What would you do about this unprofessional conduct?
Asked by
chyna (
October 30th, 2009
My coworker/friend went to an oral surgeon for a consultation. She had a brief conversation with the x-ray tech, weather, teeth, nothing lasting more than 2 minutes. The next day, the x-ray tech (also female) texts my friend and invites her to a halloween party. Keep in mind, they are both in their 40’s to 50’s and didn’t previously know each other. Friend ignored text message. X-ray girl texts back again to say she wasn’t sure the message was sent and asks again. Friend answers with a “no thanks”. X-ray girl texts again that if she changes her mind, just call. She texted 3 more times that day to say she wanted to be friends, it was hard to meet people, etc. Friend ignores them. X-ray girl waits a day and then calls friend and texts her! Creeper. So obviously, X-ray girl got the phone number from friends file. Friend no longer wants to go back to this oral surgeon, but should she report X-ray girl? She is afraid she will get her other information from her file and possibly retaliate. But, it’s not fair to the oral surgeon that his X-ray person is stalking patients. What would you do?
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32 Answers
Yeah, report her ASAP. That is insanity! Total violation of her privacy. Who knows what else she could have looked up?
Yes, report her. I would never pull a phone number from someone’s chart for a personal reason, unless the patient specifically said to call her.
The fact that she pursued your friend after being denied the first time indicates to me that X-ray girl has emotional/mental problems. She should be reported. But, I really feel kind of bad for her. :(
Creepasaurus. I would just bounce, however, this is the easy way out/unethical method. Her boss should know about her shenanigans.
Oohhhh, this gal’s weird! Definitely tell your dentist! She went way over the line there.
Something like this happened to me once. At the bank I regularly went to, a teller used my name to look me up on myspace and sent me a message asking if I wanted to go out with him. Around the same time, the ATM at this bank locked up and wouldn’t give me my card back (I think I had just changed the pin or something.) So I had to go back to the bank to get it. When I walked in, the guy raised his eyebrows, said, “forget something?” and held up my card. I had a talk with the teller, telling him that he had to stop, and changed banks. I think that I really should have reported him, though. My name isn’t really private information, but the thing with the card wigged me out. Your friend should report this woman. She’s abusing people’s privacy and scaring away customers. The surgeon would want to know if he has an employee that’s making him lose business.
If you want to try to “help” the girl, and have no intention of reporting her you could text back asking, “how did you get my number, I did not give it to you and I know you would not violate hippa and take it from my chart? And I don’t socialize with people from doctors offices, because it makes me uncomfortable to go back to the office, but thanks for the imvitation,” or something like that. She may not have any sense of boundaries and still be crazy, but it might stop her, and make her think twice about pulling people’s personal info.
Wow what a creeper! Yes, report her. I’m guessing that going through someone’s file and stealing a phone number for their own personal use is against some kind of law.
Have your friend text the girl that she just isn’t interested. Don’t bust her to her boss yet.
This is a tough one. On the one hand, her conduct definitely crossed the line and she would probably be fired if she were reported. On the other hand, she really sounds like she is unstable or depressed and getting fired could damage her even more.
ever see the movie One Hour Photo?
Wow. Way to be completely inappropriate.
If this were a man and he had continued after the first NO he would be a stalker and I am not so sure the same label does not apply here.
The Doctor needs to be made aware that his patients privacy has been violated by an employee as soon as possible. This is not only illegal but can bring a lawsuit to his office.
Also the person needs to be told firmly “DO NOT CONTACT ME AGAIN.” and if they do file a report of harassment.
Yeah, my thought is to not bust her, because I would worry she is unstable. None of the texts are out of line or anyway suggestive, but the fact that she texted 6 times in one day to someone she doesn’t know seems desperate.
I am with @filmfann – I would tell her I resent that she obtained my phone number in an unethical way and she should stop harassment immediately or your friend will report her to the dentist. If she continues then I would report her to the dentist.
