What sort of Fluther content would you moderate?
Assume the decision is entirely up to your discretion.
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Any question that can easily be googled.
Like the plant question
All religious questions asked just to start arguments.
I could think of something witty to say but i’m too tired right now, so I will just say that I’m very happy with the moderration process. I think you guys allow for a great deal of freedom of expression but rein things in when they get really gross or venomous. I also like the moderation of questions for clarity and grammar (unless they’re my erudite and wittily obscure ones!)
I would moderate insulting comments. No insults. I’ve seen insults get by so many times and it pisses me off. The users here should learn that if they want to say something or make a point, they’re going to have to leave the personal attacks out of it. And it does not matter at all how popular a user is.
I wish there weren’t so many questions about computers. Or questions that can be googled. I like questions that requires discussion and that can lead to intense debates. Not questions that ask how to install something on their laptop.
I mean come on!
Even I know the answer to the plant question
It just takes some basic knowledge of Biology.
I can tell you what I wouldn’t moderate, I put up a phrase with a question mark after it. It received a couple of responses in the first couple of minutes. Then it was pulled because it was not a question. Then I copy and pasted the suggestion of how to make it a proper question and resent it but the one word was plural from the original form, no big deal really, but it was pulled again.
Seems unnecessary, especially since it was obviously a question with the question mark in place and was already being answered!
Everything I already know the answer to.
even though I most likely have done this at one time…
Homework questions, especially multiple in a row
Anyone obviously trolling, terrible spelling or grammar, IM speak, flame war material…basically the stuff Fluther already seems pretty good at weeding out.
Oooh @patg7590 I forgot about those! Yes, homework Q’s should be removed and the asker should get a cute photo reply of a cat at a computer saying “I don’t do ur homework!”
It’s funny; everyone here seems to hate homework questions and the majority of them don’t even get answered and instead get a flurry “ZOMG DO UR OWN HOMEWRK” and yet, there still is no rule against them. Personally, I think bendrew should make a rule against them since they don’t really ever go anywhere and few people like them.
Does he really like me? I’m 14 and I want to know about love and sex. Or what would you do about this relationship problem (which you have know personal knowledge about, and are therefore unable to impart any relevant information about)?
@ChazMaz Like, totally OMG! :)
Just typing that made me die a little on the inside.
this is off topic,
sort of,
I find it sad when people, (myself included) have to risk their health by asking medical questions on Fluther. I wish I could go to a professional, but cannot afford it. I’m sure there are others in a similar situation. It just further emphasizes to me how Health Care should be a human right and not a luxury.
I agree with @DominicX (GA!) about moderating insults.
@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities YES! I totally agree. I’ve said it before & I’ll say it again. I know we’re mostly all adults here, but the sex questions wear a little thin after a while. Even tho we’re basically RL strangers, some people (I could name them) tell WAY too much personal stuff. It’s like they want to appear to be sooooo sexy that every man on this site would want them. That’s when my eye rolling starts.
@RedPowerLady I was just going to say the same thing. Great answer @DominicX! Especially when someone calls someone else ignorant or stupid. I don’t find that helpful at all.
@SpatzieLover You know as well as I do that Askville holds the crown as far as slinging insults go. The difference is that it’s not tolerated here near as much as it is there.
@jbfletcherfan people post emails, names and racial slurs there and the posts are up for weeks!
I would mod insensitivity towards other races, ethnicities, genders, religions, or sexual orientations and comments that are harassment or flame bait.
I wouldn’t waste my time modding stuff that’s “better suited for chat”, jokes, simple polls, and stuff like that.
Just on the homework issue, I think there is a distinction that can be made between questions that ask, ” How can I refine this topic idea?” or “I don’t get what this image means?” and questions that ask for the answer. As a librarian and literature teacher, I am happy to lend a hand with process but very unwilling to answer lazy students.
@janbb Usually I ask them what they are stuck on…however last night’s offender posted 3 questions from one homework sheet :(
@janbb agreed.
I also hate questions that come off as demanding
hey someone solve this for me
No introduction, no personality, no tact; just demanding help and answers.
The phrase “chip on the shoulder” comes to mind
I would randomly mod answers and questions without rhyme or reason. I would also take my petty differences out on other users and ban them for no reason, only to bring them back a day later and repeat the entire process over again.
I think we can all simmer down. Blondesjon is not a mod. (Is he?)
@everyone notice the ”~” it means “sarcasm”
Stalking a user through various threads to keep on harassing about something discussed in another thread.
I would not mod these intro questions, but do wish there was a page for newbs to read through before posting questions/answers to help welcome them into the collective better.
