Social Question

To those who don't read for pleasure: Why don't you read?
Inspired by this question.
As someone who mourns the fact that he doesn’t read more, I have a hard time understanding why some people don’t read at all:
- My best friend celebrates the fact that he hasn’t read a book since college and never has to again.
– My great-aunt claims that the words “swim” before her eyes, giving her a headache (she hasn’t read anything in many, many years).
– My uncle is proud of the fact that he’s read only 4–5 books in his lifetime.
– My aunt, who became a registered nurse a couple of years ago, complains that she misses the time when she was reading her textbooks all day long. She wishes to read again, but instead spends no less than 4 hours a day on the phone (I’m giving her the benefit of the doubt on that one; I think it’s longer).
– My older cousin claims he’d rather just wait for the movie to come out (though even he managed to get through The Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons, something I still think I don’t entirely believe).
– My younger cousin told me today that she’s being forced to read two boring books this semester: Romeo and Juliet (which she said was based off a Leonardo Di Caprio movie) and Night by Eli Weisel. Do I need to mention that my jaw dropped at her words?
I know there are plenty of readers here on Fluther (a surprisingly high concentration, actually) who probably have opinions on why others don’t read, but I’m much more interested in hearing from the non-readers. And not just the ones who are too busy to read, but the ones who have the time and choose not to read.
On paper (excuse the pun), reading seems to be superior to other media: you enjoy it on your own time, it doesn’t get interrupted by advertising, you get more hours of entertainment for the money, you get to use your own imagination instead of seeing a director’s interpretation of a story, it has the added benefit of exercising your mind, etc. (I’m sure there are plenty of reasons I’ve missed). So non-readers? What are your reasons for not reading? The more examples you give and the more specific you are, the happier I’ll be.