Do you feel like other people are having more fun that you? Or are you the one having all the fun?
It’s Friday night, and I’m sitting at home, fluthering, and there are no questions in my queue. Reminds me of when I was younger, and I was alone at home on date night. And then I looked at all the folks who went to the clubs and taking drugs and I felt like I missed out on that fun, too.
I keep reminding myself that I don’t actually enjoy clubs—too much smoke and the music makes my ears hurt. I don’t really want to use drugs to get high when I know I can achieve the same effect through dance and music (and it is so much easier to recover from).
Still, I’ve never felt like I’ve had as much fun as other people do.
Which side are you on? Are you on the inside looking out or the outside looking in? Or do not not care to look?
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40 Answers
@daloon I just had a round of the best Pm’s ever with a newb…lotsa fun!
Fun is to be had, you just have to start it up!
Who says Fluthering is not fun?
I’m perfectly content staying home with clair and our puppies. I have no desire to get out and “party”, never been my idea of a good time. It’s just much more comfortable at home where you have everything you need. It may have something to do with my childhood though, I was never allowed to get out of the house, I always had to stay home and babysit my little sister.
I definitely feel like I’m missing out at times. I’m just not a very social person. I prefer small crowds and get togethers with just a few friends.
I’ve often wondered if I feel this way because I was the baby of the family, much younger than everyone else, and always left behind when my siblings went to visit their friends.
Maybe too much time spent hanging out here is not conducive to a good time. Go pick apples or take the wife dancing.
The question of my life. I’m definitely the one not having any fun. It sucks.
Well, I’m going to a party in an hour or so, so not really… :P
I feel perfectly content in my fun levels most of the time. If I feel like I’m not having enough of it, then I’m gonna have to make some… :)
I’m taking it easy tonight so I can party tomorrow. Nothing wrong with a lazy night in, some people are more social than others. @daloon & @jonsblond I’m with you, I’ve never really been one for the club scene, I’d rather have a small gathering with close friends.
A few years ago I was really antisocial and wished I could party like everyone else because they appeared be having such a blast. When I became more social and got invited to these things I realized it’s all really kinda lame…. people often do the same things over and over. I mean, dance, get drunk, repeat. Wow fun.. not. I guess it depends on your personality as well… we all have different versions of fun.
Once in a while I’ll go out to the club, because honestly I don’t have enough party-type friends to out that often… but I don’t even want to go that often. It gets old fast.
If you really feel like you’re missing out, find a way to get out there. However, you might soon realize that you weren’t missing out on anything at all.
Also, I very much believe in the saying if you’re bored, you’re boring… so whatever you enjoy doing, make the most of it!
@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities I hear you on that- my favorite holiday! I will be out all day and having fun making the yard into a very realistic old graveyard. Life is good!
I’m old and tired. I had enough fun for a whole lifetime before the age of 21. But I do think I see the humor in life much more than most people. So, at times I am the only one having fun.
That’s definitely true. I had a friend who complained of not being social enough and finally she got opportunities to go to parties and she just doesn’t like them. They’re not for everyone and just because it seems like they’re the pinnacle of “fun”, that’s not necessarily true. I happen to enjoy them, but not everyone does.
Then I have things like mountain biking that I think are really fun, but few of my friends actually want to do it…oh well…my boyfriend likes it.
But, just because I’m home on most nights, doesn’t mean I don’t get any enjoyment out of life. I get to watch my son every day, all his smiles and picking up new words. It’s pretty amazing, and we have a ton of fun together…I think people would be jealous of that.
I was literally just asking myself this question about 2 hours ago. My mother called earlier and asked “So what are you planning on doing tonight. Going out to party?” And that’s when it hit me…I’m a loser. I never “party”. I never go out and get totally wasted. My idea of fun is having my closest friends over for a movie night. I always notice on facebook that my friends are always posting things like “getting drunk” or “going clubbing downtown!” My posts say “Going grocery shopping!” and “watching Greys Anatomy!” How sad.
Why is it sad for them? Partying is a perfectly acceptable means of having fun. Neither type of fun makes you a loser, whether it’s a movie night with close friends or a party with a bunch of people.
Nobody can have all the fun all the time. In my life there are times of extreme fun-ness and really boring times. I’m staying in tonight to try to keep this weekend in balance, because I’m definitely going out tomorrow. :)
GA, @DominicX! Both types of fun are awesome.
Yeah, a little. My life is so different now than in years past and nights like this at home, early and alone make me kind of mad, sad and then just plain beat feeling. I’ve not yet learned how to be alone after so many years of cohabitation which I really enjoy. Today is a sulky day for me because I’m just so damned beat tired from working a crazy ass schedule for near two months straight. I tried to explain to my partner how I could feel lonely while at the same aware I am cared for so they’d know they don’t have to do anything to fix me or cater to me, I just need to get through a moment of funk.
I am very comfortable with the amount of fun I am having.
I don’t go out often, but I do enjoy myself when I do.
When I go out in public with a group of people, I am usually not having fun. But if I am at home with my best friends, we just play Halo and everyone has a great time.
