Social Question

NaNoWriMo has officially commenced. Care to share your progress, trials and tribulations? SUPPORT GROUP, HO!
National Novel Writing Month has started. A bunch of us already know this and have given links to our profiles here. But even if you aren’t participating, please, read on to the end!
That’s all fine and dandy, but I expect we will run into trouble, more than likely sooner than later. Here lies Fluther’s NaNoWriMo Super Support Group Happy Awesome Fun Time Show.
Firstly, if you don’t want to share you profile, that’s fine. But what I’d like is for this to act as a complementary device to NaNoWriMo – that is, share your progress, excerpts (if you feel so inclined), and questions (What boat does my character have, how can I make it believable?). I want to discuss not only ideas, but how to execute them, from an authorial standpoint.
For example, I might ask: “How do you go about penning a nigh omnipotent character without sacrificing the aura of human condition?”
Then, Jeruba would hop in and say: “Realize that this character is only omnipotent within his boundaries. If he cannot control the dust storms on Planet X, then he is not truly omnipotent.”
Then we all bask in Jeruba’s infinite knowledge and be jealous and shit.
So, start. As I said above, if you aren’t participating, please follow this thread or write something below – the more ideas and support we have, the better. If all goes well, can can guarantee thoughtful discussion not only on the myriad of ideas we (NaNoWriMos) have, but on how to craft character, plot, setting, climax, etc. Everyone can gain something, here.
For starters, mind exercise. Tell us what your novel will be about in two sentences or less.
Happy writing, and let’s all emerge December victorious; as amateur novelists.