General Question

CaseyWVU10's avatar

How do you tag one of your friends in your Facebook status?

Asked by CaseyWVU10 (550points) October 26th, 2009

Have seen it done before, so I don’t think I am going crazy…please help.

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8 Answers

nxknxk's avatar

I believe it’s the same way you tag someone in a Fluther post. Type the @ sign and a name.

Tried it. Yup, that’s it.

CaseyWVU10's avatar

@nxknxk: Thank you, it was staring to make my head hurt, trying to figure that one out :)

ParaParaYukiko's avatar

You can do the same thing with tagging lots of different things.

This is from the Facebook help page:

You can tag the following things in a post:

* Your confirmed friends
* Pages you are a fan of
* Events you are attending
* Your groups
* Applications you’ve used

To tag any of these things, enter the ”@” symbol followed by the name.

Groups will show a group icon next to their name in the drop-down menu, and events will show a calendar icon. Pages will show the Page photo, and profiles will show the profile photo.

When you tag an application, the link in your post will lead to the application’s Page. You can only tag applications that you have used.

CaseyWVU10's avatar

@ParaParaYukiko: WOW…I feel so behind…I am a tagging and hyper-linking moflakey now…Gracias

ParaParaYukiko's avatar

Haha, de nada :P Actually, before answering this I knew about tagging people in my status and such, but not really about tagging other groups and such. So I’ve learned something new as well. Thanks to you!

aphilotus's avatar

I miss the good old days, when facebook was more like an actual printed face-book.

ParaParaYukiko's avatar

@aphilotus Me too. Facebook just keeps getting fancier and more complicated. I swear, ever since they started letting non-college students sign up it all went downhill.

At least it’s not as bad as Myspace… yet. Knock on wood

aphilotus's avatar

@ParaParaYukiko It might be worse than myspace, as unlike myspace, it does a great job of pulling every random thing your friends and acquaintances are doing/seeing/thinking into one huge easy-to-read river of random-but-kind-of-interesting crap.

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