General Question

lanahopple's avatar

When talking about the periodic table, what are the trends of precipitates as you move down the column of alkaline earth metals?

Asked by lanahopple (455points) October 29th, 2009

With the alkaline earth metals such as Mg, Ca, Sr, and Ba which ones make the smallest number of precipitates?

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7 Answers

laureth's avatar

Homework, eh? :)

lanahopple's avatar

Ya, I have a lab write up due soon.

lanahopple's avatar

do you know anything about it?

BhacSsylan's avatar

Huh. I’m a chemist and I’ve not actually heard of any such trend. I’m sorry! I’d really like to help >.<

lanahopple's avatar

Haha okay ill just copy the question down.

If the ability of an alkaline earth metal to form a precipitate indicates its ability to react with other substances, draw a conclusion about the trends in reactivity as you mave down the column of alkaline earth metals?

dpworkin's avatar

Don’t mave the nice alkalines.

BhacSsylan's avatar

@lanahopple Okay, I understand that a bit better, but do you have any data on which form precipitates the easiest? It seems like you should, somewhere, from the phrasing of the question. It would take me a while to look up the trends (my inorganic chem is not the best), but I could try and give you a hand if you don’t have that.

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