Have you ever had to sacrifice anything for your S.O.?
Asked by
adri027 (
November 2nd, 2009
I ask this question because, I wear this lip balm from lush its called Honey Trap and I absolutely love it. My husband recently told me that he hates it because it makes him feel like he can’t breathe and now I can’t wear it, well around him. So I want to know what my fellow jellies have in store for this question.
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35 Answers
You mean like money, freedom, hobbies. Mostly I stopped playing computer games. I totally geek out once in awhile though when a new one comes out.
Playstation time!
Fishing Trips!
Nights out with the lads!
I can’t use Angel shower gel when he is in town.
I moved more than once to follow his career (but he is the bread winner and I benefit from his income, I don’t have to work full time).
I don’t cook broccoli or wheatina when he is in the house.
I go to bed without the tv on.
Wow, I couldn’t imagine not having to give up a lot of things for your SO.
The thing we both give up is time together. She lets me do the things I like alone, like Woody Allen movies, and I let her do that too, like her sewing and shopping.
Not anything major, but similarly to you, my husband does not like moderate scents. Anything over a whisper is too much. I have linen sprays and perfumes that I don’t use as often as I’d like because he doesn’t like them.
Other than that, he’s done most of the sacrificing. I swear I’ll make it up to him one day.
I had to sacrifice my relationships with all of my family members for 7 seven years for my SO…never never again!! I don’t plan on sacrificing anything ever again… if something is in my life it is there for a reason.
In terms of your lip balm…hmmm it’s not a complete sacrifice is it…you can still wear it when you’re not around him i guess… but then…I’d be inclined to question exactly.. Does it really stop him breathing?? I mean allergically? One could always request him to be a little more tolerant…:-/
@lynneblundell I agree its not a complete sacrifice I was about to incorparate that in the details actually, I’ve been wearing this lip balm for two years and I’ve been with him for that long so it is odd but he comletely freaks out saying he feels its hard for him to breathe that its a heavy scent that blocks his nasal passages idk he’s crazy lol
I would not wear it around him if he doesn’t like it, he doesn’t have to be dying for me to respect his preference. Seems like a minor thing. Unless, he is a controlling nut job on everything, that would be a different story.
I love my Converse. Love them. The boy hates them.
They’ve been relegated to only being worn for work.
Life is hard.~
Further Education
I had just started my Masters Degree when we got the call to go adopt my daughter in China (we were waiting two years). So I dropped out intending to return in a few months when things settled down. When the time rolled around, my wife was really itching to study for and take the bar exam. As we couldn’t afford both (in time and money), I agreed she could pursue that instead.
Ironically, she never passed the bar (three tries later) and life got too hectic for me to get back to school (deaths, job loss, etc.).
Someday. maybe
Um, when I make a salad I have to put the cucumber in a seperate bowl because it freaks him out, he can’t eat cucumber for some odd reason that is unknown to us :P (Weird phobia; I love his quarks!) And he likes scary movies but won’t watch them anymore because they scare me sooo bad! But that’s really about it :\ I think we both really respect what makes the other happy and are both just happy to see the other happy :D
Wow, I never thought about this.. Really? Cucumber and Scary Movies? Haha!
my wife doesnt like it when i spend time writing, as i could be doing more important things.
I cant drink at all because it pisses her off, so every once in a while i buy some.
I can’t go out with my friends from work, because i should be making friends at church.
I cant stay home and watch football on sundays, because of church.
I cant watch movies that have alot of swearing or any nudity at all, even if it is relevant to the plot, and even if the kids are asleep.
there are more, but im too pissed about another argument/discussion she chose to have about money right while im doing homework, right before school, so now im riled up. Always willing to berate me about money, never willing to have relationship conversations.
If you haven’t sacrificed a single thing than you have found the perfect spouse. Congrats!
Lip balnm is a damn small sacrifice.
I’m not watching the world series because that time of day is o ur only real time to talk.I don’t have as much time for language study. I have to sneak around my family.
@MrBr00ks : I feel sorry for you, man. She sounds a bit controlling. Are you normally a church-going person?
@MrBr00ks Were you aware of these things before you got married?
My peace of mind! My boyfriend has hobbies that are a little extreme and could be dangerous if he does not pay attention 100% of the time.
@cprevite are you two still together? I hope you get back to school at some point.
@MrBr00ks <sad>
My boyfriend actually made it a big point to not have to sacrifice things for each other that would make us really sad. And other than brushing my teeth after “chinese” food because he doesn’t like the taste in kisses (which I implemented and he didn’t ask for) I can’t really think of anything that we’ve done like that. I moved away from my family to be with him while he continued his education but he specifically didn’t want me to make that decision but i wanted to, to be with him. So we really haven’t asked each other to change habits, that I can think of.
I sacrificed my sanity while married to my first wife. It wasn’t worth it in the long run.
I’ve willingly given up things for an SO like alcohol, smoking, drugs, questionable flirting, excessive internet time, stuff like that but I’ve never felt embittered or put out.
Casual sex with drunken sluts.
I would never give up something that did not directly affect our relationship. So what if she doesn’t like my clothes, or my hair, or my make-up choice. If I need to sacrifice new shoes to pay a bill or some me time for some us time, I have absolutely no problem. I don’t even consider it a sacrifice. It’s what you do when you are in a relationship.
Not big things. We tend to do more compromising than sacrificing. It usually comes down to who cares more about the thing we’re talking about and who’s more flexible at the time. Often there’s a way for both people to get what they want most without having to sacrifice anything.
If not wearing lip balm around the guy is your biggest worry then you’re doing alright.
thanks, and yes, I do go to church, but I shouldn’t be forced to or made to feel like crap if I stay home. I do not feel it is necessary to go all the time. This is the second time we have been married. To each other. Surprised?
@MrBr00ks Well you sound a bit miserable…why’d you try a second time if you don’t mind me asking?
@Iclamae: Oh sure – we’ve been married for thirteen years (together twenty-one). This all happened over the past five years or so. Now that things are calming down, she’s pushing me to go back to school.
because I thought i would be more miserable without her, and I still think i would be, just not by much sometimes. She is amazing when she is not acting like she is angry at everything.
He cant..breathe? Because of lip balm??
@pinkparaluies The scent to the lip balm is VERY strong. It straight up smells like vanilla and honey.
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