@SpatzieLover just because it’s a worse problem somewhere else doesn’t mean that it can’t be controlled here a bit better, I think it is GREAT here and I don’t complain actually, but I would like to see less insults
I actually like the moderation on this site quite a bit. I would relax the whole “your question is a bit too conversational, take it to the chat room” bullshit to be 100% honest, I mean, why have an option to start a discussion if you don’t really want to start a discussion? I have no interest in the chat room, if I want a discussion, I want it to be a permanent back and forth, and some times to start a discussion it’s going to be somewhat conversational. Having said that, there is such a thing as having a question that’s not really a question as much as a reaon to bitch, I’d get rid of those. I like the general quality control and would mod questions that had been asked recently, I would get rid of quesitons that the anssser is easily obtainable by a Google search, I’d get rid of poll type questions like “who is better, vacant pop star A or vacant pop star B?” I’d get rid of any personal attacks, things that are unprovoked and outwardly hostile, but I would keep at arms lenght as it related to heated discussions if people were respectful. Racist/sexist/generally offensive comments attacking a group would be gone, But by and large I’d maintain free speech, try to keep the quality level high and try to keep the place somwhere that people weren’t afraid of being abused verbally by others. Which is by and large what I think they do already.
@RedPowerLady I’ve never seen any stay up in Fluther after a mod steps in
@SpatzieLover I mean pre-mod or ones mods don’t catch or ones that have intellect in them as well as insult so they aren’t modded. Did that make sense? Like I said, I’m not complaining. I think the moderation here is fantastic. But if I had to choose one thing I would choose more focus on getting rid of insults. I was just answering the question as to what I personally would moderate more closely
@RedPowerLady So far when someone has slung one at me, I flag it and it’s been off in moments. But, yes I understand where you’re coming from. I’ve had zero complaints so far
Anything racist, hateful or without point. I would not moderate questions that are based on false or weird conclusions. I feel that is up to the responders to take care of. But it is a tricky thing do discern sometimes I guess. It’s not easy being a moderator.
I think I’d do my best to replicate the rest of the mod team, I really don’t have much of an issue with their practice.
However, I would try not to mod ignorant comments or insults towards a certain race, sex, culture, etc. Why?
Sometimes a verbal smackdown is needed, that’s why. It’s not so much that I want people to show of their intellectual certitude, but more that maybe – just maybe – the offender would either learn something new or learn to not open his mouth about that topic again. Censoring radical thought to promote intelligent discussion on an open forum is totally acceptable/understandable, especially on a private site like this. However… it’s still censorship. I strongly believe that free speech cancels out radicalism way better than any mod can, which alludes to what @dalepetrie said (I just scrolled up and read that right now, heh).
There’s a line in the sand for trollism, I think it’s just a bit too hair-triggered. Of course, even what I’m saying is bound by a per-case basis. Besides that, the mod team does a pretty snazzy job already.
@Grisaille Verbal Smackdowns can occur via PM. Or someone could present intellectual information to let someone know they are “wrong”.
Your second sentence is what I meant by verbal smackdown. Not just a “ur stupid lulz”, but an actual, intellectual retort. I’d never want fluther to devolve like that.
But with the answer gone, it’s hard to do such a thing.
@Grisaille What I hate is when people put nasty insults in the middle of their intellectual smackdown. It unnerves me to no end. I would have difficulty as a mod deciding what to do with it.
@RedPowerLady And that’s a fair argument, one that I agree with (but have a serious issue practicing, I think). But if the overall discussion is heated yet intelligent, then it’s still a worthy debate – though it might sound ridiculous, racist, sexist, ect. to someone that just opens the thread and reads one comment.
If one side reduces their arguments to childish, ad hominem attacks, or says something so radically off-base, then I say let there be an intervention. I’m not saying my logic isn’t flawed, @RedPowerLady, I’m saying that the line might be a bit too reactionary, is all.
@Grisaille – I agree with you that I also would NOT mod questions that show ignorance when it’s related towards gender, race, etc….I would mod questions that show outright hatred towards a group.
@RedPowerLady Sometimes it’s a question of different sensibilities though and maybe even what culture you come from. Some of us can have a good time joking around with each other with put downs and both know it’s meant as a joke. I, for one, would hate to lose that spice. I think some sensitivity to the recipient and having an idea of whom you’re doing it with/to is essential, but I would hate to see some of the sharp wit edited out.
I would definitely Mod anyone that was not wearing underwear while Fluthering.
Of course, that would be the honor system.
You tell me you are not wearing any. I remove your input.
Please do not send any pictures for verification.
@ChazMaz – come on, I know you really want the pics!
Response moderated
@ChazMaz I didn’t wear a bra all last weekend when I as so sick. Does that count???
Typing Removed by Fluther Moderators will typically be moderated.
Only problem is no one can agree on what a “troll” is. It’s one of the most thrown-around terms on the internet and yet, if what I’ve seen is true, it has over 3000 different definitions.
