General Question

beachwriter's avatar

What do Danish people call their grandfathers?

Asked by beachwriter (361points) October 31st, 2009

Looking this up online, I found “bedstefader” and “farfar”—what is the familiar or informal equivalent of “grandpa”? Thanks!

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7 Answers

pinkparaluies's avatar

grande pere? :P

wildflower's avatar

Bedstefar is grandad (from either side) and a fairly polite, generic term. Morfar is grandad on your mum’s side, farfar is your grandad on your dad’s side.
Bessefar is a slightly derogatory term, calling someone old.

oratio's avatar

What @wildflower said.

@wildflower Oh, är du dansk?

wildflower's avatar

not quite; Faroese :)

troubleinharlem's avatar

Well, I have Danish friends and I call their grandparents by what they call them. I don’t know how to spell it correctly in Danish, buy sounds like ‘moot-ma’ (grandmother) and ‘moo-fa’ (grandfather).

wildflower's avatar

morfar = [moafah]......Danes like their silent r’s

Cartman's avatar

Jens or Svend

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