What/who are you going to dress up as for Halloween?
Asked by
rangerr (
October 26th, 2009
If you are participating, what are you going to be?
And if you’d like to share, what are your plans?
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49 Answers
I am going to be a Killer Klown, and I won’t be going out, I will be at home, handing out candy to the kiddies, and scaring the crap out of everyone who comes a-trick or treating. That’s what I do, and that’s what I enjoy. I may even post pictures at the Fluther Photo Bucket site.
I was thinking about being a Martini Olive. I’m gonna have so much fun. I’m going trick or treating
A person going to NYC to see a play.
Probably nothing. My lovely roommates decided to have a gathering, which pisses me off, so I’ll be hiding upstairs watching Halloween 1–5, The Exorcist, Children of the Corn.. you know.. the classics :)
I will be gender ambiguous Peter Pan! There will be much cleavage.
@Psychedelic_Zebra fluther has a photobucket site?
I just put this in another halloween thread, but here it goes again. I’m going to be a dead housewife. Easy, all I have to do is wear my most housewifey dress, an apron, and some pale makeup. I’m currently trying to decide whether it’s worth it to put a giant fake wound across my chest (maybe my husband stabbed me when he found out I had an affair with the maid?). It would be pretty rad, but I don’t want to get blood on my apron.
As for my plans that night, I have two parties to go to, and may or may not go to the bar after. The night before halloween I also have a drag ball to attend, which will be fabulous I’m sure. I’m going in semi-drag… wearing men’s clothes, but not really trying past that. Maybe a false mustache made of construction paper. :)
@fireinthepriory you should try to do one of those old fashioned hair styles, that would really make it.
I’ve done latex wound appliances in the past. You have to give yourself a lot of time to apply it, at least and hour, if you want it to look good. You need an uncolored latex to slowly, with thin layers, build up around the edge of the appliance to blend with your skin. Throw on some foundation and power to match your skin color. Blood, of course, makes everything look better.
I’m taking a break from the hardcore makeup. It takes so long to put on and then I start picking at the edges once I’m liquored up.
A marshmallow Peep. Plans are still up in the air.
@fundevogel Great idea with the hair, thanks! I should youtube that. As for wounds, if I do it I’m going to go really homemade (since I know I’ll probably pick at it if I get sauced, too!). I had a friend who made a nice wound by sticking some corn meal to her skin with corn syrup, then painting it with makeup and lipstick for blood, and finally sealing it all in with unflavored gelatin. It looked almost as good as the latex ones, and I have all that stuff just sitting in my cupboards!
@fireinthepriory Right after you hairspray your hair, sprinkle baby powder through it. It gives a dusty, dead hair look.
I have three parties on 30–31 October.
Friday night: as Jennifer Beals in Flashdance (I need legwarmers)
Saturday afternoon: Whatever the American Museum of Natural History gives me for a costume (I’m volunteering for the children’s party there)
Saturday night: Catholic schoolgirl (I’ve got the pleated miniskirt, vest, matching tie, the works)
@aprilsimnel: Funny, I just pinned my ticket stub from the AMNH up on my cubicle wall from when my boyfriend and I went in August :)
i have a cow costume and a nuns habbit. put them on together and holy cow! you have a holy cow.
Im going to go as a disgruntled associate to my work.
I’m going to be a green fairy (if its warm) or a witch (if its cooler).
I was VERY tempted by a “beer fairy” costume that I saw a picture of. Wings were made out of the oval Bud Light logos and the middle out of a Natty logo… Stick with a beer can on the end for a wand… SO CUTE!
I’m going to be a fairy. I wanted to be Dolly Parton, but I found getting the right pieces together would have been more pricey and difficult than I was willing. A fairy, however, is easy and cute. My roommate is throwing a crazy party, so I figure this will be comfortable as well. I got a puffy chronicle skirt, glittery fairy wings, and I already have some glittery eye makeup and stripey tights to finish out the look. I’ll probably make a wand and get a fun tank top to round everything out.
