Is politics just too dangerous to talk about?
People get so mad discussing it, they end up hating each other.
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54 Answers
but it sure does make for good conversation
Not me, I discuss politics with Conservatives all the time. They call me a Liberal, I correct them and tell them I am a Moderate, and that’s pretty much the end of it. I have had more Liberals hate me than I’ve had Conservatives hate me, even though I am as sickened by the Far Right as I am by the Far Left. In fact, I think I am sickened more by the Far Left. They are more likely to take my Evelyn-given rights away by using the words ‘but think of the children.’
No thanks, you think of the children, there was a reason I didn’t have any, and Liberals can’t guilt me into some new law because they are a bunch of bleeding heart namby pamby pantywaists.
the Conservatives will let me keep my guns, even though the ex-vice president shot his friend in the face.
Dangerous? You feel you are going to be harmed? Stick to the weather. Baseball and modern art are dangerous, too.
I don’t think politics is too dangerous to discuss. What makes it dangerous is when you stop talking about ideas and start using language like: “No thanks, you think of the children, there was a reason I didn’t have any, and Liberals can’t guilt me into some new law because they are a bunch of bleeding heart namby pamby pantywaists.”
Thanks, @Psychedelic_Zebra for the example.
@gussnarp no problem, people have told me to set an example for others, and somehow, I just did that. Now you gonna give me lurve, or you gonna be selfish?
@Psychedelic_Zebra They try to take away your Evelyn-given rights? Those bastards! She will smite them!
I think we should discuss anything and everything. People just get too attached to things like politics and religion and thus the debates often turn personal and nasty. Politics involves laws that affect all people and so naturally people are going to get defensive and passionate about it. People have to learn how to discuss politics civilly.
You might like Lindsay Nagel’s philosophy: “children are the future; today belongs to me!”
@Psychedelic_Zebra I’m not sure it was a great answer just because it was a great example. I’ll think about it, but I’m going to bed now.
Where I come from, you check your weapons at the door, so it’s perfectly safe to discuss politics. Although it may not be safe to leave the premises! ;-)
@gussnarp nighty night, sleep tight, don’t let the bedbugs bite!
pdworkin: No, I don’t feel like I am going to be harmed. But on the other site I belong to, they get so mad over it, the liberals try to get the conservatives banned. I stay out of it. It’s a bloodbath!
I feel like in certain settings that it’s not right, but you have a right to talking about it.
I love arguments/discussions about politics – I’m probably the only one at my school who knows who the French president is, or who our supreme justice is. Besides my teachers, that is.
cool I know who Sarkozy is and all the justices! which ones liberal, which ones conservative, etc
No, I just like hearing Sarkozy say Obama is egotistical and inexperienced.
OOps. I did NOT say that. Yikes, I am gonna get attacked!!!!
I didn’t mean it. I love Obama. I would do anything for him!
This is why I never say anything on that other site. Darn, darn, darn!
Sure does smell troll in here
Not at all. Ones who make quasi-clever, incendiary quips in attempt to rile up the open forum?
Obama is a huge disappointment for me, and I’m a Lefty.
You’re disappointed in Obama because you’re a liberal, @pdworkin. I’m right there with you.
If we were centrist or gave a shit about bi-partisanship, we’d sing a different tune.
Oh, I am somewhat to the Left of liberal.
Whoa, don’t go there. I’m not an Obama hater. I am concerned about some of what I see going on with policy, but I think we should give him a chance.
I have legitimate concerns and opinions. I don’t hate anybody. Don’t call me a troll, please.
Look at the question. This is what I’m talking about; the perils of discussing politics.
Resorting to name calling is a good example.
@CBKfromAskville They meant you? Are you sure? I haven’t seen anything troll-like from you. Maybe they call people who disagree with them “troll”?
Maybe they didn’‘t mean me. Oops
Troll is such an ugly label. Them’s fightin’ words to some.
Troll posts have no redeeming value. I don’t see that as applying to you.
I’m to the left of the far right and to the right of the far left. That’s makes me a moderate.
Unfortunately, while everyone can talk about politics and religion, very few actually understand either one. Most operate on the level of faith, not facts, so it becomes unavoidable to start slinging insults, because neither side can produce facts to support what they so ardently believe.
Politics MUST be discussed! Otherwise all we will hear is unchallenged propaganda. We must research. think talk and listen. If you don’t have time, put down the joint or the video game, stay home from the club, turn off the game or the trashy show and make time-the distractions will always be there, At the very least, ask questions here and see what makes sense.
It’s precisely the most ‘dangerous’ topics that should be discussed. Note that I said discussed, not ‘fought to the death’. Sadly, some people are incapable of rational discussion. Doesn’t mean we should stop trying.
Religion and politics are explosive topics but not too dangerous to talk about in the right environment.
The wearying thing about both politics and religion is that, at a certain point, I find myself repeating myself over and over to all the new people. It becomes boring to say these things over and over, or to correct the same misconceptions over and over. I wish there were a FAQ I could refer people to, but even if I did have one, I know people don’t read those things. They only want information in dialog.
What I’m not clear about is if people actually want information, or if it’s the dialog they want. So often I feel like people just want a soapbox to flog their opinions from. It’s not about listening. It’s not about finding out information. It’s just about arguing—almost purely for argument’s sake.
I think it is possible to make politics safer (and more fruitful) to talk about. To do that, we would have to stop arguing, and start listening. We would ask questions about experiences that lead to various points of view. What are the formative experiences that have resulted in your current political position or religious beliefs.
That is much more interesting to me than arguing the same arguments over and over, except with slightly different words. Hmmm. I guess I don’t think conversations about politics are dangerous so much as boring and besides the point.
I’m an independent. So I’m conservative on some things, like fiscal matters,and liberal on others, like abortion rights and drug policy. So, no matter, I am going to make somebody mad. Bummer!
I’m with @pdworkin
you can talk politics with me all the time
but mention how any other team is better than the Yankess and I’ll pop one in your knee
CC is throwing too many pitches
I will hit you.
stop that shit.
ok, he has retired the last 7 hitters.
now you know
@pdworkin don’t worry, we’ll work it out this game…you’ll see
What exactly do trolls do on Fluther? I know what they did on AB, they would troll around and give negative points without commenting on the answer or question.
Trolls stir the shit by making comments in order to trigger extreme responses, and only for that reason.
OK, they have a different purpose here.
They have no purpose, but they have a different function.
But aren’t trolls fun to fight with?
We are not big on trolls and fighting trolls here.
Creating discourse can reflect poorly on membership status of all those involved, be it trolls or those who verbally spar with them.
Fighting trolls is best done on other sites.
It was a rhetorical question, but thanks for the info. I meant no offense, of course.
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