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XOIIO's avatar

What time do people (kids teens) generally start trick or treating? (and another question)

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) October 31st, 2009 from iPhone

I have a sweet ass pumpkin with a red light and fog naching on a timer set up, and I want to know when to set it out, as fog solution is expensive. What time do kids start trick or treating start? Will the snow, wind and but if cold stop them? (I would appreciate answers from people in Saskatoon. Just put a ”^” at the start of your answer if you are)

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20 Answers

RedPowerLady's avatar

It depends on the child’s age. Young children usually start early evening say around 5pm. Older children will wait till it gets dusk. And then the even older crowd, pre-teens and teens will wait till dark. That is typical.

We have lots of parents who are taking their kids trick or treating. Hopefully they’ll answer and give you an idea of when they are taking their kids.

XOIIO's avatar

Thanks, I’m hoping for parent’s answers too.

Dog's avatar

I cannot answer the question about the time kids will come but wanted to ask if you were using the ice trick with the fog machine- funneling the fog through ice to make it cling to the ground like in the movies and not float upwards because of the heat from the machine? If so pix please!

XOIIO's avatar

No, sadly I didn’t have time:( you can search on for the super cheap fog chiller and there is a great instructable on it.

XOIIO's avatar

Should be the first one.

RedPowerLady's avatar

@XOIIO you might get more responses if you edit your question to make it more general, I almost avoided it because of the reference to the town that I don’t live in or near, just a thought

XOIIO's avatar

Good idea

XOIIO's avatar

Damn too late

RedPowerLady's avatar

if you PM a mod they will let you edit it

Dog's avatar

@XOIIO Actually I do have a home made device I use with great results. I just have never seen it with snow (being from southern CA.) and thought it would really look incredible. Many thanks for the link though!

XOIIO's avatar

Thanks @Dog!

And your welcome!

XOIIO's avatar

well it’s 15 to 5 and I can hear kids, so I guess were starting. Good news, the air is cold enough that it chills the fig and it stays aboult half on the ground (up to your waist) thanks for your help!

Dog's avatar


XOIIO's avatar

Ill probably have pictures on some sort of pic site, any suggestions?

RedPowerLady's avatar

photobucket works well and then you can copy the link here so we can see :)

XOIIO's avatar

Sweet, thanks!

RedPowerLady's avatar

no prob, sorry you didn’t get more answers, i was looking forward to seeing what time everyone took their kids trick or treating

MissAusten's avatar

I guess those of us with kids who could have chimed in with an answer were out trick-or-treating. :) We go when it’s pretty dark, but not full dark yet. Tonight we got started around 6:15, and we were home by 7:30. When your kid sits down in the middle of the street and says, “My legs are too tired to walk one more step!” you know it’s time to call it a night.

Fog machine sounds really cool! Hope you had fun!

YARNLADY's avatar

We get the little kids right around 6pm, but it’s still light here at that time. It’s just getting dark now, at 6:20

XOIIO's avatar

well were done. We got 20 people. Still half a big bowl of candy. Too bad~ LOL

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