General Question

kevbo's avatar

What are the different "kinds" of close/alien encounters?

Asked by kevbo (25680points) October 25th, 2009 from iPhone

I.e. What makes it the “third kind” and “fourth kind” And is there a first and second and what do those consist of?

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10 Answers

Shuttle128's avatar

Never heard the expression “fourth kind” but one, two, and three I believe are used often.

One is, I believe, observing the spaceship. Seeing a UFO for example.

Two is having more hard evidence such as finding irradiated materials. Some physical effect the UFO may have had on the world.

Three is observing some beings along with the UFO sighting.

Ah! Fourth kind is an abduction by the beings.

hookecho's avatar

1st kind – sighting of a ufo far off/on radar
2nd kind – close up sighting of a ufo and/or physical evidence
3rd kind- sighting of aliens
4th kind – abductions
5th kind – humans contact ufo/aliens by any means

loser's avatar

I can’t tell you about the fourth kind. I would have to kill you.
The first kind is in-law encounters and the second kind involves a rare form of cheese. I can say no more.

Shuttle128's avatar

I guess this would be a good source: Close Encounter

troubleinharlem's avatar

That’s classified, buster.

Christian95's avatar

watch “Fourth Kind” movie trailer they explain you what this means

judochop's avatar

5th Kind-Anal Probes
4th Kind-dead cattle in a field
3rd Kind-pot induced high while star spinning. (I hear it’s lame)
2nd Kind-clouds that look like UFOs.
1st Kind-Houston we have a blip!

FireMadeFlesh's avatar

I thought there were only two kinds – imagined and invented.

mattbrowne's avatar

An encounter with the Borg might count as the sixth kind.

filmfann's avatar

or perhaps a long, thin probe covered with vaselline.

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