I’ve never been very big on what many people consider to be ‘fun’. I would much rather spend the night at home doing what I like doing, instead of going out and acting like someone else so I can seem to fit in.
I’m pretty much the party pooper. I dont know how to have fun. I’m way too serious for a 17 year old. While my friends are out tonight smoking pot and getting drunk, I’m watching Supernatural Season 1 and going to work tomorrow.
I hate crowds, and I hate them so much that I refuse to step into a place with more than 50 people in it. That means bars, clubs, concert venues, and all that social stuff is right out. Malls are even too confining for me. I like small get togethers, and I like to have them in my home. I’d rather invite people over here than to go out anywhere else.
I don’t need other people to have fun. I learned a long time ago that I am my own best company. I always boast that I can entertain myself with a thumb tack, a rubber band, and a pencil. Sad to say, it is true. at least until I hurt myself.
@Psychedelic_Zebra I can never go into the cafeteria alone because I feel like I’m going to drown in such a big crowd of people.
@naivete I know what you mean, I hate being alone in a crowd. I prefer to take someone else with me as a ‘shield’ so to speak. That seems weird, though, since I am 6’ 2” and there isn’t anyone I know that I can ‘hide’ behind.
@Psychedelic_Zebra You sound exactly like me. If I ever do go into the cafeteria it’s NEVER alone. Everyone knows that I hate it so I always have someone go with me. I can’t really hide either since I’m 5’11.
i know they are- all of them-the dirty rats!
@naivete & @Psychedelic_Zebra You should see my husband and I whenever we enter a building. We take turns saying “No, you go ahead”, until I eventually go in before my husband. I can quickly hide behind him though once we are inside. I’m only 5’3”
@jonsblond I always thought it was some sort of social disorder.
@jonsblond my wife and I have a game we play in places like Wal-Mart and the grocery store. She finds something interesting and calls out “Honey, come here for a second” That is when I answer her in a louder than normal voice with “Don’t call me honey in public, my wife might be in here.” We have fun all the time, it’s just how we are.
I am half and half. Here I am, on Fluther on a Friday night. I always have fun no matter what i do, though. Tonight I stayed home and watched a movie with my roomate and we made some chilli together. I think going out to the bars/clubs is over-rated(and expensive!). I can have much more fun at home with a bunch of friends over, playing poker, playing some guitar and having some beer in good company.
I did, until I found out that I’m a hippie of the modern times in high school. That raised the fun levels quite a bit. And then I met my social butterfly friend in college. For a long time it was easy; I attached myself to him and he led the roll-out to the party or created one of his own. Now I’m digging the homebody scene – I just always wish I could be back in my house when I’m away. Going out is fun as ever when my butterfly comes to visit, though. Thanks to him I think I met more people in this town in a single night than I had the entire year I’d lived here before that.
I’ve never been into parties and ‘fun,’ normal style. I’d rather stay home with @jsammons. Crowds make us both nervous (him much worse than me) and I lose interest really fast in what ever the mainstream is glued to for the moment. I don’t need a ‘scene’ to feel entertained. I have always had to make my own fun, and apparently I got so good at it…I don’t even have to try anymore! Most of the time I feel like the “people having the fun” aren’t even enjoying themselves. At least I can sit back and be comfortable with myself and not be so serious. I can make anything enjoyable, I just choose different things.
The kind of stuff that I enjoy the most is daytime oriented. A run, a bike ride (in the sand in the bush (@DominicX you should bring your bike and come visit) a walk with the dogs, a fishing trip, soon I’ll be close enough to the beach to go there.
In my younger days I enjoyed parties and clubs but I think I have outgrown their allure. A dvd on the telly and falling asleep on the couch with my partner and the dogs – that’s our idea of a good night.
I never date or go to clubs, etc. I’m always on the outside.
Hmm. Normally, on Friday night, my wife and I would go to a place where I play music and she dances. We met there more than twenty years ago. We were both dancing at that time.
But last night, my wife was visiting her mother who just had a stroke, and when I got home, my son was pestering me to help him with his pumpkin. I was tired, so I was thinking of staying home, but my daughter was disappointed, perhaps because she gets some money for “babysitting” when we go out.
Anyway, I stayed home, and we hollowed out pumpkins to prepare for today. He kept asking me to find the face for my pumpkin. I wasn’t sure what he was talking about. Normally I commune with the pumpkin for a while, and then bring out the face I see hiding in there. But last year, he reminded me, I wanted to do a Buddhist monk face, so I searched the internet until I found the right face, which I used as a sketch for my pumpkin.
The kicker? Everyone thought it was a carving of George Bush!! I was mortified!
Anyway, last night, my daughter hung with all her friends on facebook. My son and I drew sketches for our pumpkins. Mine seemed to be some kind of black face Obeah pface. When we were done, I read my son his story and he went to bed, and I went on fluther.
It’s funny how you can feel lonely in the midst of people.
Well it depends..when I go to parties,I usually do have more fun than others but if I get bored or something like that then I might not have much fun at all.Parties are fun!
I’m always on the outside looking in. Luckily I just got the new Castlevania for the 360 and I reserved medal of honor. I guess you gotta find your “fun”, thats what fluther has been telling me anyway…
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