General Question

artemisdivine's avatar

Do you put a cotton swab or anything else into your ear?

Asked by artemisdivine (1097points) February 7th, 2008

Do you put a cotton swab or anything else into your ear? I use cotton swabs and have never injured myself. Personally I have to wonder how dumb you have to be to actually put it in too far. But read on… Health Canada to review coroner’s report calling for better cotton swab warnings Health Canada says it will review a recommendation for more explicit warnings after a Quebec coroner’s report citing use of a cotton swab in a Montreal man’s death last year. Coroner Jacques Ramsay says many people have been surprised by the findings of his report released Tuesday, and admits he’s only come across four or five similar fatal cases worldwide.

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4 Answers

Randy's avatar

Death by cotton swab? Crazy, crazy… I would still use ‘em though. It just feels good to clean out my ears, ya know? I think most people can tell if they’re going in to far and if not, they definately shouldn’t be using q-tips in the first place.

Patlutz's avatar

I only use cotton swabs occasionally, but not because I knew it was dangerous – I actually had no idea (except for the obvious dangers). I find it extremely odd that someone actually DIED by inserting a stick with a ball of cotton on the end into their ears. That person must’ve done something incredibly stupid with that cotton swab…

ezraglenn's avatar

@patlutz, I shudder at the thought…

Bri_L's avatar

I am having trouble hearing the question. It’ s as if there were some sort of small puffy white obstacle to my hearing it properly.

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