General Question

occ's avatar

What do I need to have in my house in case of an earthquake?

Asked by occ (4179points) December 22nd, 2006
After feeling two tremors in the past few days, I'm beginning to feel like I should be more prepared. I have a whole bunch of bottled water. what else?
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31 Answers

andrew's avatar
An earthquake preparedness kit!
andrew's avatar
A radio
andrew's avatar
Canned food
andrew's avatar
andrew's avatar
andrew's avatar
andrew's avatar
Photoes of your loved one
andrew's avatar
All in a backback
occ's avatar
andrew's avatar
backpack, rather
occ's avatar
why a backpack?
ben's avatar
Don't forget the can opener
andrew's avatar
Easy to carry, it will come in useful when you need to travel by foot to get somewhere in a major earthquake
andrew's avatar
Pictures of loved ones is apparently very important.
andrew's avatar
Portable first aid kit.
burlapmellish's avatar
In case you need to leave your structure do to damage or fire.
burlapmellish's avatar
Have the normal emergency items that you might need for fire, earthqake, tornado, terrorism, etc. If the electricity and water were shut off in your home for 3 days, what would you need to get by?
benjiwitz's avatar
one of the FEW things the Red Cross is actually good at is pre-disaster advice.. see their website for that information.
benjiwitz's avatar
incidentally, cash is very helpful. after katrina, ATMs weren't functional in many places for weeks.. and banks were literally OUT of cash, closed or destroyed. the "petty" cash checks that the Red Cross distributed were often cashed at pawn shops...
benjiwitz's avatar
and keep your important documents in ziplock bags...
benjiwitz's avatar
i could keep going.... if someone really wants to talk more about this, feel free to message me directly
emilyrose's avatar
i also heard that cash is important so that you dont have to use credit cards, machines may be broken, etc....
emilyrose's avatar
oops didnt see the other cash answer, sorry!
emilyrose's avatar
how do you convince your roomies that you need to do an emergency kit?
Abby's avatar
You can buy an earthquake kit on It probably won't have cash in it though.
samkusnetz's avatar
no need to convince roommates... make your own kit, and then hide it! (kidding)
zahava85's avatar

you can also google “bug out bags” or create your own on a site like the readystore. i have dust masks in mine, good strong cord, and a lot of the things on the list above. also, my flashlight doesn’t need batteries! it’s a combo radio/flashlight that works off a hand-crank so you’re always good to go!

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