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FutureMemory's avatar

Since I was a teen I have experienced a strange, sudden shock in my neck at random times - Why?

Asked by FutureMemory (24763points) October 27th, 2009

At the top of my left shoulder, kinda where the shoulder meets the neck I occasionally experience a strange shocking sensation. It comes on at random times without any warning at all – I’ll just be chillaxin’ on the couch or wherever then suddenly… “argghh!!”. After that 1 second of shock I’m fine, no lasting pain or sensations of any kind.

This started happening when I was about 13–14. It happened quite often then, sometimes multiple times a day, but now (20 years later) it might only happen a few times a year.

What the heck is going on?

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10 Answers

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

Maybe there’s a nerve being pinched.

delirium's avatar

Negative reinforcement shocks from the aliens who inserted that chip into your neck.

nxknxk's avatar

Similar things happen to me. Someday I may make a question out of it, see whether Fluther can’t help me get to the bottom of it. For now though I’d rather entertain the idea that these occasional tics or sensations are the conditioned revenants of some strange psychological experiments I was subjected to in my infancy.

FutureMemory's avatar

I just called my mom and she didn’t have the faintest idea, which is distressing since she knows Everything.

augustlan's avatar

I get those, too, but in the meatiest part of my thumb. Freakin’ hurts! I always kind of assumed it was either a pinched nerve or a muscle cramp.

jackm's avatar

I had the same pain in the same place. Then one time it happened and didn’t go away. I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with TMD. Its a jaw disorder. Maybe you should go see a doctor and see if its the same thing.

jenlk1207's avatar

I’ve had that happen too a handful of times, but I’ve never gone to get it checked out. I’m thinking it’s something to do with a pinched nerve. If anyone does come up with the answer, I’d love to know.

hearkat's avatar

They’re called ‘stingers’ or ‘burners’, appropriately enough, and they are fairly common, especially among athletes.

poofandmook's avatar

I had it so that sometimes when I turned my head, it felt like a nerve in my neck was being plucked like a banjo string… it would shock, and then it would feel like pins and needles straight up and around the back of my skull. I haven’t had that in a long time though.

RedPowerLady's avatar

Careful with pinching nerves in the neck. I did that (on accident of course like everyone else) as a pre-teen and ended up with bell’s palsy Not saying anyone will get it but pinched nerves can be quite serious. Stretching each morning can help prevent frequent pinched nerves.

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