What perfumes/colognes remind you of High School days?
This is for both men and women. I love perfumes and colognes. I can smell an old fragrance and be reminded of someone or some event. A few months ago, I went back to my hometown and at the local department store I happened to look in a case and there were some vintage fragrances (re-formulated so not the same exact thing anymore.)
The scent that really reminds of me of high school is “Eau de Love”.....remember that one? Oooohhhhh….it was just heavenly and it was advertised in “Seventeen” magazine. It reminds me of cruising the Dairy Queen with my friends, purple bellbottoms and homecoming. The second one that I associate with high school is the original “Charlie”. The blue box with the zodiac signs on it. I think those were my absolute favorites.
The guys? Well, I remember going to a dance when I was in sixth grade (yeah, it was like out of the “Wonder Years”) and the guys were all drenched in “Brut” which was sooooo cool at the time. Then, there was also “Hai Karate” not as cool, we thought, but the commercials were great. My boyfriend in my senior year wore “Royal Copenhagen” and he lived far away, so he sent me a tissue that had been soaked in it so I could think of him…<sigh>. LOL!
The other fragrances I remember being popular at that time and that I used (but not as frequently) were Windsong by Prince Matchabelli and Cachet (also by Matchabelli, I think, not sure) and Rive Gauche by Yves St Laurent and Emeraude by Coty.
Can you remember the fragrances that you used back in the day?
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43 Answers
Polo makes me think of high school. That and cafeteria Pizza but I don’t think anyone wears that to smell better…
Every every every single girl in my school wore Love Spell from Victorias Secret. It smelled good but got old reallly fast, since everyone had it on, always.
Anais Anais, Loves Baby Soft, anything by Coty, Tabu, Jean Nate, Charlie, Halston, Yves St. Laurent.
Like @deni said, Love Spell body mist by Victoria’s secret although I still hear grown women raving over it. All the “Curve” scents. All unoriginal fragrances.
Liz Claiborne
Colors from Untied Colors of Benetton
@jca Haha! Those are my elementary and jr. high fragrances.
Strange…. Every girl in my high school wore Love Spell too… (even me for a while!) As far as the guys… I would have given anything for them to wear cologne! Or at least deodorant! Anything really!
@shockrocks I wore it too when I was 14, not an adult. VS made a lot of money on that lol
Drakkar. My friends and I would always go to the nearest department store in the mall and take a whiff of it before we ventured on throughout the mall.
CoolWater Cologne (for both men and women).
Perfumes that smell like fruit. That was huge in the 60’s and 70’s.
I wore Hai Karate, which came with self-defense instructions, so I could fight the girls off.
One of my best friends always wore Curve (men). I still think of him when I smell that. My scent has always been Clinique Happy Heart, so I guess it still reminds me of high school. Sort of…
Oh perfume that smelled like fruit was big in my day too. Especially cucumber melon.
Same as @tinyfaery with Liz & Colors (”!” gave me a headache and one girl wore a bottle a day in my homeroom) As soon as it came out I wore CK One, and Paris by YSL.
I wore Love’s Baby Soft (& the rest of their collection in elementary/middle school…I like the blue one…I think it was Rain…Mmmmmm)
Boys wore Polo, Drakkar and Nautica
The original Hollister cologne. Haha…
Also, to this day Axe reminds me of middle school locker rooms. That stuff was (is?) nasty.
Channel #5 and Jean Nate’!
oh don’t scents transport you back! Halston and Norell will forever smell like Christmas to me- Love’s lemon remember that? they had the baby soft and the lemon. And then when I got older, rain- haha- and who couldn’t live without patchouli? haha makes me nostalgic
Junior High was all about Love’s Baby Soft (I can smell it right now!) and Anais Anais. In High School, the few times I wore perfume it was Liz Clairborne. It came in a triangular bottle, with a blue triangular glass stopper. I loved that bottle. I kept it long after I stopped wearing scent.
