Would you like to share a photo of yourself in your favorite Halloween costume?
Asked by
jonsblond (
October 25th, 2009
Halloween is almost here and I thought it would be fun if everyone could share a photograph of one of their favorite costumes. This may also help those that are still not sure how to dress for the holiday and need a few ideas.
Do you have a picture of yourself from your first Halloween? A picture of yourself in a costume that won a prize for scariest, funniest or most original costume? Or do you have a picture of a costume that your mother or father made that you remember fondly?
For those that don’t have photos, could you describe your favorite costume and why it was your favorite?
This question was approved by the Dark Lord, Andrew
Here is my first Halloween dressed as a baby bum and here is a photo of Jon and I dressed as a pirate hooker and a nun.
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11 Answers
I love Fluther too much to inflict this on you guys.
I’ve been in it all month. I have also been a bumble bee, a flower, and a cat.
Big Boss
This is my favorite costume idea I’ve done. I’d have liked to do a more authentic representation but I was extremely low on money at the time. I’d like to eventually do this again when I have more time and money to work on it.
My runner up would be my second grade costume. I was the Scarecrow from The Wizard of Oz. I had fake straw sticking out and everything.
The baby bum costume, honestly, is one of the best things I’ve ever seen. That is SO. FUNNY.
I will post mine shortly.
I don’t have any on my computer but I will get some when I’m dressed up with friday.
@jonsblond: I thought you would be some combination pirate/nun and I was looking forward to that costume. :P
Oh god, don’t let me forget to post my flyswatter costume.
here i be, in my prime as diddy kong!!!
@deni Sweet! Thank you so much for sharing!
Zombies always rock. Especially when they also look stoned. lol.
Sorry, I don’t post pictures of myself on the internet. Might cause an epidemic of projectile vomiting.
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