@Dog I agree that if a man was doing this, it would be very clear what his intentions are.
Tell the boss immediately what she has done. The files are the intellectual and legal property of the business, and it is against the law to convert them to private use without the owner’s permission.
@YARNLADY I think my friend is worried about the other womans stability. That woman now has her address, home phone number, ss number, work address, etc. She wants to proceed cautiously. I would just tell her to leave me alone and be done with it and if she contacted me again, then tell the dentist.
She should at least keep a record of the unwanted communications, and if it becomes necessary, get a restraining order. I have had to do that against a stalker, myself.
I understand not wanting to hurt anyone’s feelings. However I feel that not reporting her will not solve the problem.
This person has already displayed a severe lack of boundaries. They have been told “no” and still continue. To people who behave in this manner anything but a direct rejection is actually encouragement to continue.
It is just my opinion but my advice is still:
Firmly tell them not to contact you again then contact the office manager and tell them that you do not appreciate them violating your privacy by allowing technicians to look up your private information to contact you for non- office interests.
Do not tiptoe around people who are inappropriate because you fear they will be unstable. Clear and straightforward communication is vital to stop them and stop the behavior from escalating further.
Sorry if I sound harsh. I had a same-sex stalker once and ended up having to use the advice above. I did not like doing it but it was the only way I could stop the calls.
Report her as soon as possible. Privacy in a doctor’s office isn’t something to be trifled with. Anyone who wants to violate this in this way has no place working where they have access to confidential information.
Absolutely this is a serious violation of privacy laws, and I would tell the Doctor AND his office manager.
Wow…what a scary situation! I would probably tell her, look I ain’t interested and if you keep bothering me I bet your employer would be interested to know what you’ve done.
Oh wow! I would be totally freaked out! How inappropriate, and illegal. I mean, it can’t be legal to take a phone number from a patients file, right?!
Ugh. Sticky situation, but she definitely needs to inform a manager of the office, because that needs to be dealt with.
This is really a legal liability issue more than anything else. She doesn’t just need to be fired for this, she needs to be sued.
What if she was interested in your friend, if you know what I mean >:)
It’s sad to see someone so desperate for a friend, but that is something that should be taken seriously. I would say that your friend should defiantly report her.
@holden cable guy’s a good example too
she really needs to tell the dr. he doesn’t deserve to lose patients because of this, plus, alot of offices hire ‘temps’ to do assistant work, the dr. probably had no idea and needs to know!
Thanks all. It is all good advice. I’ll pass it on to my friend.
Tell the doctor. Having an employee who violates privacy laws and won’t take no for an answer can put his practice in jeopardy.
The same happened to me once.. I went to this X- Ray dentist, we talked like, the typical questions your dr. asks, like what do you do, which college yo go to.. etc.. the thing is he got my msn address and email, at first he e-mailed me my x-rays so I thought that was ok. A day later he added me to his msn and then started to chat with me and then got my cel number, and he started to text me and call me inviting me on dates and dinner.. jajajajajaja well, I just always, said no.. eventually he got bored and never called me again..
So.. your friend might want to report her, or just simply change his phone number or.. just not answer the phone.. mmm there’s something about these X-Ray’s people.. jajajajjaj
@Darwin has it right – the problem with this is that this tech is threatening the doctor’s practice. Unfortunately for all of you, it becomes a liability for him to have someone like her on staff.
There may be a way it can be handled delicately, and you can discuss this with the doctor. However, if you don’t do it soon and she does this to someone else who isn’t as concerned for everyone’s well being as you seem to be, she’ll be out and you may suffer any repercussions you fear now anyway.
If you’re in the U.S., check out your privacy rights under HIPAA.
@Lorenita your Spanish is showing. Many people may not realize you mean hahahaha :).
I forgot about this thread. But to tell you all what happened: My friend did nothing, just ignored the X-ray girl. X-ray girl texted a couple more times, but finally quit. My friend went to a new oral surgeon to have the root canal completed.
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