I’m Snow White. My best friend is Dorothy. Our other friend is Sleeping Beauty. The guys we’re going with are dressing up as our Prince Charmings. (Dorothy’s boyfriend is going to be the Wizard.)
I guy sleeping in his bed.
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I’m Diddy Kong. My friend is Donkey Kong.
:) :) :)
I’m gonna be Daria Morgendorfer from that 90’s MTV cartoon. Apparently we look similar and have the same dry, dry sense of humor. What a thrill.
I usually dress like this: but I have no name for it. I often wear a mask over the glasses.
inspired by ms liza minnelli:
gold glittery leotard, black blazer with pretty intense shoulder pads, black fishnets, top hat, black heels.
@sarah826 I don’t go anywhere, I just dress like that to pass out the candy here at the house.
I was going to be Marie Antoinette. But I’m behind on my costume making, too poor to buy one and too busy before Halloween. I’ll probably be a dork, sitting at home knitting.
Or I may just do the trusty old zombie and go skating with my cousins…Depends on the laziness scale for the day.
I’m taking my daughter trick or treating in my Broncos sweatshirt this year. No costume for me unfortunately.
@Clair You mention behind and look where my mind takes me. :P
Was planning to go as Leonidas but didn’t get ripped soon enough bro (next year)
@aprilsimnel: YEEAAAAH!
I’m going to be at an anime convention Halloween weekend. I will be wearing a costume almost constantly for 3 days. I’m pretty excited.
The costume I’m most excited to wear (again) is a character called Miku Hatsune, from a voice synthesizer program called Vocaloid. She’s not known very well in the US yet, but she’s so popular in Japan right now that people have even made a robot of her.
Oh man you guys, I just changed my mind. I want to be Domino Harvey (as played by Keira Knightley in the movie Domino.) Oh shit. Why didn’t I think of that earlier??
Aaaand I have two nights of Halloween fun (wooo college campus), so I can also be a dead 40s housewife!
Probably a cat, for when I go trick or treating with my son. But, come night time, I’ll be doing paint and fake flesh and making it look like an alien is trying to escape my pregnant belly.
My scarecrow outside is being dressed up like Michael Jackson in homage of The Wiz..
A cold, tired mother that just wishes her kids would get cold and tired enough to quit Trick or Treating and go home. Not real original, but it’s all I got…
@casheroo Please tell me you are going to post pics somewhere of the alien escape. I would love to see that!
@knitfroggy Too bad you don’t live near me, the temps are forcast to be very warm and pleasant.
@YARNLADY Here in Kansas we never know what it’s going to be like on Halloween. It might be 70 and beautiful or there might be an ice storm that forces them to delay Trick or Treating like it did when I was about 8 or 9…you just never know! :)
Not participating. I live away from neighborhoods so I don’t even get trick or treater’s. Also, too religious for the adult scantily clad clothes :P
I’m going as Coraline. Hooray for blue hair!
@Psychedelic_Zebra Woahh! Im sooo not going to go trick-or-treating at your house! That would deffinetly scare the shit out of me!!!
For Halloween,I’m going to be a really cute Candy Corn Witch and I’m sooo excited to wear it!! I’m gonna like remake it and make it sooo awesome and cooL! :O
Earlier in this thread I said:
”...Saturday afternoon: Whatever the American Museum of Natural History gives me for a costume (I’m volunteering for the children’s party there)...”
Well, I’ve found out who I’ll be dressed up as…
…wait for it…!
Curious George!
I’ll be in a full-on costume, including head gear, and will need two handlers so I don’t smoosh a tot underfoot or crash into walls. I’m only allowed to be in the suit for 30 minutes at a time. Apparently, all I’ll have to do is hug the children and take photos with them from 2–5pm.
I hope I will have sweat out enough to fit my schoolgirl uniform that much better later on. :D
@aprilsimnel: I can stop by with a can of Degree if you like… LOL
I want to smoosh a tot!! That sounds so fun :D
@poofandmook Hell yeah! It seems like it’s be like whack a mole, but better!
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