s scary
It seems Allie loves halloween music.
@chyna I really do. You have no idea.
@Allie My husband just mentioned how John Carpenter’s wife must have gotten tired of hearing the music for Halloween when he was working on it for the movie. I told Jon I could never tire of it. It’s my favorite music during the holiday. He just challenged me. Game on tonight! I will not tire of John Carpenter!!!
@gailcalled . . .Tämä on hauskaa. Andy ja olen ollut siitä, että laulun edellisessä ohjelmassa. Meillä oli jo kolmekymppinen versio tästä kappaleesta.
Actually, I create my own Halloween mixes using various soundtracks, including the first Alien movie soundtrack, anything by Dead Air, or Midnight Syndicate, or Nox Arcana. Any of those set the mood for very spooky Halloween effects.
If you have access to a music editing program, you can use these tracks to make some awesome Halloween music for your party, or house, or whatever. At the Midnite Syndicate site, you can download about twelve tracks, and just string em together to make something that sounds cool.
Tubular Bells by Mike Oldfield is a classic. Play it early as it’s not scary scary, just a bit unsettling. Apparently, this is the original from 1973.
@jonsblond I know what you mean, I make the Halloween theme my ringtone every year around this time.
@gailcalled . . . Olet hyvä ystävä. Mikä ihana laulu. En voinut lopettaa nauraen.
@aprilsimnel if you add screams, yells, zombie moans and crazy laughter at just the right places in Tubular Bells, it can be scary as Hell. I have a version of Send in the Clowns played on an organ with sighs, moans, and creepy laughter that will make a chill run up your spine.
When you love Halloween 365 days a year, you find all sorts of things to make life interesting.
@gailcalled . . .you really su su suprised me with that. I actually listened to the entire thing (singing along b b by the e e end)
@Blondesjon: I forgot the last three “wa’s.” Any of your kids young enough to enjoy this? It is really charming, particularly since no bears were harmed. Did you notice the variation in the background bears during the chorus?
@janbb—funny you mention that, I used that song on this year’s display CD. I have been mixing Halloween music for my display for months now, and I have just gotten them the way I want them. Here is a song I did using loops from a loop artist at Tapegerm.
@jbfletcherfan—I put speakers outside my door and play my burned Halloween CDs through my 400 watt JVC stereo. It’s loud enough to hear all the way down the street. Probably drives the neighbors crazy, but so far, no one has complained. I only play them on the Saturday before Halloween (the night of my annual Halloween party) and on Halloween night.
Emily will love it.
I did not notice the changes in the background bears but I will blame that on being completely caught off guard by what you sent.
it was the “polar” opposite of what i expected to see.
I won! One and a half hours of the theme from Halloween and Jon is the one who couldn’t handle it. This is a first everyone!
@jonsblond try it next with Tubular Bells, that one is sure to make him tear his hair out; wait, he doesn’t have any hair.
@Dog thanks for that link, I’ve never seen that movie (I hate musicals) but Danny Elfman is one of my faves. I’ve been known to play that song at maximum volume, and it shakes the windows of the house.
My halloween soundtrack would just be a misfits cd, (like their song… halloween)
And Suicide Commando if you want evil sounding things
This one has a nice spooky feel to it.
@augustlan Great minds think alike: look at my answer above yours: which reminds me that not everyone clicks on links, and not everyone can. Note to self: buy milk, and we’re almost out of cheerios.
F yeah for many Danny Elfman suggestions. I just love him. However I was just asking myself this question earlier, when I was carving pumpkins and had the monster mash on repeat…I was thinking how I needed at least one more Halloween song lol.
Wednesday 13, Murderdolls,(old) Marilyn Manson, Rob Zombie, White Zombie. Heck even Alice Cooper will do :)
@Psychedelic_Zebra that sounds great. I’d love that.
@SpatzieLover Thanks for the suggestion of Manheim Steam Roller. I LOVE them! I listened to samples of that CD & I just ordered it…My total is $6.66. How eerie is that??!! LOL I hope it gets here before next Saturday.
The Misfits (Danzig era of course) and Samhain
Can’t go wrong with this
@Dr_C Do do do do, do do do do..
@Allie i could totally hear that in my head/
@Blondsjon; Camille Saint-saëns wrote ”Danse macabre ”: about death by dancing skeletons on Halloween.
Additionally, in his Carnival of the Animals, there is a segment on Fossils.
The bones dance around to the melody played by a xylophone.
Ogden wrote verses for all the segments of Animals.
Here is Fossils. And here is the piece being read before the orchestra starts.
“At midnight in the museum hall
The fossils gathered for a ball
There were no drums or saxophones,
But just the clatter of their bones,
A rolling, rattling, carefree circus
Of mammoth polkas and mazurkas.
Pterodactyls and brontosauruses
Sang ghostly prehistoric choruses.
Amid the mastodontic wassail
I caught the eye of one small fossil.
“Cheer up, sad world,” he said, and winked-
“It’s kind of fun to be extinct.”
I can’t believe Bela Lugosi’s Dead by Bauhaus hasn’t been mentioned yet. of course I was just reminded of it myself :P
@Psychedelic_Zebra Hope you are having fun tonight! Sorry we couldn’t make it.
The “Dead”, what is more scary than Dark Star.
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