Why are there so many questions about how people give out lurve?
I’m interested in a sociological understanding of this phenomenon. It seems like a lot of people are concerned about fitting in, but they choose lurve as their focus. Why the focus on lurve? Do they want to be fair, and are checking out what others do? Or are they looking for something else? Is this part of an effort to create social norms? If so, how come some people ask, but others don’t?
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61 Answers
The artificiality of acceptance by your peers based on Lurve is the main reason behind why I have decided to continue cancelling my present and future Fluther accounts at 10K and start anew each time.
This isn’t the whole reason, but it is enough to pique your curiosity, is it not?
Because Lurve is an arbitrary number.
Higher lurve is perceived as higher intelligence, and higher stature. That’s all, really; people want that instant recognition.
@Psychedelic_Zebra First you have to get to 10k. Why not restart every 7 days and take Lurve out of the picture?
As for me, I want more! More, I say!
Me too.
@pdworkin is beating me. Dammit, I’ve been here longer!
@pdworkin I got there as evelyns_pet_zebra, and I’ll do it again. Shit, I made it to 2554 without even trying this time around.
But when you get there, @pdworkin, I’ll be there to give you congrats and lurve.
@Grisaille according to your logic, @AstroChuck is more than 20 times smarter than @pdworkin, which I know just ain’t true.
Because getting lurve is just as popular as knowing “why does he act like he doesn’t like her?”.
It’s like a status symbol really. The more lurve you have, the more you’re recognised as a participating member of the community (or “collective” as we Flutherites like to say). I personally think that it’s genius how Bendrew prevented the gaming of the system by the lurve cap. And it’s this desire for feeling wanted and appreciated that keeps people coming back for more.
Personally, it’s a goal of mine to eventually reach 10K, after which I’ll be happy. Then I might just start again, just for fun and just to see how long it takes me to reach 10K all over.
Ah heck what am I saying? I’m only 4190. Still a long way to go….
@pdworkin What the… You’re at 9573 already? How did you do that?
I think there are a lot of questions about lurve because it is an interesting topic. As you can see ^^ there are different viewpoints about what it means, and how people value it.
@Psychedelic_Zebra I will be there to give you lurve no matter what derivation of zebra you are.
@all – Now, give me your lurve.
@Grisaille your answer proves one of my points, that people place far too much importance on the acceptance of their Fluther peers based on arbitrary lurve points. I find the people with well-thought out answers, and individual tastes that aren’t herd-think deserve the lurve, not the sheep who follow the crowd in order to not make waves.
@Psychedelic_Zebra I’m sorry. I wasn’t clear. I have no doubt you can do it. I’ve seen you do it. My question is, why have it be an issue at all?
As for me, I am validated by my Lurve alone, and reckon each day’s success or failure with it’s inexorable fluctuations.
I have hired certain men to deal with Our Founders for having constructed a scheme by which my fans “max out”. If not for that, I would dominate, I tell you!
@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities Lurve given, and gladly, for having the longest Fluther name in existence and being the sort of guy I would have at my back anytime.
@Saturated_Brain, now you get it. 10K is a goal, and then after that, it is nothing but artificial accolades for those who prefer cliques to individuality.—If you ever meet an iconoclast that isn’t an asshole, he really isn’t an iconoclast.
it’s cuz yous a lurve whore, dawg
@pdworkin No doubt you would dominate. I’m pretty sure your rise to 10K will be the fastest in Fluther history.
@Psychedelic_Zebra Everytime I login I ask myself why I picked such a long goddamn name.
If not, someone will die. You know who you are.
are you going to make us choose between Harvey Dent and Rachel Dawes?
I thought I had the trademark on Butterface™
Uh, People? Could I gently refocus you on the question? I.e., why are there so many questions about lurve. I’m not asking you what lurve means to you. I’m asking you to think about what people talk about it so much.
Thanks so much ;-)
I think you are getting your answer, @daloon. People are anxious about it because they see it as an index to their personal value on Fluther.
Lurve points? What are lurve points? Don’t matter to me at all!
Was this a GA? huh, huh?
looks down at total.
Ah.. Whoopsie.
