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How does one back-up ones life? Why would one want to do that?

Asked by virtualist (2452points) October 30th, 2009

I would really like to have an efficient way to do both of those things. I cannot remember all my uid’s and pwd’s for everything now. I do use encrypted software to do it for me. I am 3 years behind in updating my/our will ( with all that that means today). Yada-yada! But I would like to go beyond that, without taking eons of personal time to, probably, create only, something superficial to anyone but myself.

Technology-assisted anthologies of life legacies would be useful , online for the planet. We could all gain. We could all contribute.

The tools we need are different in that they need to be easy, uncorruptible, nontrite, and ‘translatable’ , not only into other languages, but other lifestyles, as well.

Help me out here. Look ahead. What DO we need? Let the geniuses start working on it!

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