As I understand it, in the original Palestinian mandate of the 1920’s-1930’s, Britain gave over 70% of the original land called “Palestine” to the Palestinians. The land was east of the Jordan river and was called “Trans-Jordan” at the time. The intention of the Brits was to give Trans-Jordan to the Palestinians and the small piece of land west of the Jordan river to the Jews. When the new mandate was being created in the late 1940’s, the Arabs in Trans-Jordan up and declared themselves an independent nation, claiming no ties to the Palestinians west of the river, even though technically, culturally and historically they are the same ethnic group. This left a sizable population of Arabs without a land, creating the modern day conflict. I could be way off about this, but it seems to me that it was the nation of Jordan that took away land from the Palestinians, not the Israelis. I believe you can read up on the details of this on Wikipedia.
It is not in the interest of most Arab nations to fix this problem because it gives them a common enemy to unite their people against. I might sound like a conspiracy theorist, but does anyone really believe that the Arab governments, like the Saudi Arabian government, are not corrupt? The royal families control billions of dollars of wealth while allowing their citizens to live in poverty. They live carefree, Western-influenced lives of extravagance and decadence, while pushing fundamentalism on its people. The best way to distract your citizens from the corruption of the government is to give them an enemy to rally against and a holy mission in life. Hell, Dubya did it to the American people a few short years ago with the war on Iraq.
Ok, back to the OP questions: Yes, I support Israel for lots of different reasons. I think of that land as the final refuge of the Jews. Even in the freedom of America, I still think that things could go sour for Jews yet again (history does repeat itself) and I imagine I’d be forced to run off to Israel. I also believe the Jews have earned that land. They took what was basically a desert and turned it into a fertile paradise. For the work the Jews put in to the land, they deserve to keep it.
As for solutions, I have no idea. The way the land is being cut-up does not seem reasonable because either Israel or Palestine will have to be cut in half to the connect the Gaza and West Bank areas. The US didn’t require Canada to cede a thin strip of land to connect Washington State to Alaska, but this seems to be what they want to do in Israel. Still, two-states seems better than what’s happening right now.
I sometimes wonder how feasible Israel is as a nation. If Arabs were allowed full citizenship, they would quickly become a majority, effectively turning Israel into an Arab state. So in this global age, Israel has to protect its existence by only allowing Jewish citizens? I just don’t know how this could be sustained for a long period of time.
The Holocaust definitely gave more weight to the Zionist movement of the time. If the Holocaust didn’t happen, I suspect Israel might have come to fruition at a much later date or we would have a very strong Zionist movement today.