Moderated by Fluther Removers
@DominicX hmm..well i would moderate my definition of a troll
The questions that could very easily be answered by spending 60 seconds on Google/Wikipedia. Also the very specific computer questions – I think there should be a separate section for those.
I would first create a list of forbidden words, and then remove them whenever they occurred.
@janbb I agree, i like the sharp wit. I am only concerned when one person finds it an insult. Not concerned if both enjoy the simultaneous insults unless it is obviously offensive to a huge point say calling each other racial slurs for fun (which I have never seen happen but just thought of as an example).
I would mod all the people who get on my nerves or who I’d like to smack, ban them for a few days, then send them an email begging them to come back to Fluther so I could do it to them all over again. I’d also mod the people that refuse to swear in their comments, just to be difficult. I would then mod every other person with a penguin, a puppy, or a cat as an avatar.
Thank Evelyn no one here is ever going to be stupid enough to give me mod status. I have it on good authority that Nancy Pelosi will willingly suck Rush Limbaugh’s wang on Fox News at Noon before Bendrew makes me a moderator.~
Last night (my time) I put up a “start a discussion” about how I have put a vampire costume on Town Dog (my avatar) for Halloween and everyone should do it too. I had a couple of responses and then it was pulled for editing because the header was not a question, it was “Halloween Avatars?” they said make it something like Should we have a halloween avatar. So that is what I made it only I forgot to take the s off of Avatar, so then they pulled it because it was plural and didn’t fit the rest of the question. I fixed that and now it still has not been reposted. Halloween will be over before it gets up at this rate!
I thought it was overkill myself, or maybe the mod that pulled it hates me, or maybe they hate halloween???
Now it will come up late and show up as an orphan and I will feel badly for it.
@rooeytoo thanks, you just gave me an idea for a new question.
Maybe Alex Trebeck is one of the mods? “Remember, your question has to be in the form of a question.”
@ChazMaz LOLLL…thanks. I’ll let you know the next time I get sick. ’-)
[not a mod says] Stay on topic please.~
@janbb – that’s great, that is one big bad ass scary Halloween penguin!
All racial slurs should be moderated. Even when quoted to tell someone to stop using it.
What if the debate is about racial slurs? How should you refer to them?
@DominicX I would just say: Please don’t use that specific racial slur. Or please don’t use the n* word. That type of thing. Refer to it without stating it.
I liked your post btw in other thread, i’m just disappointed the slur was quoted so now I have to look at it.
@RedPowerLady As far as I’m concerned, If I were a mod I’d take down that entire question because of the way it turned. Ugly!
I thought of another thing to add…A thank you flag after somethings been modded. I have flagged a few things, gone back to see they’ve been modded and would lurve to thank the mod that did so!!!
I’d also like a “no thank you” button for something that doesn’t get modded, but should. Because I have seen that as well… :P
@DominicX ;P Back at ‘cha! I happen to think in positive mode whenever I can. I’ve been on poorly modded sites where the flag buttons aren’t “hooked” up to real people so to speak. I like the fact that the collection sort of mod’s by ignoring or collectively telling some one to knock it off. Every so often you need a mod to step in though. That’s when I’d like to thank ‘em.
Nevermind, I guess I’ll just PM @Augustlan from now on :D
Anything that’s critical of moderators. Simply can’t have that.
@avvooooooo If you look around you will see that a lot of quips critical of moderators is indeed left up.
@Dog I agree. And I find it ironic that so many in the collective say that Fluther is the best social site…then they bicker about the mods.
It is very good. That doesn’t mean it’s perfect and there can be plenty of problems.
@DominicX It is very good. That is why I’d prefer to compliment instead of condemn.
@DominicX Please remember to flag posts that are offensive. It brings to quip to the attention of the moderators and really does increase the chance of removal.It is really hard for us to be everywhere on the site.
Oh yeah, I do. The thing I’m referring to was a long time ago; I just remembered it specifically, but compared to that, the moderation is pretty accurate and quick. On the site I was a moderator on, there was no way of “flagging” posts and so it was lot harder to remove offensive posts.
Well, there should be plenty of compliments, but one shouldn’t ignore problems.
@DominicX Will you tell what problems you notice?
I don’t know of any specific ones right now, but if there are ones, they should be brought to attention. I think you guys are taking my comments too seriously…really, I’m satisfied. Seriously.
@DominicX I believe you now. I thought you were holding onto something 4rl
This one time on wis.dm this guy was saying he was going to cut off this other wis.dm’ers head off. When that guy got kick and his posts deleted I thought it was good that it got modded.
Personally insulting, but that would mean that I’d have to read previous posts (as someone might have a grudge for a reason)
Spam, advertisements etc (which we luckily don’t get here)
Swearing. I know it sounds old-fashioned, but I’d ask the poster to change the word or add some f***ing asterisks at least. It’s not that I don’t use foul language all day long myself, but seeing it written down feels wrong.
