How often do you admit you are wrong to yourself?
On big issues I have almost never had an epiphany where I realized the error of my ways. When my beliefs change it is almost always by such small degrees that I don’t really ever have to admit to myself that I was wrong. Does anyone else feel the same way?
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39 Answers
As often as necessary. I have no qualms with doing so.
He who doesn’t admit he is wrong doesn’t question himself enough.
I wish! I have the opposite problem—trying to admit that I haven’t fucked up on something.
Less often than I used to, I’ve gotten better at being right. But I’ve definitely done it, I consider that ability one of my best features, I think most people have trouble with it.
I would say some of my beliefs have changed gradually, but eventually were so opposite what they used to be that I had to admit I was entirely wrong. Sometimes even with small details one can find that one is wrong and have to deal with it.
I am almost always wrong to myself. For some reason I seem to be right to others frequently enough.
If I have learned anything from being married, it’s that I’m wrong all the time.
This sounds terrible – but I feel like I’m rarely “wrong”. If I do something theres a reason for it. If I believe in a something, theres a reason for it. I never jump to conclusions or do things without thinking about it first. Theres never a “just because” in my life.
I’m now the person that bails everyone else out of trouble
If it counts, I apologize even when I’m not wrong sometimes. Just to clear the air.
For years I could never admit I was wrong about anything. Any imperfection was a weapon someone could/would use against me.
So now I’m the first one to say I’m Wrong… well.. when I am wrong that is.
If I am in the wrong,I will admit to it, and try to remedy it, if possible. If not possible, then I will apologize to those involved and attempt to move past it. If I am not wrong, and am simply wronged, then my old Belgian temper is riled up, and that is one beast I cannot control. Fortuantely, that monster screams and yells and gets pretty worked up, but has yet to do anything violent to those who have wronged me. I have some pretty creatively violent fantasies, usually turned into fiction, though.
Admitting to myself when I’m wrong is always safe. Knowing I’m wrong, way for improvement opens for me.
Sometimes, I’m afraid though to admit before a group, may be ego problem. But, I always try. Whenever I find myself in such awkward situations, I recall God, and ask him to help me out; and he does; he’s very kind and loving!
Very often to myself and occasionally recently to my husband as well.
I admit that I am wrong, when I am wrong. But I also get to the point, where, I say something, and I don’t have enough proof to back it up. So I usually look it up to see if I was wrong. If I was, I apologize for it.
Let’s see….it’s 2009 now….that means sometime in the last century. I admitted to myself I was wrong about something, but for the life of me I can’t remember what the fuck it was, so it couldn’t have been that important. On the other hand, I am absolutely certain @sccrowell has never heard me say it and she is finally resigned to the fact that she never will, and for good reason….I never open my mouth without a large degree of certainty in what I say. And my body may be going to hell, but my mind is clear and my memory still near photographic and beyond challenge. See ya…..Gary/wtf
@pinkparaluies There’s never a “just because” in my life.
C’est déprimant! Nous avons besoin du cirque – de la spontanéité!
hahaha. are you calling me a freak? ;)
If that’s what you want to be called… haha
Don’t get me wrong, It’s not that looking back I can’t see that I was wrong. I know I have been wrong on hundreds of things. I just never come to see how wrong I am all at once.
@patg7590….Don’t think I won’t remember that! But I still lurve you. See ya….Gary/wtf
I’m never wrong. The rest of you however….
I have a bad habit of admitting to being wrong in situations where I’m clearly not just to appease the other party. I am actually wrong a sufficient amount however and will admit to it whoever it needs to be admitted to.
When I’m right, I’m right and when I’m wrong, I’m wrong. I have no problem admitting either, and do so humbly ^_^
I’m never wrong! I don’t regret anything because I did it for a reason.
When I’m wrong I rarely have a problem admitting it.
@Webzilla Lordy, I hope you never have a car accident where someone is killed because you took your eyes off the road for a second. That never being wrong attitude will make for an interesting police report.
I have no problem admitting I was wrong to others or myself.
I am never wrong.
I might discover a better solution that contradicts the previous assessment.
More now that I don’t have to worry about being wrong. It doesn’t have the same consequences that it used to. And those consequences I had in my head weren’t real either, but holdovers from when I was a kid and every little mistake was grounds for a punishment of some sort in the place where I was raised.
I’ve admitted to others that I was wrong in one instance or another but I’ve never had to admit anything to myself.
Me and myself don’t really do a lot of lying to each other.
In general, I believe it isn’t a weakness to admit fault. To do so to oneself simply means self-exploring, i.e., trying to reach a higher level of enlightenment.
@windex: A soft voice turneth away wrath.
like others I have the opposite problem – I’m always questioning whether I’m wrong…in fact the presumption is that I am wrong. I wish I could take it for granted that I’m right…life would be so much easier
I just admitted to Jeruba that I had made a mistake about the nominative singular of “antic” and that she was right. I feel cleansed an righteous.
When I think about it, almost never. I’m not sure why that is, though. When it comes to beliefs, I don’t think I’ve ever decided that I was wrong, but on smaller stuff, yes, although not too much.
Geezzz, I hate to admit this, but, WTF is correct in his statement about never being wrong. Damn! Did I just say that? Out loud? hmmmmm…
@sccrowell….Duly noted, darling! Meet you in bed! See ya….Gary/wtf
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