Social Question

mowens's avatar

What do you call your family members around your other family members?

Asked by mowens (8410points) November 2nd, 2009

Growing up, whenever I was talking to my sisters about my dad or my mom, I would say: “Hey, have you talked to Dad today?” Some good friends of mine I went to college with are brothers. When they talk about their mom or dad (or even sister) they say “Hey, have you talked to our Dad today?” Or, “Did you hear what our Mom said?” I had never heard someone refer to their family in quite that manner. Just curious.

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18 Answers

burner959's avatar

I say “did you talk to mom today”

JLeslie's avatar

I use “have you talked to mom,” when I am speaking to my sister. My exboyfriend used “my mom” instead of our mom when talking to siblings which I found really odd; it was not in English.

Judi's avatar

I always get ticked off when my sister refers to our mom as “my Mom.”
I always say, “Hey, she’s MY MOM TOO!!”

J0E's avatar

“Mom” to siblings, “my Mom” to others.

MrItty's avatar

Mom, Dad, Mom & Dad, our mother, our father, our parents.

Any of those are used with equal frequency.

But “our Mom” sounds weird. For all intents and purposes, “Mom” is a name. Mother is the title or relation.

hug_of_war's avatar

I just say mom or dad. I had a friend who last time we talked, we were both 20 and she only calls her parents mommy and daddy, which I thought was kind of weird considering her age and she had never called them mom or dad.

tedibear's avatar

In referring to my mom to one of my sisters, I would say, “Did you talk to Mom today?” The confusing thing in our family was when my sister would be there with her children. I would say, “Go ask mom for thus-and-such,” meaning my mom. They would go to their mom. I finally realized that I needed to say “grandma.” If I’m referring to my mother-in-law and I’m talking to my husband, I still say, “Did you talk to Mom today?” because I call her mom.

While I have heard your other example, I too find it a little odd.

Judi's avatar

My Mom refers to her parents as Mother and Daddy. I never knew my grand parents, but the way she refers to them makes me wonder about the nature of their relationships.

mowens's avatar

@MrItty I agree, it is a little odd.It’s always bothered me… I can’t really say why. I always ask them, why do you say that to each other? Isn’t it implied? Why would you talk to someone elses mom? And if you did, why wouldn’t you say “Have you talked to Bill’s Mom?”

Jude's avatar

We (the kids of the family) would say “Have you talked to Dad, today?”. Never “our Dad”. Actually, my one bro calls my Dad, “Pop”.

erichw1504's avatar

What is actually embarrassing is that a couple times when talking to my dad who has been divorced from my mom for a few years, I would catch myself saying something like “I was talking to my mom yesterday…” instead of “I was talking to Mom yesterday”. Yea, it’s kind of sad and kind of weird on my part.

JLeslie's avatar

@Judi Mother and Daddy. Does she dislike her mom? I still use mommy and daddy at times, especially when talking directly to them.

Judi's avatar

I don’t think she dislikes her mom. I have asked her and she says, “No, that’s just the way I was raised.”

Beta_Orionis's avatar

Actually, I never call my mom or dad by those names.
They retain the nicknames I gave them long ago even to this day.

Whether to it’s a family member or a friend who is familar with my parents it is
“Did you talk to (Chicken / Chicken-Mommy)?”
Or “Have you heard from Da’ee?”
Referring to them is always along the lines of ”(Chicken / Da’ee) told me…”

SpatzieLover's avatar

@Judi Ugh! My sister does that too. It irks me! “My dad said…” I talked to my mom today…” I live with our mom and she still calls says that.

MacBean's avatar

When talking to my sister, I call my parents “mom” and “dad.” When I’m talking to other people about them, they are “my mother” and “Daddy.” (@JLeslie: Yes, I dislike my mother.)

@Beta_Orionis: I really love that you call your mother “Chicken-Mommy.” socute.

JLeslie's avatar

I still use mommy and daddy sometimes when I address them directly. I have a friend who still uses those also, even when just talking about them to me.

Skaggfacemutt's avatar

@mowens Saying “our dad” does sound weird. However, when I lived in the U.K., they often call their family members “our.” For instance, “our Mary” or “our John”, even when they are talking to that person, such as “what do you think, our Mary?”

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