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JONESGH's avatar

How old is too old to go trick-or-treating?

Asked by JONESGH (3554points) October 31st, 2009

I don’t plan on going trick-or-treating of course. But in your opinion, when should someone stop?

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51 Answers

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

There is no age limit. Even dead people (zombies, ghosts, etc.) can enjoy Halloween!

But older people should just go with their kids, otherwise it can get creepy.

mclaugh's avatar

never too old to do anything.

Christian95's avatar

never this is ageless pleasure

syz's avatar

12 or 13

I get creeped out by the sullen teen trick-or-treaters. Teens and adults should celebrate at parties or some other age appropriate venue.

JONESGH's avatar

@PretentiousArtist woah really? i trick or treated until i was 15 i think? i guess im just weird.

oratio's avatar

You mean that they would actually give candy to a 34 yo man dressed like a vampire? Nice.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@PretentiousArtist I agree! Our granddaughter is 9 & this is her last year. It’s ridiculous to see high school kids come wanting candy. It’s just greed. Most of them don’t even bother putting on a costume.

laureth's avatar

I’d say that once you become a teenager, it’s a little weird.

smile1's avatar 15 and Im going trick or treating. Of course im dressign up!! if you dont dress up, then you shouldnt go trick or treating.

mabd's avatar

There was a curb your enthusiasm episode about this…
Larry didn’t give candy to two teenagers who weren’t dressed up, and he woke up the next morning to find his house toilet-papered with “BALD ASSHOLE” written spray painted on the front door.

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

I think I went until I was around 12. Afterward I started getting involved in the darker side of halloween fun (eggs wars, shaving cream battles, getting a 3 person slingshot and firing an egg in random direction, etc.).
Candy seemed a lot less significant after that.

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

I think around 15. As long as they dress up, what’s the harm? I’d rather see teenagers trick or treating then going to a party and getting drunk.

sarahny's avatar

I was deprived by highly religious parents of trick or treating as a kid….the first time I went out was when I was 15. I would never turn away a teenager… ItalianPrincess1217 said….better trick or treating than partying and getting drunk!

casheroo's avatar

I’ll say 14 or 15. Keeps them busy, it’s fun…why not?

gussnarp's avatar

I think 15 is the absolute limit. Probably younger. What I hate are the teenage or barely older parents with infants in strollers who walk up to the door, no costume, no nothing, and say “it’s for the baby”. Really? You’re planning to sugar up your infant? Are you a bad parent or a bad liar? Honestly, anyone without a costume should not be knocking on doors asking for candy. If it is a small child, however, I assume they are poor, or their parents are cretins, and one can’t blame the kid for that.

Of course, I give them all candy anyway. Better to give a sixteen year old jerk a few pieces of candy than to wake up with egg and toilet paper all over your house.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

High School. I remember parties after that but no trick or treating, we started being the ones to give out candy and hopefully scare a few people coming to the door.

Fred931's avatar

The high schooler’s role in Halloween is to give out candy in a more efficient and $#!t-your-pants scary manner. I throw my candy out the second-story window!

Jude's avatar

grade 8

KatawaGrey's avatar

I trick or treated when I was 17 and that was the last year. I was always dressed up and always very pleasant and would chat with the people who were handing out the candy. No one ever seemed to mind that i was coming to the door. Of course, at 20 years old, I look like I could be entering high school so maybe no one questioned me because they thought I was much younger…

Anyway, I think once you can vote you’re too old to go trick or treating.

JLeslie's avatar

I would say once you hit the teenage years its over. So 13 more or less, with an exception, If you are taking a younger sibling around the neighborhood you get a pass.

Frankie's avatar

The last time I trick-or-treated I was 13, in 8th grade. The next year, when I started high school, I just dressed up and handed out candy. Then two acquaintances from my grade trick-or-treated at my house…it was kind of awkward handing out candy to people my age.

Grisaille's avatar

I don’t know, but some high school kids just showed up to my door about half an hour ago, all looking rather uncomfortable. Masks on, pillow cases open, they give me an unenthusiastic, “hey…”

It’s cool if you want candy, too, dawgs.

I say go forward, ain’t no age limit on stuff like this.

PretentiousArtist's avatar

Aint nuthin but a G thang

delirium's avatar

I think I probably quit going out when I was 8-ish. I always do elaborate costumes and have always preferred being one of the ‘cool’ houses to going around myself. I usually go visit some neighbors who I am close to, though, in a playful manner because they look forward to seeing my costume.

