Has anyone here had any firsthand experience with satanism?
Are you or were you involved? What made you interested or drove you away?
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20 Answers
No. Since I remain undeluded about God , how could I possibly let myself be deluded by an Anti-God concept. Satan, beyond fictional entertainment, does not compute.
It depends on what exactly you mean. I was once a member of The Temple of Set, and my husband is a high ranking member and officer still. As an offshoot of the Church of Satan, many people regard the members as Satanists.
I have a friend who’s a Satanist, so I’ve read up about it a bit. That’s all, though. I’m not a big fan of organized religions. I sort of stick to my own mishmash of spiritual things.
@YARNLADY could you tell us a little bit about it? I’ve never heard of such an organization.
Closest I’ve come is being a fan of black metal music, a form of metal that originated in Norway some 20 years ago. Many of the original bands were full on satanists, burning down churches, practicing “black magic” or whatever.
those crazy kids
@holden There is an excellent wikipedia article about it, with a link to the official website
I joined because I wanted to learn ‘magic’, but I found that it was too much religion and not enough magic for my taste.
I had a mother-in-law once. Close as I ever want to get.
My friends and I almost conjured up a demon with our Ouija board when I was in high school. That was a little creepy. After that episode, I pretty much swore off anything having to do with evil and the supernatural.
Satan sheet are very nice.
I have a friend who is into satanism. What satanism boils down to is being a selfish asshole. Satanism teaches your an animal and if it feels good do it. Don’t deny yourself sex, drugs, and money. Get those things anyway you can. Satanism also throws compassion out the window. In the bible jesus said, “If a man smites you on your left cheek turn the other cheek.” The satanic bible says if a man smites you on your left cheek smash him on his right cheek.” I think practicing satanism is silly but that’s just an opinion. I think the golden rule is flipped around too in the satanic bible.
Satanism is just full of angst ridden teens and 30 year old manchildren who buys their music/clothing from Hot Topic. All in all- Not very “evil” as it advertises.
Our first child, Damien, was a handful. . .
I know a guy who claims to be a Satanist. And it is mostly self-indulgence and this idiotic belief in curses and magic. He’s a nice enough fellow, just deluded, is all. He doesn’t sacrifice animals or infants to his Dark Lord or anything crazy like that. Pretty much what @buster said ^ there.
I of course love it when people think atheists believe in Satan. Everyone knows Atheists worship the Great Goddess Athe. ~
If I dismiss Jehovah, Yahweh or whatever the religious call him as imaginary nonsense, what makes you think I am going to worship the Christian anti-Hero, Satan (as as his friends call him, Stan)? ~
I have an aunt that thinks she communicates with Satan and can perform spells and shit.
Needless to say, she’s a fucking idiot.
@Grisaille you should tell her that Satan prefers that those who know him best to call him Stan, as that is his REAL name. seems believe isn’t the only word the fundies misspell.
I prefer to tell her not to come to my house for Thanksgiving.
had a girlfriend who was a satanist. weird stuff, but she wasn’t any more of a nut job than any of the other girls I’ve dated. perhaps I just found a mild one.
I’m with you @virtualist !
Although I do have a tale of being called a Satanist. My husband reads Tarot Cards ( nothing hokey, or reading your future crap, just an understanding of what the cards and symbolism of the cards mean ect..) Anyway, we were teaching a friend how to read the Tarot and we were on the card for Dominion ( 2 of wands in the Thoth Deck) and we went out near a church and sat on the hood of the car and explained the card….well, the church didn’t take kindly to that at all… A mother called us Satanists and had a Pastor come out and talk to us, but he came out all red faced and asked us to come in so he could pray for our souls. We politely declined, and he just kept getting angrier and red faced and my husband is trying his best to calm him down, we didn’t mean to offend anyone, we are minding our own business ect. Well, the pastor looked like he was about to sprout horns (oh sorry, that was us) and my husband very friendly like went to put his hand on the guys shoulder to calm him down and let him know we were leaving, we didn’t mean any harm, we were talking amongst ourselves and didn’t mean to disturb them, which I still don’t know how we did… anyway the guy drew back like he was about to punch my husband! Scary… Needless to say we left and decided that was the best example of Dominian one could ever ask for… I’ll never forget what that card means for sure.
Satanism is the cartoon version of reality.
@ChazMaz . . . no. that’s mormonism. satanism is the conservative talk radio version of reality.
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