Do you have a song that you associate especially with your SO? How did that song become special?
Asked by
DominicX (
October 27th, 2009
I tend to associate music with people a lot. It usually just has to do with it playing a lot (usually in the car) when I’m with that person.
The song that makes me think of my trip to San Diego and “meeting” my boyfriend is “Jeremih – Birthday Sex (Uptempo Mix)”…it was playing on the radio a lot during that trip and we both like it.
But the song that I really associate with him and fills my mind with images of him every time I hear is Fall Out Boy – I’m Like a Lawyer… It’s mainly the chorus that makes me think of him, but he had it on a mix CD and we listened to that a lot while we hung out in the couple months before we started college.
Likewise, I associate choral music by Francis Poulenc with my grandmother because she liked that music and I listened to it a lot when I would visit her. I associate several Miley Cyrus songs with one of my best friends because she was always playing them in her car. People always talk about smells bringing back memories, but for me, music does it more.
Do you have a special song between you and your SO? Do you often associate songs with people?
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47 Answers
My SO is SO precious, how can I not associate this hot track with her?
We’re no strangers to love…
Sigh. I don’t have a song with my current SO.
From the 18 ‘til I Die, Bryan Adams album, the song that is ours is…......
The Only Thing That Looks Good On Me Is You!!!
Yes, we both saw the show Camelot, and the song “If ever I would Leave You” has become “our” song.
Two songs:
1. Jim Reeves, I Love You Because
2. Burt Bacharach, Always Something There to Remind Me
These became “our songs” because
1. I love old timey CW music (ironically, of course ;-)) and she’s Dutch (the Europeans LOOOOVE Jim Reeves), and
2. We went through a difficult time a few years ago and split up. I missed her so damn much I couldn’t bear it, and this song says everything for me about that time.
PS: I’m sitting here on the couch on the laptop, SO on the iMac. I was checking the YouTube links and she said, “Hey! That’s our song!”
I associate No One Will do by Mary J Blige with my SO. Mainly because the album that the song came from was the first that we listened to as a couple and so the whole album reminds me of him but especially that song.
With the ex actually. He sang me Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen once, very sexy. A year after we broke up a friend who had gotten dumped on the same exact day as me decided we should go out for it. Of course he picked the one movie guaranteed to make me think of the ex. The Watchmen. It was one of the ex’s favorite books and he was the one that got me to read it…and the movie very prominently features the song Hallelujah. :P
The ex had excellent taste.
How Long Will I Love You by The Waterboys
How long will I love you?
As long as stars are above you
And longer if I can
How long will I need you?
As long as the seasons need to
Follow their plan
How long will I be with you
As long as the seasons need to
Wash upon the sand
How long will I want you?
As long as you want me to
And longer by far
How long will I hold you?
As long as your father told you
As long as you are
How long will I give to you
As long as I live to you
However long you say
How long will I love you?
As long as the stars are above you
And longer, if I can
First dance at our wedding!!
As I’ve answered in this previously;
I’d say Yellow by Coldplay.
It means a lot to me. One night when my girlfriend and I were feeling a bit down it happened to be a full moon out, and we were talking on Pidgin and out of the blue she just said “Look at the stars.”
So I peer out the window and see one of the most amazing night skies I’ve seen in the past few years and the exact second I turn to look back at the screen she sent “Look how they shine for you.” I just kinda froze for a moment and call her on the phone to say that I loved her. I then took it outside and just lay in the grass looking up at them and talk to her for a few hours.
The reason it meant so much to me is because of the distance we have to deal with, we’re a couple states away and soon she’s moving to England with her family because her father got a job offer there. I don’t really know where I’m going with this but we go through a lot of stress and sort of ‘bleed ourselves dry’ for eachother. It fits both of us very well and is just a pretty song.
When I was dating my wife, I had to drive 30 miles to see her, and Robert Plant’s Big Log was very popular, so it was always on the radio.
I was never a big Plant fan, but this song got it’s hooks in me.
Waiting For The Miracle- Leonard Cohen
World Where You Live – Crowded House. I think of someone I used to know and this was one of his favourite songs.
I usually associate them with CDs. I have a CD that I always listened to on my drive home from a boyfriend’s house. Now all of those sings remind me of him.
Tim McGraws Don’t Take the Girl That song my first bf and I had. We were together for 5 yrs. Now I associate Pink’s So What with him now.
“This Must Be the Place” by the Talking Heads.
Capt_Bloth and I hung out with people who love the Talking Heads for years. We were all fond of this song in particular. Now that he and I have moved away, it’s just our song. We’ve agreed that it’s to be the first dance at our wedding.
“If someone asks, this is where I’ll be.”
I tend to associate songs with places and things, more than with people. So I don’t have an “our song,” but almost any song I’ve heard before conjures up some kind of memory, even if it’s something completely inane.
I have a million of them! But first and foremost would have to be In Love with a Girl by Gavin DeGraw. It is because very early in our relationship he told me that song made him think of me. It still makes me giddy to think of that moment!
He is always telling me songs he likes that remind him of us so I always think of those songs that I end up liking too as our songs.
David Grey Please Forgive Me. It was out when we were wooing, and the message just sums up the feelings we were having.