@Jack79 Actually we do get spam on a daily basis. It is rarely seen because of the quick flagging by Members and fast removal by mods.
@SpatzieLover I just went back there today and wow it went nuts. I would take it down as well. Agreed and Agreed!
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@DominicX Agreed. No insults.
@Jack79 I’d like to moderate cussing too (except not the cuss words I use LOL!) but it’s not likely to happen unless they’re actively describing some porn scene. Welcome to the twit club!
@Val123 – fuck that, don’t you fucking dare try to take away my motherfucking right to goddamn swear like a motherfucking sonofabitch.
I would allow people to use the word “fuck” once a week.
The word has been ruined, stripped of all of its shock value, by over use.
My favorite attention grabbing word is now so common place, nary an eye lid is batted at it. Makes me sad because there really is no replacement.
A good point has been brought up with profanity here. While we do allow for it, the use of it often has a very negative connotation.
While @dalepetrie‘s example was in jest, such statements can carry a very aggressive feel. These things aren’t to be thrown around carelessly because people often will react defensively if they feel they are being attacked.
It’s just really ugly to my ears and my eyes. I can use certain cuss words, like hell n shit like that :), in casual conversation. To me there is nothing casual about the F word. I won’t even say WT…well, any way, I say WTH.
You’re still not allowed to swear at someone. You can’t just reply with “fuck you” to someone. But to use the words for emphasis is fine as long as it isn’t at the point where it becomes angry and aggressive.
I personally think they should continue to be allowed, but they shouldn’t be used as insults. And no stupid replacements either. I had someone tell me “fuck you” on here but because he replaced “fuck” with a similar sounding word, it passed, but he was still being rude to me.
@DominicX To me that one word is nothing but overly aggressive. Any way. That’s just me.
Well, it is most often used to express anger or frustration. But not always. It can be used to express astonishment, amazement, or even happiness.
I know how it CAN be used, I just don’t understand why anyone would choose to use such a harsh word. But, that’s just me. I’m a twit.
@Val123 I’ll whisper this but I don’t like reading the curse words either. Not that I care really if others use them but I know the feeling you mean.
@RedPowerLady Thanks. I’m guilty of using some but not for shock reasons.
@Val123 I find myself censoring like writing sh*t instead of shit. I know others on Fluther hate that but I do it anyway, lol. To each their own I suppose.
@RedPowerLady I’m rather inconsistent. Sometimes I’ll censor, sometimes I’ll use the full word. I’m not sure why! I guess it just seems to be the right thing to do at the time!
Well, yes, I just don’t have the same feelings about it as you do. Which is a problem in terms of how sites are run. Not that I would really care if it was outlawed, but you might catch me using it every now and then by habit.
The reason why I hate self-censoring is because if you’re going to use it, then use it like you mean it, otherwise don’t use it at all. You can find a different word. You don’t have to use it. If someone says “f*ck you” to me, that doesn’t somehow make it less rude.
I agree with @DomincX, yes if a word is used to be outwardly hostile to someone, as in “go fuck yourself”, that’s one thing, but if you’re expressing frustration as in “fuck me sideways with an umbrella”, that’s quite another. I appreciate that in a forum there is somewhat of a factor of people who really don’t want to be confronted with such words in text may be uncomfortable with such exposure, and one does not go to a Q&A forum with the expectation of reading “adult content”, it’s still fundamentally a pull medium. Television censorship was one thing, in that it may be simply a matter of manners and decorum to not broadcast on the public airwaves something that a substantial group of people may not want to hear, but with the internet, one chooses to go to site. Now obviously if you go to the website for the Mormon Church, you’re not going to expect to read something like “sisterfucking whore”, whereas you might see a full length streaming movie of that same title if you went to the right website. And in either case, you know what you’re getting. But here, it’s not a “porn” site, nor is it a “goody two shoes” site. It’s a collective…some people are going to be comfortable with foul language and some are not. But that’s apparent perhaps not at first glance, but should be within the first 5 minutes. It’s up to you to choose if the danger of encountering a word that is distasteful to you is a strong enough deterrent that you will not actively use the site, or if you can find ways to ignore or get used to the content that is not to your liking. I have to admit, I don’t particularly lurve to see some far right wing person armed with a thousand talking points and zero facts slag off on all the fundamental ideals I hold dear, but I feel they have the right to say it, whether they like it or not, the same goes with words, which are basically nothing more than a grouping of symbols designed to convey meaning. In the end, I believe that attacks and insults are not akin to profanity.
@DominicX Sure. Actually, I knew someone who was proceeding to pile the most hellacious insults on me…I mean saying some terrible stuff to me, but without using one single cuss word. Because he was a Christian! ROFL!
Well then, that proves it, christians have better and broader vocabularies! I knew there had to be some benefits.
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