Fine. Lurve is so ambiguous. To me, it can be a status symbol or a symbol of how appreciated I find myself to be. To @Grisaille it can be an indicator of how intelligent he is (there, there folks; stroke the ego gently). To guys like @Psychedelic_Zebra It ends up being a tiresome system which he gladly throws off at the end of each Lurve Cycle.
Thing is, Bendrew have never told us what lurve is supposed to really mean. The many questions and discussions on lurve probably have something to do with the many differing opinions on what lurve is supposed to be. Those who ask about lurve get their responses, from those who do ask and those who don’t.
And why the focus on lurve? Well, it’s the most obvious thing right? I can’t exactly judge you much based on your avatar (hi there smiling map butt). But I can judge you based on a non-permanent index of your contribution to this place (again, this is just my perception of what lurve is. Feel free to shoot me down).
@pdworkin I don’t think you are chopped liver, its’ just that I have given you so much lurve this week I am really expecting an engagement ring, or at least a nice bunch of roses.
I want you to get to 10K, then perhaps you’ll see my point. 10K changes ya, man, it changes ya, and you can’t ever go back.~
Personally, my life has no meaning or value without the Lurve system. I brood on it constantly.
If I do get to 10k I hope you will Party as if I were @YARNLADY.
@pdworkin: I’ll treat you to tea in Hudson. Big Whoop.
@Saturated_Brain That is interesting. I think you are right that with the ambiguity about what lurve was created to mean, it does become a matter of speculation. And that could be the subtext of all these questions about lurve. GA!
@pdworkin Nothing skeers you! What are you, two plums short of a pudding?
@gailcalled Don’t sell yourself short. I’m pretty sure that at least half of fluther would love to have tea with you, and the other half just don’t know you well enough.
@pdworkin GA for ‘Our Founders’ rather than Bendrew.
I thought it was Benrewtim?
saying Our Founders makes me think of Ben, Andrew, and Tim in powdered wigs and long black frock coats.
@Dog yeah, but I am a betting man, and I am betting that Tim will be a rising star like none has ever seen, even back 2,000 yrs ago, when a certain star heralded the arrival of a man destined to have sex with a virgin to give birth to himself, to die, and rise up as a zombie, and…well, you know the rest of the story.
You watch, Tim shall be more than the sum of his parts. As Monty Python would put it, ” I am known by many names, but you can call me…Tim.”
@Psychedelic_Zebra People are always saying that someone is more than the sum of his parts, but i think “the parts” usually says it all.
@all Just read this whole thread and it sounds like the boys were having a lurve pissing contest. Can us girls play too?
If you can piss you can play.
Do you have to be able to aim?
If you can’t write “Jan” in the snow, I would say you can’t play on the basis of being insufficiently dexterous. It’s 3 letters, fer Christ’s sake.
Give me a buzz when it snows and we’ll see what I can do.
I should give you a buzz? You’re the one who wants to play.
Because lurve is a many splendored thing. I was never very good at it in real life and I’m not much better at it in here.
I often am surprised at the sort of responses that get lurve, it is interesting to observe and is probably indicative of why I am a loner, I often just don’t get it???
@AstroChuck – thank you ug (and look I did get lots of lurve for that one!)
@rooeytoo I lurve you so much, I could be your own personal Je, er, stalker.
@Psychedelic_Zebra – Why thank you kind sir! That would be a first, so far in my life, I have only been stalked by hungry children and dogs! A polka-dotted clown named zebra would be a welcome change!
@all See the girls can play good too! Yay for rooeytoo!
Because people are genuinely interested in the lurve system and what it means. The variant lies in the perceived meaning for individual users and what they hope to accomplish or not as part of the collective. It can be seen as “popularity points” or a marker for perceived or projected intelligence.. or maybe it just shows people that their contributions are appreciated from time to time. The real question isn’t why are people so hung up on lurve, but why instead of trying to fit in we aren’t more concerned with making others feel accepted. I think we might just have our priorities flipped.
Also… i thought the term was “Bendrim” not “Bendrewtim” or any other variation there of
it is “Bendrim”. so named because they herald from the highest level of angels
But “Benimdrew” has a certain ring to it don’t ya think?
Psht. Tyranny of the majority. Fine then. “Bendrim” it is! <mumbles sorely>
@Dr_C Oh don’t make me go there baby. Not on a full stomach.
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