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6rant6's avatar

Where to find modern plays on the internet I can print and read?

Asked by 6rant6 (13710points) November 2nd, 2009

I’ve got a group that reads plays occasionally. I’d like to find a source of plays that we can print without violating copyright laws.

I know about So most anything that’s not in current copyright I can get.

But I’m wondering if there’s not a collection of modern works that have had the rights made public – at least for printing if not for performance.

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3 Answers

faye's avatar

you could try i download movies and books from them.

finkelitis's avatar

All of Charles Mee’s plays are available online for free. Some are really excellent.

gciochina's avatar

you can try at, but this is kindof at the limit. i dont use this but my friends do… i myself like to google for “rare, particular” things using or (search engine for rapidshare)

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