How are you different from your parents?
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cyn (
October 26th, 2009
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Well, for one thing, I’m younger. xP
I am so different from my parents. My mother was all into drugs, and stuff, and I don’t do any drugs. My father was a respectable military man, and has been that way his whole life. He was strict. I on the other hand, love to pull pranks, and just go out and have fun. I am responsible, but in a procrastinating manner.
I’d love to answer this question, but it would only piss all over my good mood.
Sometimes I catch myself repeating the mannerisms of either of my parents and I vow under my breath to never let it happen again. But of course it happens again anyway.
Aside from the obvious physical similarities (I’m a pretty evenly in between the two), I’d guess my penchant for grammar comes from my mother while my mathematical abilities come from my father. Whatever creativity exists in me seems to have come from both of them, but principally from my artist-father.
I am aloof like my mother and angry like my father. I am sexually deviant like my father. The worst combination is that I am worrisome like my mother but procrastinatory like my father, which means I’m rarely able to enjoy procrastination, though I am regularly guilty of it. Meanwhile, I know I inherited their addictive personalities but their constant smoking and (mostly) social drinking has pretty much turned me off from any potentially bad habits.
The list goes on.
The older I get, and the older my children get the more I realize how much the same we all really are. I hope that people will love me like they love my mom when I’m an old woman.
I’m so much like my mother that if she were younger and had a penis she would be me.
In most ways, I am not different from my parents. The one huge exception is that they claimed to believe in God, and believed that they would be rewarded for their behavior during their lives. I do not.
I’m actually pretty similar to my parents in many ways. I’d say I’m definitely more similar to them than I am different. We both partied as kids, we both don’t like fighting or violence, we both love traveling the world, and we’re both grammar nazis. I share my dad’s interest in computers and photography, my mom’s interest in gardening and interior decorating, and my parents and I share views on things like capital punishment, corporal punishment, homosexuality, and other things.
But in the ways that I am different, for one, my dad as a kid tended to have one best friend and didn’t have many other friends. I always had a best friend, but I had a big group of friends too, more like my mom. My dad is definitely more interested in business and economics than I am; that stuff just doesn’t interest me. I am more argumentative than both of my parents (I’m more interested in debates and arguments) and I swear more. My mom is more religious than I am; she isn’t a conservative, but she is definitely more conservative when it comes to religious topics. Neither of my parents were terribly athletic as kids, but I’ve always been into playing sports and things like biking and skateboarding. I’m interested in writing stories, neither of my parents were ever really into that. I rarely let myself get stressed, but my mom will get stressed more often.
Just a few things I thought of. In general, I really hope I can be like my parents when I have kids; I think they were an excellent example. :)
My mom was very typical of her generation, a stay-at-home full time mom. She was in charge of the house, my dad never did a thing inside, his domain was outside. I am like my mom in thought and appreciation of beauty but that’s where it stops. I am not domestic in any way, I never wanted children of my own because I wanted a career outside of the home. My dad had his own business from the time he was in his 20’s and I followed him around from the moment I learned to walk. I am more like him in my skills, he could fabricate anything, he was a good carpenter, gardener, auto mechanic, roof repairer and I did it all with him. My mom died in 81 and my dad in 1992. I still miss them.
My mom likes gardens, my dad likes cars. I like computers.
In every way it seems like. Except, I guess, genetically to a certain extent.
I find myself annoyed by some of their small bad habits very often, but what’s worse is that a little later I find myself doing the exact same thing. Sometimes I wonder if it bothers me so much because I feel like I inherited some of their bad habits.
I share many mannerisms with my Dad. Also his love of music, working with his hands, house cleaning and patience.
From my Mom I got her shrewdness (which comes in handy) and, unfortunately, her temper.
On the other hand, my mother was a chain-smoking, self-medicating, valum popping, violent, unpredictable narcicist. And my father had very little spine and was willing to throw anyone under the bus to assure his comfort.
So in those ways, I’m nothing like them. Thankfully.
@AstroChuck Funny – people say that to my 15yr old son all the time. We are so alike. Where my 20yr old son is more like Sparky.
I am my mother – and sometimes it’s frightning, but good all at the same time. I am happy I am outgoing and never know a stranger, however, when I channel her talking to my boys, scares the shit outta me! and like @judi I hope that people love me & give me that same respect as an old woman, as my mom received.
I’m not exactly sure, as we don’t really talk.. but I really hope that we aren’t that much alike..
Absolutely not. Dependent Father / Detached Mother. Theyre a dreadful pair
I’m agnostic and they are very religious, I don’t believe in spanking and I used to get spanked, I am liberal and they are conservative…
I don’t know, personality-wise. They didn’t raise me. I look somewhat like my BM. I have a photo of her from years and years ago, and we have the same eyes.
I’m a lot like both of my parents. I see myself in them all the time. A lot of my attitude comes from my dad. But there’s one big difference between my mom & I. She was so closed mouthed. She never talked about personal things. Even when she was dying of cancer, I couldn’t get her to open up. I never could figure out why. Being an only child, you’d think she’d have been more open with me. I never felt I could ask her questions about things. I saw that it embarrassed her. I know if she were here, she’d deny all of this, but it’s true. I, on the other hand, am an open book to my daughters. We talk about everything. Whatever they ever asked, I told them. I guess maybe it was a generation thing. It’s too bad. I think we could have had a much closer relationship if I just felt I could have talked to her better.
I feel like I’m an upgrade on my folks. There are things that are really similar about the way we behave and our approaches to things, but I’m a little more flexible, a little more willing to see the other side of things.
However, as I read these posts, I am so thankful that it’s my parents I’m turning into, and not someone else’s.
I find myself doing things my mom would do. But mostly I’m different. My mom was a ‘collector’ of things that made her house look kinda messy, and if you wanted a hug you had to ask and then it was a very grudging hug! I try to be more open and loving and clean! Sometimes I find myself judging others unfairly and I hate doing that!
I talk about my feelings and I am interested in other people’s emotional life. My parents shut down any discussion about emotions as soon as they figure out what is going on.
I’m a social scientist. My father is a hard scientist.
My parents have long term friends. I don’t.
My parents don’t believe in psychology.
I wouldn’t be alive without it.
I could go on, but what’s the point?
I am not racist sexist or homophobic
and I don’t drink or get botox
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