Illegal arm straining?
We’re listening to the news on the way to school this morning, and the reporter is talking about illegal arms training. My son asks, “Dad, what’s illegal arm straining?”
“What? Oh!”
And then I began wondering what illegal arm straining would be. For that matter, what is legal arm straining?
Do you have any situations where you or a child heard something very close but different from what was said? Tell us so we can all speculate about things like illegal arm straining!
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14 Answers
There was a display at the grocery store, for Halloween. I forget exactly, a witch, a couple ravens, a cat… Part of what the witch was cackling was, “The end is near!! Ah-hahahahahaha!!” My kids heard it as “The engineer!!” Has been a family joke ever since.
“Grandma, are we having rose beeth for dinner?”
“No, we’re having Roast Beef.”
But it’s been rose beeth ever since.
The scene in Two Towers when the elves show up at Helm’s Deep, one of the wall guard dudes tells another “Fetch the king”, but it sounded like “Gentle kin” to me. After at least a year someone corrected me, but I still like my version better.
I think illegal arm straining was implemented at Guantanamo Bay, right?
@jfos LOL! I’d give you some kind of special prize if I could! Perfect!!!!
My brother heard Creedence Clearwater Revival’s line, “There’s a bad moon on the rise” as “There’s a bathroom on the right.”
When my son was about 5 we asked him if he’d like to go to day camp at some point. He said, ” No, I’d rather go to sleep away camp. If I went to day camp, I would miss you too much, but if I went to sleep away camp, it would be at night and I’d just be sleeping.”
Actual song lyric: Think I got a tan from the light which I was baskin’
Mike heard it (and sang along vicariously) Think I got a ten, from the likes of Michellis Baskin
we still mock him for it to this day
Hahahahaha!!! In my house/group of friends this “Hearing something different from what was said is called a “Cackle-Flan” I wrote a post in my blog about it:
Note: Rae-Bug is my younger sister (19) and Stephy-Dee is our cousin (19)
You know when you’re taking to your buddy and you miss-hear what he/she has said? You repeat it back to them and it’s something COMPLETELY different and you both laugh about it for a few minutes. Well that’s “Cackle-Flan”!
Cackle-Flan came to be when Rae-Bug and our cousin, Stephy-Dee, we’re hanging out for the weekend. Stephy-Dee had these weird facial oil bloting wipe things. This is what happened:
Stephy-Dee: (Using the weird facial oil bloting wipe thing in the bathroom mirror)
Rae-Bug: (Walks into the bathroom) Hey, can I have one?
Stephy-Dee: (Turns to Rae-Bug, screws up her face and..) Cackle-Flan??
Rae-Bug: What? No, Ccaann II hhaavvee oonnee?? Cackle-Flan? What?
Stephy-Dee and Rae-Bug: (laughing hysterically)
There, now you know the birth of “CACKLE-FLAN”!
Hahahahah LOVE IT! – LB
The local radio news station always have the weather forecast read by their Meteorologist.
However, I always hear it as Meaty Urologist.
Most songs from the eightees.
No, but I have a general misunderstading by my daughter.
Last winter we lived in Poland and it was quite cold so I obviously had the heaters on most of the time. But the climate there is already dry, and on top of that the heating made it even drier and she developed a nervous cough, so I used an old trick and put some water in a bowl over every heater, so that the vapours would make the atmosphere a little milder. When she asked what that water was for, I tried to explain the theory and told her it was to help her stop coughing.
So a few days later she’s playing with her friend and I see them drinking that water (which was undrinkable to start with and had been in those bowls for days). “Here, have another sip” insisted my daughter. “My dad said it’s a medicine to stop you coughing”.
Made me think the water probably never got the chance to evaporate since it was drunk every night before she went to bed.
So many to choose from! The ones I remember most:
My ex-husband heard “My country tis ov vee, sweet land of liberty, ov vee I see.” rather than “My country tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing.” for years. He was well into adult-hood by the time I corrected him.
My young children, playing out on the back porch, come running into the house. Younger one reports “Mommy! Some guy outside said ‘idiot’!” (a “bad” word in our house, at the time). Older one says “Yeah! He said ‘you stupid bucket idiot’!” Preeeety sure it was actually “You stupid fucking idiot!”
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