I don’t remember the guys smelling like anything in particular, except maybe right after shaving. Mostly, they smelled like soap and deodorant and a little sweat… a scent I still enjoy.
Curve, all Bath and Body Works fragrances, Axe, Hollister, Hollister, Hollister! (yuck)
I was actually the only one in high school to wear any Victoria Secret but I stopped shortly after when the constant smell of sweet tarts made me nauseous.
Curve Cologne, and I forget what the name is but I’ll sometimes smell it and it instantly reminds me of high school…I want to ask the men, but I’m afraid they’ll think I’m coming onto them haha.
Love’s Baby Soft and satin gym shorts…Oh God….I need a moment…
@SeventhSense ROFL Lol4rl!
My step dad liked being an ass! We didn’t wear seat belts back in the day…so he’d brake hard or swerve around corners so my friends & I would slide in our Umbros!
I used to rock Fahrenheit, Safari by R.L., and Egoiste by Chanel. Those three remind me of high school. CK1 definitely reminds me of those days.
When was Sunflowers popular? That shit is awful.
There was an inexpensive female scent that came in a pink & white bottle (I think). What was that? It had a commercial. Could it have been Exclamation?
Canoe and Hawaiian Surf . . . for me.
And for the ladies Chanel No. 5.
@SeventhSense we must be around the same age! Did you have a satin jacket to match the satin shorts? I vividly remember my bright blue satin jacket with white stripes. I wore it to the skating rink sporting my feathered hair and sneaker roller skates, Bonnie Bell Lip Smackers in my pocket…
@peedub, my ex loved Sunflowers! He insisted I wear it constantly.
@SuperMouse I’m pretty sure @SeventhSense (as a dude) didn’t actually wear the satin shorts… he just, um, admired them. I, on the other hand, could have joined you at the roller rink easily!
White Shoulders was always my choice and for the guys, there was a lot of Brut around, and Canoe and yes I loved Hawaiian Surf and a little later, one called Agua Brava. Wow
that brings up some old memories, I can remember a specific boy for each scent!
@augustlan oops! He was probably wearing a Members Only jacket with Magnum PI Ocean Pacific shorts instead!
No can’t say that I did. I was a denim dude, but I remember those flavored monster lip gloss the girls used to use. They were tasty. Oh and the spandex pants at the roller rink were enough to give a young boy bad thoughts…can you say camel toe? :)
* Love’s Baby Soft
* Colors by Benetton
* Lauren, by Ralph Lauren
* Poison – Christian Dior
* Opium
* Millefleurs – Laura Ashley
* Calyx – Prescriptives
* Drakkar Noir
* Bowling Green – Geoffrey Beene
* Patchouli oil from the head shop
Sunflowers, Curve, Oceanis from the Body Shop, and Anais Anais.
I also went through an Elizabeth Arden Red Door phase when I was about 15. I thought it was sultry, when really I must have smelled like a 70 year old who’s had too many facelifts.
Man, I must have stank.
Charlie – How I hate even the thought of that scent now.
Love’s Baby Soft was new then…
For the guys it was Brut, HiKarate, Canoe…
Ok, I’m old…....
@Skippy My dad wears Brut… I think the olfactory pleasures of this thread are now officially over for me =|
Giorgio. Obsession. Ah, the 80s. Every girl at my high school seemed to wear that crap. And Drakkar for the guys. Ugh. I hate colognes and perfumes.
LOL. That cheep ‘Curve’ that they sell at walmart. In my senior year I wore a lot of burberry london. yuuum
I always wore “Candie’s” perfume from 8th grade through the beginning of high school.
I also used to buy this roll-on vanilla perfume from a kiosk in the mall that I really liked for awhile.
Yup next to Tiffany from Biology, she was my fantasy. And before the days of the internet and free access to certain “toys” some cosmetics were umm….employed for other purposes from what I understand..
Patchouli and green apple.
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