Also, we call the Dreaming Tree by DMB our wedding song. On our way up and down CA to get married, from L.A. to Santa Cruz, we had one CD, which happened to have Dreaming Tree. We listened to it soo much, it is now our wedding song.
shipping up to boston by dropkick murphys… not that it’s romantic in the least… he just plays it repetitively
yeah… we’ve got a real sappy thing going on over here :p lol
“I think I love you” by Dwele
But really all the songs I listened to regularly in the summer of 2007 :)
Our song is a classic. It is “Stand By Me”. That is the first song we ever danced to :)
I almost always associate songs with people, as well as time periods. I used to listen to “Catch” by the Cure on the school bus during the cold winter months of 10th grade. I therefore frequently associate this song with my first boyfriend, who I was dating at that time.
My SO and I do have a song- it’s “Use Somebody” by the Kings of Leon. The song came easily to us- the first time we met, a mutual friend and I were carpooling with my SO. He was playng the Kings of Leon CD in his car, and we all commenting on how much we liked it. During our first months of dating, it was on constant rotation. We both liked the lyrics and the song itself, so one day we just agreed that was our song.
I’m in Love – Audio Bullys
We were listening to a disk my friend burned for me and that song was on it. Every time we heard it, it made us think about the other. We used it as each others ringtone since we heard it.
Awesome answers, everyone. And in addition to having one primary song that I associate with him, I do have CDs like @pinkparaluies. My 29th mix CD is full of “Rory songs”…and it includes “I’m Like a Lawyer…”.
I like the fact that I have songs to associate with people like my boyfriend and my grandmother because it is a way of preserving their memory. I doubt I will ever lose the connection between the song and the person. Some of the pieces that make think of my grandmother, I first associated them with her over 9 years ago.
Count Bodies Like Sheep to the Rhythm of a War Drum by A Perfect Circle
My SO and I met on an online dating site and immediately that spark was there <3 We talked about most anything and when the topic of music came up the ball really began to roll. Our all time favorite bands are Nine Inch Nails and TOOL. Well, he went on to tell me that the lead singer of TOOL had another band called A Perfect Circle, and was VERY shocked when I had no idea! He sent me the song over MSN and told me that it was his absolute favorite song by TOOL or A Perfect Circle.
That night after we said our goodnights and such, I got into bed and played the song. It was that very moment I knew he was it <3 LB
@ElleBee That is the only song that has EVER seriously disturbed me. I cannot listen to it for whatever reason. You two must be interesting and well matched. :P
@Beta_Orionis Try taking the trash out to the old spider shed after dark while listening to What’s He Building in There? I swear I stood on the threshhold staring at the shed for almost minute.
But seriously. “Father Figure“is probably the creepiest song in the English language.
@fundevogel haha. Tom Waits has a very special place in my heart, so while I empathize with trekking through the dark to a spidery shed, I can’t say the song would make it any worse. It might actually boost my confidence!
Not sure I’ve heard this Father Figure song you speak of though. If it’s George Michael’s work, then it’s a little creepy, but not so bad in the scope of things.
@Beta_Orionis It was the first time I had ever heard the song and I was hanging on it line by line. The shed was pitchblack in and in an LA neighborhood. I was doing a very good job imagining a crackhead behind the rotting wood.
Father Figure was definitely George Michaels.
@fundevogel !! That makes much more sense. Not to mention, LA == Black Widows. I know all too well. :)
Well it’s actually Los Angeles not Louisiana. I haven’t seen any black widows in California, but I have seen all manner of crackheads.
@fundevogel I interpreted is as Los Angeles- it’s where I’m from. Under my first house, the females grew to have quarter-sized abdomens. At my second house, they were still often near dime-sized. During my short lifetime, at least 500 have been put to death in my presence. Watch out!
@ElleBee Thanks so much for giving me a way into Emotive. I’ve been comparing everything subsequent to Mer de Noms, and Thirteenth Step just didn’t seem to measure up so I didn’t even check out Emotive. Stupidpotato.
@wildpotato I think you mean to thank ElleBee, I actually prefer Thirteenth Step to eMotive :)
@Beta_Orionis I didn’t know we had them here, thanks for the warning. I thought you meant Louisiana because I did see them a fair amount when I lived in the south.
The song Lucky by Jason Mraz reminds me of my girlfriend. We were in my room one day listening to my sisters iPod and that song came out. It was before she was my girlfriend. So it was a little akward because we both liked each other back then, and she was my best friend.
“I’ll Follow You” by Death Cab for Cutie is our song
he always loved the band, I never heard of it
before we met, in one of our long gchat convos, he posted a chorus from that song
I wrote it on a piece of paper, it made so much sense
carried the piece of paper around with me until he could sing it to me in person
planning to get chorus tattooed on me
@RareDenver oh…that’s wonderful
when did you get married?
@Simone_De_Beauvoir in May this year, I got the piano version from here I edited out the “suprise” at the end though
@Simone_De_Beauvoir just noticed he now has a high quality version available, bit late now though
Well my SO’s song he sings to me whenever it comes on is “Hey There Delilah” and the our song is “1,2,3,4” both by the Plain White T’s
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