How would you take this Facebook message about a specific application?
A couple of weeks ago I reconnected with an old high school friend on Facebook. Now, as any of you who are my friends over there know, I am an unabashed fan of the “iheart” application and send them out regularly – well if you are guy you might not know that because I tend only to send them to my girl Facebook friends, but I digress. Anyway, I sent one to this old high school friend and here is the message I received in return “I don’t do hearts or hugs or gifts on FB. Frankly, I think they’re silly. I just do Mafia Wars, Scramble, and FarmVille. That’s it.” I admit to being slightly taken aback. She is a member of an online crime family and tends a fictional farm, but ihearts are silly? Seriously? I sent a message thanking her for the heads up and secretly put her on my list to receive hearts everytime I send them. What’s your take on her message?
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38 Answers
My take on her message is that she doesn’t yet know about the “block application” button on Facebook. :)
I wouldn’t take it personally.
Stuff like this are the reason I don’t do FB. I just don’t get any of it.
eh, I’ve gotten a few messages like that. No biggie. And I personally think they are a little silly. But I don’t send out messages like that… Just shrug and write it off as her being different than you remember.
Ew, how rude!
I personally don’t do the ihearts, but it’s just because I can’t keep up with all my facebook games and I haven’t given it a chance..I get invites all the time what’s it about??
There was no need for that. I just ignore the requests when I get them for things I don’t feel like using. I get this “mommy awards” thing all the time, but I ignore them as well. I don’t get offended if people ignore them, but no need to send a note like that. She could have just said “I don’t do the ihearts, but thank you!”
That is rude. I don’t use facebook applications (save the balloon thing we did for Cak, and profile song, I think), but I acknowledge and thank someone for taking the time to send me something personal.
To say that any one application is sillier than the other is idiotic. Both occupy your time, and, at the very least, iheart allows you to share love to someone. Jeez.
Totally with @casheroo on this one.
Personally, I enjoy the ihearts you send & you know I send them back. :) I don’t do the Mafia Wars, the farm stuff or the Yoville. But instead of sending messages that may hurt feelings, like she did, I’ve just blocked them. I understand how you may have been a little hurt over this. I’ve had two people ask me not to send them anything & I don’t. I admit, at first, it kinda takes you aback, but just go on & leave her alone with them if that’s what she wants. I’ll take your ihearts, honey. :)
What the hell did I hit to make all those lines???
I have an imaginary farm and an imaginary group of mobsters, but I control that activity. I also don’t do the heart thing (I also don’t post everytime I kill someone or raise a new crop) but the heart thing just doesn’t appeal to me. That’s the only reason. I probably wouldn’t have said anything and just put the hearts on ignore . . .
I don’t do ihearts, or wine, or pirates, or mafia, or I hella love Oakland, or any of that stuff. It just seems stupid.
If she is being straightforward with you on this, maybe she is telling you to skip the silly stuff, and TALK TO HER.
I’d agree with that friend.
Just like I love shooter games, and strategy games, but I find sports games silly.
I hadn’t ever heard of iHeart, so I chose to check it out (just for you!). There doesn’t seem to be anything interesting about it. You just… send hearts to people?
Don’t get me wrong, I know diff’rent strokes for diff’rent folks, but at least Farmville and Mafia Wars have things to, y’know, do.
Sorry to take a contrarian position here, but if you’re really “friends” with this person, you shouldn’t begrudge her for being honest. I personally like Facebook because of the ability to connect with people I haven’t seen in a long time, and I’ve played some games via Facebook. To be honest, the aforementioned ones are NOT my thing, but if they were my kinds of games (OK, I would play Scramble, but just never have). I personally think virtual crap like ihearts or virtual drinks, or superpokes, or any of that stuff is to be honest, not just silly, but downright assinine. To me it’s a time wasting diversion that serves no purpose, and honestly it wastes both of our time…I don’t mind if you waste your time, but I don’t want mine wasted. Just being honest, I’m too practical to give a rats ass about this kind of stuff. Having said that, I personally would not choose to tell anyone not to send me these things, I just usually let them gather up and delete them when there are about 50…I’m uncomfortable blocking anything because what if something I actually want is sent and I never see it? And no, I don’t want someone to take it the wrong way, which as you’ve demonstrated is a real world possibility. So, I’d say that this person may have been indelicate about how she put it, but she was probably just being honest (thinking a true friend could take it), in an effort to save you both time.
