Have you ever noticed something very odd in the sky?
Asked by
jsammons (
October 29th, 2009
One morning while on my way to work, I noticed an object in the sky that didn’t seem to be moving. I kept my eye on it as I drove and sure enough, it wasn’t moving. I watched it as long as I could until I lost it behind some trees. It was defiantly not a plane or chopper by how close it was. I heard from a relative that she saw a camera one night while she was out fishing. It went up into the sky, looked around, and went back down. These are not foreign objects by any means, defiantly man made. Has anyone else noticed anything like this?
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29 Answers
This one time, I saw a giant light bulb in the sky.
All the time! I see these big, white, cotton-like formations in the sky every day. Sometimes, they move, change shape, and even disappear. Explain that, science!
@holden I think I’ve seen those around here too….
I wish I could see a UFO. Haven’t seen anything in the sky that seemed weird. Only in a dream I saw a round brown object flying around. Seemed real at the time, but alas, I have yet to see a UFO.
@holden The only reasonable explanation for that is that the CIA is out to get you.
saw what was either a satellite or the space station fly over twice one night while at a bonfire party.
Actually, I remember once during a meteor shower seeing (or thinking I had seen) some sort of cosmic explosion. It looked like a giant smear across the sky, like God’s thumbprint suddenly appearing and then slowly fading. It was wicked.
@jmah a pie? In the sky? Oh my!
Yah me too! Those white fluffy alien spaceships that cover the sky and turn dark. You can tell when they are combatting when you see bolts of electricity come from there ufos! And sometimes, if it’s brutal enough, they will start bleed clearc liquid and it falls fr the sky and cover the ground. I think they also enjoy a game of marbles because I experienced this one occasion where these large balls fall out of the sky!!!LOL just giving you a hard time;)
I have noticed something once while at the drive ins. It looked like a flashing light. I thought it was just a plane. But it didn’t move the entire movie. I’m sure it was something really silly but it was fun to pretend for a couple hours that what I was seeing was a spaceship or something.
@jmah That looks a bit more delicious than what I saw…
@jdogg Hahaha, all in good fun :)
Yes, I have. Here is the answer I posted from another question regarding UFO’s / strange sightings:
I’ve been in the Air Force for over 13 years now and in 1998, I went to Silver Flag Alpha (desert warfare training school) in Indian Springs, Nevada. For those that don’t know that location, it is outside of Nellis Air Force Base and adjacent to the Nevada Test Site which happens to encompass a piece of real estate known as ‘Area 51’.
It was a 2 week school back then and the final 3 days were spent in a mock forward location out in the desert away from the base proper. It was also within an ‘unspecified’ but somewhat close distance south of ‘Area 51’, also known as Dreamland or Groom Lake.
I was a squad leader with 3 team members and we were one of two mobile reserve teams on standby for emergency response situations. I believe it was around 8 or 9 o’clock at night and we were all clustered around our rally point laying down in an excavated pit looking up at the stars. Mind you, this was out in the desert without light pollution with clear skies and good visibility.
What we all witnessed, and we still can’t say to this day what it might have been, was a bright object high in the atmosphere (or maybe low earth orbit?) moving directly over the top of our AO (area of operations) at a fast pace. This object came to a halt over our location, expanded out into a very large corona of light for several seconds, collapsed again to it’s original small form and continued on in the same direction it was orginally headed. We never saw anything like it again for the remainder of the time we were at Indian Springs. We asked our instructors the next day (they work at Indian Springs year around) if they could interpret what we might have seen and if they’ve seen strange things also in the night skies around Indian Springs. A couple of instructors said they had seen strange things but they wouldn’t elaborate on anything and seemed hesitant to talk about it at all.
None of us would agree to the sighting as a UFO but we all knew that you can see a satellite with the naked eye in low earth orbit if the conditions were right and where we were, the visibility was excellent. The only problem is, satellites and other space vehicles don’t come to immediate stops like that. We ended up speculating that it might be some type of military satellite or even some military experiment but we never knew for sure. It was agreed that the object’s behavior and the whole incident itself was completely bizarre and eerie to say the least. I’ll never forget that night or that experience.
A few years ago, I was just being bored hanging out looking twords the base that I live near, and there was, what I thought to be a plane lifting off. Well, once it got off the ground, all I could see was this fuzzy looking background. I can’t totally describe it, but it was attempting to blend in. While is was in that particular state, I could see like the exhaust. I’m sure it was a plane, could it have been the “Aurora Project?” Keep in mind, I live in Aurora, CO. That’s why I think that. But there is a lot of weird things going on where I live. But you would have to be out here to believe me.
And FYI I do believe in other life. I just don’t make a habit of watching Star Trek.
Once I saw a small tornado that looked like it was filled with water. I was with my mom and we ran inside. Only my mother, our neighbors and I saw it apparently. There was nothing about it on the news.
I really think it was a military surveillance camera or satellite of some sort that I saw. I’m pretty sure that there’s a military base around Clemson (where I saw the satellite ) because I seem to remember a military aircraft landing around that same location.
I saw a hot air balloon once
app there was a kid in it that turned out to not really be a kid but a hoax
@Bluefreedom – Wow… That is so cool. And it was by Area 51! Was it scary? Do you think that it was a UFO? :o I’m so jealous.
When I was in Laos, we hauled the entire crew up to the top of a mountain in a dump truck to celebrate the successful move of a herd of Sambar deer (no one died – Yay!) with a party. I remember laying in the grass in this open field on the crown of a mountaintop with no man made light anywhere (the nearest electricity was in a neighboring village, a 6+ hour ride away). As I lay there, I noticed what appeared to be a very large, very bright star moving diagonally and very quickly across my field of view. It repeated every hour or so. Turns out, I was watching a satellite orbit the planet. I had never been in a place so dark – the night sky was astonishing.
@troubleinharlem. We still talk about that incident to this day and we still can’t figure out what we saw. Area 51 is almost directly north of Indian Springs (from what I’ve seen on a map of the Nevada Test Site) but I don’t know by how many miles. We weren’t scared but we were very interested about all that might be going on at night in the vicinity of our training area.
Your eyes play tricks on you in the night sky. That’s why the moon looks bigger when it’s close to the horizon, among other things.
This being said, the strangest thing I’ve seen in the night sky was a strong, green laser beam shining through the night sky over the ocean north of San Diego. It was probably part of an experiment at Scripps or UCSD; I don’t know – but at least I knew what I was seeing.
wow! I love @Bluefreedom ‘s experience. I’m always trying to see a ufo but never have- my kids back in australlia (rural area) tell me they’ve seen all kings of wierd things in the sky-in the daytime, too
@syz That would really cool to see the night sky without all the light pollution. I can’t imagine how clear everything would be. It’s really awesome that you saw a satellite!
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