If a person dresses up in an incredible way, they totally deserve candy no matter the age. The people who don’t even bother to dress up are the ones who I mind.

Maybe next year I’ll have two candy baskets. One for 14 and up, and one for 13 and under. If it’s an exceptional costume, they’ll get the 13 and under basket even if they’re 96.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

Eh. There’s no age limit. My mom got dressed up and went trick or treating when she was in her 40s and everyone loved it. I think it’s awesome. Fuck societie’s stupid, senseless restrictions.

efritz's avatar

This is the wonderful thing about having the height and build of a tall fifth-grader . . . wear a costume, speak in a high-pitched voice, and viola! 13 Again.

Although I probably should’ve stopped around 15. After that it’s a little . . . eh. Candy is cheap, if you can buy it why go trick-or-treating?

MissAusten's avatar

Our oldest is 10, and she would be completely heartbroken by any suggestion that she’s too old for trick-or-treating. I can picture her look of indignation right now, and it’s a scary thought. She was so bummed out this year that her younger brothers had Halloween parties at school, while she didn’t, that I suggested she host a party for her friends next year.

Personally, I think if you take the time to come up with a costume and go from door to door, you deserve the candy. We don’t get trick-or-treaters on this street, but when we crash other neighborhoods so our kids can get their candy, we see a lot of older kids and teens. They are always in costume, and some of them are very clever. The teen girls wearing almost nothing don’t look so clever though. I was thinking of getting myself a mask and trying to pass myself off as a kid, but instead I’ll just eat my kids’ candy.

RedPowerLady's avatar

I remember when I was about 10 I started getting comments ” aren’t you too old to be trick or treating? ” and some people being very reluctant to give me candy. I was a very tall child so I suppose they thought I was older than I was. It really sucked. Regardless I trick-or-treated through 6th grade. After that I ended up getting into other aspects of Halloween like giving out candy, watching scary movies, haunted houses etc…

Now as an adult I give candy to anyone who shows up in a costume. I don’t care how old they are.

casheroo's avatar

@RedPowerLady That’s so rude to say that to a child. What assholes.

RedPowerLady's avatar

@casheroo Thank you!! I wish someone would have said that to me when I was 10, I was really confused.

justus2's avatar

Never too old, my dad went trick or treating with me when he was like 50. My fiance this year is 45 and he is going trick or treating with me, im 19

Likeradar's avatar

Once you’re old enough to have an after-school job and buy your own damn candy.

justus2's avatar

Why are you ever too old to have fun and get a little candy in the process?

toomuchcoffee911's avatar

I stopped when I got into highschool.

Though that didn’t stop it for some of my friends.

casheroo's avatar

You know, I think it was pretty obvious tonight that the candy for my two year old was going to end up in his pregnant mothers belly. Woohoo!

Parrappa's avatar

I just got back and I’m 15. No one said anything to us about being too old. We’re pretty polite though. Wearing costumes, making conversation, stuff like that.

I think if you’re a teenager and you’re obnoxious about trick or treating, you probably don’t deserve it.

rangerr's avatar

I’m 18.
I’d be trick or treating this year if I wasn’t with my boyfriend.
I disapprove of age limits.

tandra88's avatar

Your never too old!
But, I believe about 12 or 13. After that, go to a party.

aprilsimnel's avatar

I think at 13. Of course, I say that because that’s the age when I stopped.

sydaustralia's avatar

1238890 :)
your never too old to go trick or treating!

Psychedelic_Zebra's avatar

if you have to have your wheel chair pushed up my sidewalk by your great-grandchildren, you might be a little too old to Trick or Treat. But I still give candy to whoever shows up. My display is so scary that if you can make it to the door without fouling your drawers, you deserve something for the effort.

JLeslie's avatar

I would give candy to anyone at my door, even if I thought you were too old. I can’t believe people actually tell a trick or treated no candy.

Psychedelic_Zebra's avatar

@JLeslie I like to ask them if they want a trick or a treat, usually with my face just a few inches away from theirs. I have fun with my visitors, teasing them and talking to them, and making it fun for not only them, but for myself as well. I don’t just blithely hand out candy as if I am a vending machine in a clown costume.

MissAusten's avatar

People having a problem with teens trick-or-treating have, in part, led to the urban legend about poisoned Halloween candy. From this source, :1964 – A woman in NY handed out dog biscuits, steel wool pads and ant poison (which was clearly marked) because she was upset at so many older teenagers who came around.

So give those teens candy, and help prevent the future ruination of Hallween at the hands of the paranoid media! ;)

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