Still carve pumpkins?
Whats your favorite design? Last year I did a cat. But this year I’m thinking traditional jack-o-lantern.
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30 Answers
Heck Yes I do! and I’m all for the cheesy traditional Jack-o-Lanterns <3
I wish, too messy, no where to display it, (apt), someone should send me some baked seeds though :]
Yup, and this year I think I’m going to carve mine to look like Jack Skellington.
That’s my plan for later today! I’m going to make a large jack-o-lantern that is eating another smaller pumpkin.
I already did. I made basic Jack O’Lantern. But I also made a snowman, and I am going to use it on Halloween as the head for my scaryman snowman.
Religiously. The past two years I’ve done it twice in the same year. My friends and I always have a carving party…beer and knives!
I did the other night. Took a picture and it turned out freakishly well.
Carved pumpkins are the only thing I like about halloween. My dad carves them with goofy faces.
I will always carve pumpkins, even when my children are grown and out of the house. Halloween is my favorite holiday.
I usually carve the traditional jack-o-lantern, but I like to make the eyes look evil and I add vampire fangs.
@jonsblond, it’s my favorite holiday, too. And, I’ll always carve ‘em.
I wish we had that tradition too. Well it’s coming more and more I guess.
My boyfriend and my best girlfriend and I are carving/painting pumpkins later this afternoon! They’re carving, I’m painting. I hate the mess of carving and the effort it takes.
Oh yes! We will carve a bunch of ‘em today or tomorrow…Hooray for Halloween!
Just about to carve Darth Vadar , Cookie Monster and face with a french style hat .
We’re doing ours tomorrow. Last minute, but my husband is the carving expert and he’s been out of town. We get three pumpkins, one for each kid, and they always have interesting ideas of what should go on the pumpkins. We’ve had a unicorn pumpkin, a dragonfly, a devil mantis…rarely just a jack-o-lantern face. Yesterday we went to the orchard to pick out the pumpkins and ended up with three behemoths. Just looking at them makes my pumpkin-gut-scooping arm tired.
Each of the kids draws a picture of what they want their pumpkin to look like. My husband will then re-draw the design on the pumpkin in a way that lets the final carving look like the drawing. It’s messy and fun, and we’re always surprised by what the kids come up with. I’m also carving up two sugar pumpkins to bake and puree for pies and breads!
Absolutely! Not only is it fun for myself and my daughter but the seeds are so yummy!!
I just did a grumpy pumpkin and a sleepy pumpkin! I think pumpkin carving might be my favorite part of Halloween! @sarahny I second the pumpkin seeds; I’m partaking in some right now! =)
Only if my Dremel is handy. I have no patience for teethed knives.
ooo, I just noticed what my lurve score (first 3 numbers) was on Devil’s Night. Mwahaha
Now nobody give @jmah any lurve so it stays that way… aww damn. Too late, I did.
Can we have pics of the pumpkins everyone carved????
I did Frank and jsammons did V. A friend did Mortitia also. It was perfect to a T! I have the stencil to do a Captain Spaulding and a Batman symbol but didn’t get to it this year.
@Clair Love the pics! Great job!
Not this year. The party where that would happen isn’t happening as life has gone on and the old gang has scattered to far-flung places. :(
@Clair That is really very good! GA has to make do instead of Well Done.
@Clair Those are great! My husband just got home from his trip, and says he has one of those Dremel tools. We’re going to use that one the pumpkins tomorrow and see how we do.
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