Yes…...dozens. But the truth of the matter is that all those “strange evil” things are not things that should be sought, courted, played with etc…because the energy stays with you and may be detrimental to your life.
I’ve only had one distressing thing happen to me….but I will say that I have had dozens of good paranormal experiences…..positive ones that did not involve ghosts, demons or hauntings. I’ve never gotten the point of that….because basically you are messing with low level entities that you are inviting in. Low level entities lurk in the astral…and can wreak havoc. When this happens, you need to have a house clearing. That is, you have to cleanse the house with prayer and sage and send the entity away. This usually works. Someone above wrote about hearing a “sobbing woman” and that may mean that she is trapped still between this plane and the higher plane and needs to be guided there. It can be disturbing if you are living in a house that has those energies, but they can be shifted.
It’s interesting that because of the media….people assume that paranormal means hauntings, demons, things that go bump in the night….not so.
Positive paranormal experiences…..? Remembering past lives, having something miraculous happen….seeing UFO’s….or meeting someone that changed your life….dreams that came true…..finding something that you thought you had lost forever….being led to a certain street and finding a house that you had been looking for…
To me, the haunting stuff….aka “Blair Witch” stuff…is really interesting, but it does not enhance your life in any way…except for a thrill. Levitating Buddhist monks in Nepal…now that’s a paranormal experience that comes out of practices that enhance your inner well being. Going to Lourdes and immersing yourself in a pool of water and being cured of cancer….that’s a paranormal experience that leads to good. Meeting a stranger in a cafe who gives you amazing information and when you turn to thank them, they have disappeared….that’s paranormal in the positive.
Paranormal means “secondary (different) to the normal”. So that means anything that happens that is outside the basic reality we experience….and that isn’t all Halloween stuff.
I guess I feel there is enough in life to haunt us, possess us and frighten the beejeebies out of us….why go looking for more bad stuff? If you want to see paranormal and incorporate it into your daily life….positively…start reading about positive paranormal stuff. Don’t dwell on the negative. If your house is “haunted” get it cleansed as its important for you to have a clear space to live and work in…..truly.
Many years ago, when I first started investigating the positive paranormal and was about your age I read the books of Ruth Montgomery. That started me on a journey that continues to this day. (Not that I am ancient…I just feel that way.) But now there are millions of books available on every subject imaginable.
Life is too short to have some silly demonic trickster in your house. It’s not a game to be messed with.
If what people are looking for is “fright” and adrenaline….just watch the news…:)