Sending a message like that takes too much time. I just block those applications. I only do Farm Town because my daughter likes to take care of the farm, and I do the Green Patch thing because somehow it helps the rain forest.
I’ve seen people post in their status things like, “Don’t take it personally if I don’t participate in these applications, I just don’t have the time.” The status changes though, and new friends don’t see it. Maybe your friend doesn’t know she can block applications. It took me a while to notice that I could do that. Send her a message explaining how to block things. It’s also helpful because if you ignore the applications for a while, they don’t pile up as fast. Lately the button to “ignore all” hasn’t been working for me, which is really irritating. She might appreciate the tip.
There are several of these applications that I don’t participate in. For instance, I don’t actually do anything on Mafia Wars except accept the gifts that are offered me in order to help out my friends who play. I do have a FarmVille, Cafe’ and Paradise Island, one for each of my kids to manage.
@dalepetrie “assinine” is probably a pretty good word to describe many of these applications, but I am an unapologetic lover of all things heart, from Valentine’s Day to the girl rock band, I just love hearts. Besides, I really like to note, whenever I receive a new one, that my profile has a heart on. Get it? Heart On! That never gets old.
I just thought her message was a bit over the top you know? As @Grisaille said, it’s all in fun anyway.
@SuperMouse I just ignore the stuff I don’t “get” at FB…I can’t imagine anyone bothering to message you not to include them in on it.
If you’re enjoying yourself don’t let anyone rain on your parade.
I’m actually a bit livid that someone would actually say that to @SuperMouse.
@Grisaille I am going to personally appeal to Ben and Andrew to change the rules so I can give you at least 500 great answers for that response.
@SuperMouse You’d love my grandma’s cat. She’s mostly white, but has one perfectly heart-shaped black spot on her side. I wish I had a picture to post!
She could have blocked the application altogether, without even sending a note. Just sayin’
@SuperMouse :D
you want me to go e-kick her e-ass for ya? i’ll grab a few e-homies with bats, she won’t see it coming.
I don’t agree that it’s rude to be honest about something bothering you. Much like email forwards, I find most of those FB applications to be annoying and dumb. But other people like them, so I just hide/ignore/block the ones I’m not interested in. I agree she could just block the application and not say anything, but maybe she doesn’t know she can do that? Or maybe she was just trying to tell you that she doesn’t reciprocate in those kind of apps, to save you the time?
I think she has things a bit mangled. ALL applications are silly. IMO, those games people stay up all night playing are sillier than others because of the time you waste. She could have found a more tactful way of telling you “no.”
@SpatzieLover Then I guess you didn’t get the poo I flung at you on FB. :(
@SuperMouse Maybe inform her of the “block applications” button?
Just curious—would you prefer that I block the application, or should I also tell you I’ve blocked it so you won’t wonder why I’m not playing or whatever it is those apps do?
@daloon If my FB friends have noticed that I don’t participate in any of those applications (other than the two I mentioned above), they’ve never commented. Doesn’t seem to offend anyone. Sometimes I block the application, sometimes I just ignore the requests. So far, no hurt feelings that I’m aware of. But damn it, if I Superpoke you, you better Superpoke me back! ~
Most of those applications have a start page where you select friends to invite or whatever before going on to the application itself. I honestly think most of the time people just go through and click on names to get past the page instead of hunting for the small “skip” option. For the first few months I was on FB, I accepted a lot more of those things because it felt rude not to. Then I got over it.
The games I play have two lists of my friends. On the left it says ‘all friends’ & on the right, it gives a list of my friends who play that particular game. I just sent to them.
I don’t begrudge anyone who wants to use those things, they’re just not for me, and I really don’t think this person was trying to be rude, just trying to let you know that she thinks they’re silly and wants no part of it. I can dig that, though I personally would never tell anyone to stop, I guess I wouldn’t be offended however if someone asked me not to send them something like that. It’s kind of the Facebook equivalent of email forwards, some people just have no interest.
@Grisaille Yeah! Kick her cyber ass for me! I don’t care if you us an e-bat or just a regular old Louisville Slugger!
FarmVille? Qu’est-que c’est? C’est comme de Oregon Trail? Ou Lemonade? Tels étaient des jeux que j’ai joués sur l’ordinateur Mac quand j’étais une petite fille.
Yeah, don’t take it personally. I’ve sent similar notes to overzealous relatives about their email forwards that I thought were corny and were overloading my inbox.
Wow! Who said she had to pay any attention to it? She is using Facebook, so she should get over it. What does she expect? Anyway, you should respect her wishes.
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